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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. AP diver V7 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Glad to see you checking in, and certainly glad that you are hanging in there. Are you on a transplant list? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. This is a part of my continuing GMTIIC saga. Way back in 2009, I bought a GMT IIC off a fellow member. II thought it was pretty good until I posted some photos, and several member told me just how bad it was!! At any rate fast forward a couple of years, and I had and opportunity to buy a gen crystal, followed shortly by a gen bezel/inset and a dial. Our fellow member sneed12 undertook the modding job which was to replace the crystal, bezel and dial. I sent the watch to him, and shortly he informed me that my case would not work as it was not gen like construction, but he had a case that would fit, which he used. This was I believe a BP case.He put everything together and shipped the watch back, it has been a fairly regular wearer for several years. The only problem was I had a really nice watch that had several key gen parts, but the movement was the infamous ICHS (Incorrect hand stack). This really didn't bother me too much, but during the time of day or night when the hour hand crawled over the top of the GMT hand, it was and instant tell. I was not happy with this, but there were no real alternatives as sneed told me that he didn't think the rep CHS movement would work easily with the gen dial which he said was thicker. Then a couple of months ago, I found the solution, offered by our own master watchmaker misiekped. Yuki movement converted to GMT with gen Rolex parts Only problem, he didn't want to use the BP case, so I dove in and bought a noob V2. Both watches were sent up to him, and both bracelets stayed with me. And by the way, I can't wait to get my finished watch back. with the addition of the yuki modified movement and gen hands, it should be a real "show stopper" Now to the real reason for the post. I have read a lot over the past few months about the noob bracelet and how bad it is. There are posts on other forums that really throw this one under the bus. So while I had both a noob and BP bracelet in hand, I decided to take a few photos of them side by side and hopefully some of the experts can weigh in and explain exactly what's wrong with the noob bracelet. with my feeble old eyes, I can see some differences, but really nothing just jumps out and hits me in the head!! Here are the bracelets. In the photos, the noob is on the left in the side by side photos and on top in the others. Hopefully folks can explain just what the differences are and which is more gen like. Feel free to use the photos, draw arrows, circle the offending part, etc.
  4. Probably never. At least not a believable rep. Also who can pull off a 840k watch? Let me give you and example of the problems inherent with wearing a rep of a super expensive watch. I have a lot of colleagues, physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners who play golf. We live in the South, Bubba Watson is from the South. Now the vast majority of my colleagues don't know a Timex from a Rolex, but while watching the masters, someone commented on that "white watch" that Bubba is wearing. They Googled "Bubba Watson's watch" now every one of those guys know that his watch is a Richard Mille and it's a priced at over 500k. So guess what, even if I liked that watch, I could never wear one, as it would be recognized, and while I make a very good income, I'm definitely not in the 500k watch category. So my point is, the only folks who can pull these off are the folks who can afford the real ones! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Congratulations on your new addition to your family.
  6. Those are probably the all time best bargains in well made rugged "tool" watches. You kicked it up a couple of notches, looks great!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. MK II Kingston Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Joey, Every time I read your story, I laugh. That is a great tale, and who knows, you may be right!!!! No one else has any more proof that their version is any more accurate than yours. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. That is an outstanding AP my friend!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I too am a fan of the white lume, maybe not milk white but more a creamy white. Here is mine, gen dial, built by mymanmatt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Got to go right handed for a while. Not my choice, can't wear anything on my left wrist for a while!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Thanks Sir, but you are right I need the old folded link. Appreciate the help though.
  13. Was wearing my 6542 on my old Jubilee, felt something pinching my arm. Took the watch off and sure enough one of the folded connector links was broken. Not wearable as there is only the one on the other side to hold the band together. Wondering if anyone might have a couple of these folded links lying around in their parts bin. Looked online, saw a link set with three of the folded connector links from ChronoShop in France. Price was 20 Euros, which was OK, but they want another 35 Euros for shipping !! Seems like Hiway robbery to me. If anyone has a couple will be more than happy to pay for them plus postage. Thanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Close is fine with horseshoes and hand grenades, but with movements, it has to be the same dimensions as the 2846, stem height, etc. I would stick with the 2846. Of course it wouldn't hurt to try it and see if it fits, who knows, it might work. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. You are correct, the Rolex of that era was very different in that they made a lot of limited run watches, from watches for sporting events, jewelers,military forces, private companies, which is quite different from today. The one constant though is the companies history of not releasing any information about their products. Rolex SA could settle this argument in 5 minutes! Simple statement, "yes there were white dial 6542's or, no we never produced a white dial 6542." But they won't so the speculation goes on. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. I've commented on this topic several times before, but while I really want to believe that the white dial 6542's really exist, I find it very troubling that up til now, not one shred of evidence to support their purchase by PanAm has been forthcoming. It would seem that over the years someone who owned, or inherited one of these watches would have presented some documentation to support the fact that the watch was presented to the owner by PanAm. Even and old photo of a PanAm executive wearing his white dial 6542 would go a long way toward settling the controversy once and for all. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Beautiful !! Where might one find this model? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Mine is still screwed up! Now the threads will only show 20 posts and then they go back to the first post. I reset my "posts per page" to 50, but it still only shows 20 and then repeats. Tapatalk's version of Groundhog Day !! Get's worse with every upgrade. Also, on my phone it will not let me quote a post, but my IPad will. Getting stranger and stranger! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Looks familiar!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk No watch on the left wrist for a while!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. You need to get the one that fits your case. Different height, different stem positions, not a "drop in" swap. When you deal with watches, you are talking hundreds of an inch or thousands of and inch. Just because it looks like it will fit, doesn't mean it will!! You can sometimes make things fit with different movement rings, spacers, etc. but if something is "made to fit" it will generally be more trouble free than something that is "adapted to fit". Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. I had a couple of dealings with Schildking, and they were seamless. Both were a couple of years back, so obviously the greed factor took over and a guy who started out as honest and above board, turned into a scammer. Sorry to hear the news, but I'm really happy that the mods here are looking out for the best interests of the community. Unfortunately, you can't be too careful these days and it's good to have vigilant moderators. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. Can't go wrong with the V7. To me the best "out the box" AP rep going. I have one with a Tissot Powermatic 80 movement and a single AR Crystal and it's one of my favorite watches. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Is it only me or Tapatalk, but the threads are not in any chronological order, first thread may be from July 20 th, next from 16 hours ago and the next from 3 hours ago. This repeats all through the forum, no order to the posts. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. It's absolutely insane the way this guy packed your watch. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon at all. I got watches back from REX on RGM who was a watch repair person and should have known better, wrapped up in one of those soft FedEx envelopes, then inside a USPS soft envelope! And he was surprised when the watches arrived broken! Same from other members. No padding, regular envelope, terrible way to pack. I have sold a lot of watches, gen and rep over the years, and thus far no problems, but I try to make my packages "bomb proof". Watch wrapped in bubble wrap, surrounded by packing peanuts, inside a hard sided box. Outside a legible printed label. And lots of tape to secure the box. The way AJ's watch was packed, anyone handling the package could feel the shape of a watch inside, slide the package in their pocket, take a break, one slit with a box cutter, watch falls out, empty package returns to the line and Bingo! Some thief has a nice new watch. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Just make sure they don't wear blue!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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