I have owned this exact same replica model and I guarantee you that it doesn't have a jumping GMT hand. It has a jumping hour hand, period.
It's a nice rep but inferior to the Noobfactory version. This particular one has a nice bezel, crown and dial but has the fundamental problem of cyclops/datewheel positioned too much on the right. Also, the hour markers are too close to the minute ticks and the whole case design is inferior.
Actually it's very simple. If you want a good ExpII replica you'll get the Noobfactory black model from bklm1234. That's the only good ExpII replica. And no, there has never been a good white version. But if you insist on having an inferior ExpII replica, you can buy anything else. Including this watch. This is a nice rep but it doesn't make any sense to buy something when there's much better version available (just imho).
Here are some of my old shots of this exact replica: