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RWG Service anouncement


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Dear members

We will today be disabling some of the extra features that you have gotten used to here at RWG. There are 2 reasons for this; The most important is that our front page is taking very long to load. This is because what seems to be non-optimal code on some of the plugins we are using. I have not been able to identify what is causing this, so to be able to pinpoint the "offender" I am disabling many of our extra features. This means that the shoutbox and other stuff you are used to see will be removed for now.

The second reason I am removing extra features is that I am preparing a major upgrade for RWG. This includes a major software upgrade for RWG. The forums software has only been patched with security updates, so a software update is actually long overdue. The unfortunate thing about this is that the update software is a complete rewrite of the code, so this actually means that most of our extra features will go missing after the upgrade. Some will disappear for good, as there are no plans to upgrade them to a new version while others will be gone for a while and will be re-introduced when an update version becomes available. That being said; there might be features that I will choose not to bring back. Basically, the forum is our "core" content and our main mission will be to keep the forum "lean and mean" so that it loads as fast as possible for users from all around the world. No matter what, we will be doing our best to give you the best forum experience and continue to develop RWG as the best replica forum online.

Information about the upgrade will be posted within the next 24-48 hours and will happen within this week. At the same time, the forum will move to a bigger and better server again, to be able to better serve you all. We have also changed to a new datacenter that provides better connectivity to all corners of the world, so hopefully the "forum experience" will be a lot better for all of you after all of this is done.

The upgrade/server move is anticipated to take up to48 hours. During this time RWG will be taken offline. You will all get an address to a statuspage where you can follow the progress and perhaps access to a single "While we wait"-forum thread. But as I said; more details to follow.

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Good luck with the move and upgrade - I know only too well how stressful it can be. :)

I'm not particularly looking forward to having to do the iPB 3 upgrade over at RWG1.1 - going to put it off for a few months longer, I think ;)

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Thanks for the update, T :)

Just to keep people in the loop, in the next 48 hours, I plan on doing very little, wearing my project sub on a NATO strap, and maybe do a bit more work on my arc reactor project (if I can be motivated enough in this heat :D )

See you on the flipside, amigos :drinks:

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48 is a worst case scenaro ;) (At least I hope so :o))

haha - I always admire an optimist. :D

I'm sure it'll be just fine - reports of iPB3 over on the support forums sound very encouraging - thank you for advance testing it for us ;)

:D :D :D

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The system, especially the index pages, has been S-L-O-W as molasses for the past few months, so I am glad to hear that something is finally being done about it. Hopefully, the upgrade will remedy the problem without causing any (or, at least, not too many) additional problems. Good luck & thanks for keeping RWG going. :good:

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Make it 48+ it will imporve the overall performance so we all have soem time to do the garden or clean our own pc's whatever.

Good luck and let's hope everything goes like you planned it.

Carpe Diem


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a couple random related questions for the mods & admin...

-looks like the supporters trade are is now gone; is there any way retrieve info from those sales listings (e.g. text from my sales post) so i can repost in the broader watches sales forum?

-my messenger filled up over the weekend while i was out of town; i just cleaned it up a bit, and yet it still says my messenger is full (despite now having only 946 out of 1000 allowable messages) and i can't send a copy of PMs to my sent mail (and i suspect i still can't receive messages either).

which leads me to my last question: are we going to get a new PM inbox with more than a 1000 message limit with this upgrade? :animal_rooster:

thanks a bunch & looking forward to the upgrade :victory:


Edited by deltatahoe
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