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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. I don't want to see it!!!!! He already has the most amazing collection of AP's around. Just kidding, Mr A has been my mentor, friend and has really helped this old man in his mostly stumbling AP quest, and thanks to him, he has rescued me from a couple of blunders. Only he knows how much he has helped me to achieve better and more dependable AP Reps. Markie, sorry to get off subject my apologies for digressing. I really like your FC. I would love to source a good hour hand and a better AR'ed crystal for my FC V3. Yours is much better in that respect. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Well done!! And a beautiful watch beautifully photographed. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Have a great day Sir, and may this be only one of many more Happy Birthdays!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Thank you very much Sir B!! You are much more benevolent than I !! I would have dropped the ban hammer on this idiot post haste. It shows this persons true character, total lack of compassion, no sense of propriety, in a time like this when a fellow member has suffered such a great loss. I have absolutely no tolerance for people like this. If you can't say something positive at a time like this, at least have the common decency to keep your thoughts to yourself. Having lost my wife of 38 years and both parents, I can say with certainty, at a time like this folks need a strong shoulder to lean on. I certainly have a huge amount of empathy for Mickey and his family during these trying times. I am proud to be a member of this community. And I am gratified by the care and help that has been shown by the vast majority of members here. Mickey, it takes a long time to heal, friends and family are the most important medicine that can be prescribed for that, and even with all that it is still difficult. Just be assured, we are here and we are here for you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi A, love the photo!! Did you transplant a Powermatic or do the slow beat mod? I have to agree about the hour hand on the V4 and the Ceramic, it's much better. my V3 is a slight grey.
  6. Here is my gen 16750 for comparison purposes you can see how small the 5.3 mm crown is. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Check the watch parts sales forums here, RG and RWI, I see them for sale pretty often. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Fraggle , if anyone ever came up with a dictionary that could accurately convert "man talk to woman talk" and more importantly convert what they say to what they really mean, well I would bet he wouldn't be buying rep watches!!! That would be a best seller in every known language!! I have found after many years of reasonably blissful marriage, never rush out and buy anything on the first" I really like this" I wait and bring it up again and then I ask her, are you sure you like this? If she is the least ambivalent at this stage, I wait some more, because chances are she will change her mind again!! Heck, considering women probably return over half of the things they buy for themselves, what chance do we have?? AFA handbags, I would never buy my wife a handbag! After all these years, I still haven't figured out what handbags she likes. She buys what she wants, I pay the credit card bill, everyone is happy. Then if she complains, she can't blame me! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Impossible to find a gen for anywhere near 1K. Biggest problem to me is the gen 1675/16750 uses a 5.3 mm crown. They are really small. All the rep 1675's use a 6mm crown. A 1675 build with a 6mm crown, no matter how good the rest of the watch is, is and instant tell. The only way to make it work, would be to laser weld to build up the insides of the CG's then reshape it to gen specs. Only then would you have a really accurate rep. I'm not sure you can build a really good one for 1K. If Rolex addict is indeed laser welding and reshaping cases, I would contact him for advice. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I recently gave my wife a rose gold AP Lady RO. PURETIME has a great selection with Bracelets as well as leather straps. Several of the real AP experts on the AP forum say that this is the most accurate AP rep of all. I think one of these either with or without "Diamonds" would be a great gift. My wife loves hers Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Mickey, My condolences to you and your family, I am so glad that you were able to get back to see your mother. Be happy in the respect that her suffering is over and she is in a better place. I know that words are not adequate to express the sorrow that family members feel upon the passing of a loved one. Be glad that in your case, your mother was lucid almost to the end. You were able to say goodby, and she was was in a state that she knew that you and your sister were there and knew that you loved her and she loved you. I was not so fortunate, my mother suffer from Altzhimer's that had progressed to the point that she did not recognize anyone. Saying goodby was very hard as we knew that she couldn't understand or acknowledge any of her family. Remember the good times you had together and let those good times help you through the bad times that you are going through now. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Mickey, so glad that you were able to spend time with your mom and she was responsive enough that she acknowledged that you were there. You will look back and thank God in Heaven for allowing you to spend this time with your mother. I know this is a very difficult time, and hopefully you will draw some comfort from knowing that there are a lot of folks out here who are praying for your mom and your whole family.
