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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. My wife has the gold version on a brown gator, and the "diamonds" look really good. It's very hard to photograph diamonds to capture the sparkle and light. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Moot point since you already got the phong case, but older MBW cases accepted gen movements. My 1665 has a gen 1570 movement in it, built by the famous,gone but sorely missed Ziggy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Go to the search window in the Rolex forum,top right side, type in freddy33 6542 and hit search. Just as and aside, if you are using tapatalk, you cannot search back far enough. You need to do the search from a computer, or if you are using a tablet you have to go to the RWGwebsite. Tapatalk only goes back a couple of months and then it repeats. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Another Red White and Blue. Have a great 4th everyone! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. First off, Ubi, that is a fabulous collection. I have watched your Patek builds over the years, and have liked every one of them. Watch collecting, accumulating and building are for most of us a dynamic and fluid process., like life itself. Life is a journey, and we all change over the course of the journey. I doubt that there are many here who have been in this game for more than a few years have the exact same interests that they had years ago. Some of us over time have gone full circle, returning to the watches that first caught our eyes many years ago. Those first Rolex 1665's, 1680's and their contemporaries were cast aside for newer, more complicated, bigger, gaudy watches. But over time, as one get's older, there is a slow but inexorable turn toward simplicity, not only in watches, but in all aspects of life. We pass through phases in life, and as some have described, our tastes mature as we go forward. I see a lot of beautiful contemporary watches, and they certainly sing the sirens song, but with most of them, it is pretty easy to suppress the urge to own them. It's sort of like seeing a beautiful 25 year old woman, certainly a lovely work of art and most desirable, but at my age, best admired from afar with fond thoughts of time gone by. Same with watches, some are lovely to look at, but best seen on someone else's wrist. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Still in all, had the guy been a "closet" Rolex guy, you could have been in a potentially embarrassing situation. Would have been pretty bad had the guy handed the watch back to you and said "nice fake" and at the same time the Breitling buyer picks up his money and takes off!! That's why we have rules here about wearing your reps into and AD, even if it's not that brand's AD. Some of the old guys have and amazing knowledge of watches and they handle plenty of them over time, and not all are their brands. Best not to temp fate.
  7. That is fantastic. I need this for my Ceramic GMT!!!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. The hands (hour) need to be between 3 and 9. I set my 7750's and especially my GMT's that have an ETA 2893-2, to around 6:30 , set the date and then the time. As Tom Horn said, the 7750's are fine except for the ones that have the extra gear train added to change the seconds hand. Examples are the AP ROO chronos with sec@12 and the modern Rolex Daytonas with sec@6. These are known to have problems. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. It is very, very close. Probably one of the best AP reps. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. The ST case is a gen case replacement, so all gen parts should fit. Matt built my 16613 with a ST case, gen dial, crown/ tube and Crystal along with an 18k aftermarket bezel and gen insert. I believe that everything fit with no problems. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. That thing is huge!!! There aren't many guys who could pull this one off. Probably like having a small brick on your wrist. Buy two and wear one on each wrist, no need to go to the gym, arm workouts at your desk!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. I agree, there is nothing like a genuine bezel and insert on these. The fonts on the reps are too thin, and not deep enough, plus nothing that I have seen is as good as the real platinum that Rolex uses.
  14. Pretty much a no brainer, the noob is 200.00 USD cheaper, and our resident expert has spoken, "noob is better" You can always change the strap later if you so desire.
  15. To make it authentic, the 2836 movement is incorrect. It's a fast beat movement (28800) and the original 1680 movement was a 1570 that has a beat rate of 19800. Outside of a gen movement, the next best alternative us an ETA2846 which has a 21600 beat rate. I'm sure to many, this is "splitting hairs" but if you want it to be as close to a gen as possible, this is part of the equation. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Nice vacation. That Hublot shop looks like the one in the Atlantis? Did you stay there? Wife and I went for a conference back in December a year ago. Really enjoyed the restaurants, pools and beach. Quite a few upscale shops and nice watch shopping in the hotel. And of course the casino!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Am I behind, or is today not the 21st!! Summer Solstice, and Fathers Day? Lunch today, son and daughter in law and grandkids taking me out. Maybe this one for Today Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. That is a great story!! Amazing how some folks intellectual curiosity will compel them to read and research far more than the average person. Luckily for you your watch was fated to fall into the hands I'd such a person. Great that you got it back, and kudos to the curious watchmaker who made it possible. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Big A, You know we are here for you. And I know that you are hurting right now, the deepest hurt that a man can have when a loved one is taken away in a terrible tragedy like this. Time will heal, I can assure you of that, at some point, those dark, dark clouds will part just a bit and you will see a ray of sunshine. it's a slow and anguishing process, and there will be times that those dark clouds gather and you feel like things will never get better, but they will. Cherish your dear mothers memory, remember the good days you had together and keep those memories close. And my friend, as Gen. Douglas McArthur told the people of the Philippines, I shall return, so shall you. It will take time but I have no doubt that you will emerge a stronger man. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. A perfect replica of a pen should be a slam dunk!!! No moving parts except the retractor mechanism in the ballpoint. Biggest problem with the fountain pens would be the nib, as a good gold nib probably costs more than the rest of the pen to make. Get a rep pen and find a good gen nib, and you are in business. But then, you young guys don't use fountain pens, right? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. No he is not in the CONUS. Obviously you haven't visited the General Discussion area to read Mike on a Bike's post thread. Legend recently suffered a huge personal tragedy, and is not active now. If an when he comes back on the forum, I'm sure he will post and update to the project. In the meantime enjoy your Silver Themes like it is, it's a very nice example of the AP ROO's
  22. 16750 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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