Sorry, Didnt want you to think i'm taking anything personal here.. Nor did I mean to offend you personally. Looking back, I probably overdid it with the word half-assed.. When I said half-assed, i meant your opinion.. which is not technical nor of any sound merit.. Its just an opinion you formed not based on breakdowns.. or research on the movement.
Just like you could say a toyota is a shitty, unreliable car. Research and statistics and general public image of the company would probably tell everyone else otherwise. With proper care and driving your toyota could last you 20 years.
Yes indeed you're entitled to your opinion, There's no doubt that a swiss ETA is a bit better than the A7750.. but it's also quite a bit more expensive and never a direct swap. If it's bought used, there's also no guarantee it will run better than a serviced A7750.. You wouldn't buy a car without having it serviced... why would you buy a watch that you like without getting it serviced? My point is that serviced.. both the Asian as well as the Swiss should run for years. That fact can't be disputed. The other undisputed fact is that you never know what you get from the factories.. and now that many dealers are oferring the swiss 7750.. there's no guarantee that because its swiss it will run better.. in fact, its very probable that the swiss 7750 they give you will be old stock, with possible dust, dirt and grime gumming up the movement.. in which case.. you're in the same boat as if you had bought the a7750.. In need of a service...
My sincere apologies Kal.. friendly spirited banter is always welcome, and I'm never one to purposely offend anyone if can be avoided. Rock on