  13. I believe that some of the real AP experts would have to chime in here. I have seen a few dial/tachy combos over on RWI selling for less than 1k, have to be careful, as some are "mismatches" and some are well used. There are quite a few threads that comprehensively document their builds. Some have sold on the various forums, as well. The guys who have been into AP's for a while and are active modders seem to have established sources for parts. They are all saying that parts are getting harder to source and hence more expensive. AFA myself, I'm content to have these mods, a nice strap, better AR'ed crystal and cyclops and hands and dial relumed. Even with those, you are probably looking at having close to 1.5K in your modded watch. I know this is getting off topic, and hopefully my friend Legend will let me share this with you. First off, before you spend a ton of money modding up to a "super franken" think long and hard about the project. These are not for the faint of of heart! If the watch is not one that you plan to keep for a long,long time, you need to be prepared to take a big loss should you need to sell. The pool of available buyers for rep watches that sell for several thousand dollars is infinitesimally small. Lots of these watches end up getting broken apart and the components sold, as they just can't sell the watch. I would definitely try a couple of ROO's for size before I jump off the deep end into a full blown franken project. On most of my franken projects that I have sold, I feel lucky if I get 60% of my investment back. That's a big loss. Case in point, I just sold an AP V5 Diver, with serviced slow beat movement, relumed and running like a champ. I had over 800 USD in the watch alone, just sold today for 400.00 USD!! Half what I had in the watch. Just some advice from and old guy who's been around for a while. Do lots of research, budget your project and don't get in a big hurry. If you see a part that you need at a good price, buy it. If it's too expensive, or not quite what you want,pass. More will come along. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. I would replace the crystal with the proper crystal which is. a 125, not a 127 like the Rolex Subs. Little bit of difference in the cyclops position. Probably will want to start looking for a 9315 or 93150 bracelet as well!! Congratulations, these are nice watches. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Blue today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. If I have time this evening, I'm going to set. Up my camera, lights and light tent and take some more as well as a side by side with my Rose Gold. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I got a notice from them a couple of days ago, it seems that since their split with EBay, they are initiating some policy changes. Periodic verification of your account identity may be one of them. I have never had a problem, but I've had a bank account linked with them for years. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Just got this yesterday, M2M on another forum. Really like it, the blue dial is outstanding, even considering the wavy pattern on the extreme outside of the dial is missing. Was going to wait for a V2 to see if this issue was corrected, but considering this is probably not a top selling watch, corrected version may never happen, or maybe several years down the road. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Send it WU from a local WU outlet. Fees are a little cheaper than online (not possible for you anyway, no credit card!!) Bank transfers are expensive for international transfers as well, better to use WU. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. New and Blue Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Godspeed Sir, and have a safe flight and trip to the hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Drive safe AJ!!
  22. Personally, I don't like display backs on Divers. If a dive watch is a "Dive watch", then it's by my definition a tool watch. Dive watches have had closed backs primarily for one reason, it's safer from a water ingress standpoint. Of course, the AP diver is a diver, but it's not a "Dive watch" nobody except someone who is super rich is going to take a 15K+ watch 60 feet underwater. First because diving is hard on a watch, if you're in areas with lots of coral, it's inevitable that you are going to bang or scrape on coral heads, second getting back on a dive boat especially if the seas are a little rough is like trying to ride a mechanical bull at the state fair!! I have banged my watch, camera, dive computer on the steps or rails of dive boats plenty of times, just trying to get on the boat. All of the above is the main reason professional divers wear relatively inexpensive tough watches. I believe the primary reason AP went to the display back on Divers was to foil the rep makers, another exercise in futility. I believe that they are alarmed by the accuracy of the high end reps, and mistakenly believe that this will make it impossible to rep the divers. Sort of like Rolex using the etched coronet on the crystal and the Rolex, Rolex, Rolex engraving on the rehaut. Stopped those nasty fakers in their tracks didn't it? I think I'll just keep my V7
  23. They are all (gold plated) going to wear through eventually, but what the heck, you buy them to wear them,right? Time/ use/quality related. Better the plating less the wear. less time wearing less the wear. Another factor, they were plated once, they can be plated again. So if it was your favorite watch, and you wore it 20-30% of the time and it lasted 3-4 years, then it can be replated and last at least that long again. Some folks avoid gold plated like the plague, some folks just don't like gold, some feel that they can't pull off wearing gold, but if you are a "gold" person, I would buy it wear it and enjoy it.
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