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docthor last won the day on April 8 2019

docthor had the most liked content!

About docthor

  • Birthday 10/14/1970

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    Mostly staying alive...

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  1. That virus and so the pandemia was and still is real. Even though I'm on my fourth shot it got me a few weeks ago. I'm still alive so apperantly it takes more than a virus to get me down. But now I'm a bit more sick than I was before and God knows what would've happen to me without the vaccine. Be careful guys...it's still there!
  2. Just got notice from Paul about what happened. I feel for you and your family David. I'm very sad for never being able to meet him in person. But he always made me feel like we really know each other for real. He's one of that persons that can give emotions without a voice or physical presence. You're still living in my heart Bob. I always thought a lot of you, especially in Winter or when I saw something about Bears, and that remains. We're going to meet one day my friend. Cheers Thorsten
  3. Brothers Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  4. My first Longines Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  5. My first Longines Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  6. Same Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  7. Me Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  8. Me Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  9. Horny Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  10. Darknet Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  11. Piano Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
  12. . Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware . Sent with wooden drums via Tupperware
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