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Everything posted by Shundi

  1. Hmm...I've noticed hiccups at times but the stats at the bottom are showing ~0.1469 second load times for most pages...
  2. What a jackass... sad to see that you've allocated most of your personality points to pig-headed and rather amusing attempts at bravado and sarcasm instead of a healthy dose of (as OI above me put it "intelligence and common sense"
  3. @ OI812 Glad you're enjoying it The original builder was member Avira, I'd suggest PMing him to see about his source for the aftermarket band
  4. Welcome BK! Can't wait to do business with you!!
  5. Lets go from here -----> to
  6. Interesting side note: To be Editor of Harvard's Law Review you need to: Contribute regularly and Write an essay and enter it into a competition for judgment. Then, and only then, do you have the CHANCE to be chosen as Editor. Obama: Never wrote an article for the Review until he was Editor and Never submitted any essay/competitive writing piece for judgment. I'm supporting either Bob Barr or McCain (probably Barr, even though he has no chance) in November. Hillary keeps shooting herself in the foot and Obama is, as one member pointed out, "A mile wide and an inch deep." Don't get me wrong, if he was a bit more centrist and had, oh I don't know, actually EXPERIENCE managing something larger than his office for more than 5-10 years, I'd consider him. This country needs a modified contractionary fiscal policy to get our debt in line and we need to stop wasting money. To clarify, McCain stated that he doesn't want to "stay in Iraq for 100 years" in the sense we are now, he wants to have the majority of the forces out by 2012 and having a very small delegation there (Like we do in Korea, Japan, Germany, etc) to serve as a US presence in the region. That said, the economy should start bouncing back within a year or so (everyone who thinks the US is on the brink of chaos, downfall, blah blah blah, sorry...not happening (at least, not for some time) ) but we do need to clear our trade balances, figure out social security/health care so it's more streamlined/has less waste, and stop blowing all our money on wasteful endeavors.
  7. That looks so cool!
  8. Jeeze CBR first the ROO and now this? Christmas has come early to RWG
  9. SFSO...it doesn't scream "LOOK AT ME" and goes perfectly with just about anything...
  10. I'm with Rich Cohen on this
  11. Someone suggested using the demagnitizers on the counter at any of the big retail electronics stores (Best Buy, etc) I guess just buy some cheap CD and put your watch squarely down on the counter? Anyways, good luck.
  12. Crack has nothing on reps.... Enjoy
  13. Issues: No beach in sight No prostitutes No terrified people running away from the crazy screaming Scotsman
  14. I'll weigh in on this briefly: In finance classes in school you're taught that budgeting is the foundation to a successful business of any sort. Now, most business schools simply say "budget, and you'll won't have a problem." A good business school will tell you "budget, but prepare for the unexpected." In terms of "unexpected," I think Admin hit the nail on the head (obviously, he is Admin ) when he detailed the precautions that he takes so that we, the membership, are protected from Big Brother. Many people on this forum are open about the fact that they collect reps however many people would not want their boss/co-workers/wife/ etc. discovering this little hobby for various reasons. As such, the forum needs to make due with the expensive hosting plan we're currently on. I do like the idea of not allowing picture quoting and/or hosting images on a cheaper server. My field isn't computers, but I feel like that would reduce the strain on the "expensive" server. The downside, of course, would be worrying about this other server/the cost effectiveness of shuttling the images / content between two different servers. The more complicated something is (obviously) the more likely it is to go south in a hurry. I know in the past some servers have also gone "offline" at certain hours to reduce the server load, however our diversity of membership (an obvious plus) would be the downside there, as the time differences would wreck havoc on posting. At the end of the day, we should take a look at a couple of things: Why people are here (fundementally) and why anyone would pay for any service (speaking broadly). The vast majority of people are here because they A. Do not have the funds to purchase gens of some beautiful watches, B. Have the funds, but would rather spend them on something else, C. Just like collecting nice OEM style watches for a highly reduced cost, or D. All of the above, and a love of watches/mechanics in general. Now, in terms of paying for a service, our fundemental assumption is that the chance a person will pay for a service increases proportionally to the amount of value said service adds. I think we can all agree, especially those of us that log in on a daily basis, that RWG has a high value added component. From frequent get togethers, tips, tricks, advice, reviews and testing (not to mention the sense of community and family), RWG has a huge value added component. So, that being said, we've got people that, fundementally, want to save money and not be scammed/get some great advice. Kind of a crappy basis to ask for membership fees lol. I find it particularly interesting that people have the money for a $500 super rep, but do not see the need to purchase a supporting membership. Why? Either the feel they contribute to the community enough that they have actually encouraged people to purchase memberships in gratitude for their reviews/advice, they provide various services on the forum, they belong to 12 different forums and we're no different, or, quite simply, because this forum has been free for quite some time and they do not feel that being able to have ad free pages or a supporters area is worth the cost. As such, there are a few different routes: 1. Pay to play. Simple, 2 bucks a month to access the forum. You can pay $24 up front non-recurring, or you can pay $2 a month through whatever means Admin has access to. 2. Pay to post - posting a sales thread costs $2.00. I don't recommend this because market theory would dictate that people would just go to a cheaper site to sell. 3. Make Sales Threads available to supporting members only 4. Make Reviews available to supporting members only 5. (And I encourage this no matter what) I think Admin's call to donate and posting the exact amount needed to continue operations is an excellent idea. I'd recommend doing this on a month to month basis in order to really show the costs that the forum incurs. 6 In regards to the pay to play 1 and 2 above- another thought is that between RWG and the other site Admin hosts, his forums do occupy a significant chunk of the replica review/advise boards... it might be possible to do with one, the other, or both without people flocking. I'd keep going but today is the day where I get to have a lovely endoscopy. Joy. On the plus side...versed and fentanyl I'll try to sleep off the drugs and not post anything finance related while simultaneously being unable to stand. Please let me know what you think, I'll try to dig up other examples and respond this evening (Eastern US time) Shundi
  15. Many. many. many games with some of the professors during my undergrad years in business school...man, could they bluff!
  16. Hey Markcold, I think the search feature might help..check "regulating a watch" or something along those lines. Good luck and PM me if you still cant find it.
  17. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...amp;hl=Graphite Enjoy!
  18. I'd love to see the Aquaracer (personally)
  19. From what I recall...sales threads are not deleted...they are made invisible so as to keep the sales items current and relevent. I'm sure even if the threads ARE deleted...the mods have backups of them. The standard procedure on most boards (that I'm familiar with) is to make such posts invisible. If you need to access the post, you can usually PM a mod who will make the post "visible" again. Please correct me if I'm wrong....
  20. F. A. Jones from what I hear...
  21. I agree with TT... I'm still a newb and trust me, your opinion is important.... Hell, someone's got to spice things up around here!
  22. It ticks 7 times a second too slow
  23. @Krone26: No problem! You hear so much about QC issues that it can be terrifying to do anything "out of the ordinary" with your rep including scraping unidentified stuff off the links! Best of luck, Shundi
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