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Should Mods be allowed to "play"?


Mod's .. Play or not in Genuine Raffles  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. should Mods be allowed without prejudice to participate in Gen. raffles

    • Yes they should
    • No they should not

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RWG has always and will continue .. imo .. to be as "up and up" as any forum could possibly be !!

I doubt that it has ever been an issue cause it has always been without issue .. taken for granted that Mods would not allow "Themselves" to participate in the genuine raffles.. I don't believe it was even asked..but rather a unspoken rule..

the reason for this being to avoid issues of members thinking that the raffle was "rigged" ..

but I throw the topic out to the membership..

you may leave comments if you'd like.. no one will take it personally as I have not asked the Admin Team if I could post this .. So ... being the quality Men that they are.. I'm sure they will not want it to sway one way or another..

I just felt that an open discussion would be as honest as RWG represents it's Forum

Yes .. needs to be answered without prejudice.. meaning no doubt that it is 100% not an issue..



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Lani I love these people and I love you too brah but.......I'm gunna vote no

There is a large section of senior members here who have come to trust the team and know that our aim is only to bring the best online replica experience we can for them, however we have 22,000 members so we could have say 21,000 who believe our integrity has been compromised should we enter these raffles but never post to this poll.


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I trust all the Admin. Except 'Willith'. :lol:

No, seriously. I do trust all the Admin. team. Except 'jonthebhoy'. :lol:

No, seriously. What ever happened to 'Willith'? Anyway?

If it weren't for noobs this discussion wouldn't even be moot. But. There are noobs. And as sure as there will be a sunshower and rainbow over Pali tomorrow, that's exactly where, and only where, the notion would blow up in their faces.

I mean, look what happened in the Asim/WhichWatch thread. Imagine; a four post, two week lurking noob buys a ticket and 'dluddy' wins the watch :thumbsupsmileyanim: . And [insert regular member here] posts, "Congrats D! It's justice! My fav moderator wins! YEAH!"

The response would be a five page flame put out with a fire hose and a locked thread. So. You know how I lean on this issue.

[censored] DO IT!

I voted 'yes'. -_-

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We'll I would put my money on most, if not all of the members who have been here even a short time would vote "yes" and the veteran members would vote a resounding YES.. as we are truly an extended (Calabash) Ohana here..

but I think I know the members on the Admin Team would probably pass on this .. as they not only talk the talk but walk the walk..

And as deserving as they are in giving all their time to keep this place safe... they know what they signed on for..

but it's nice for them to hear the members trust them without doubt !!

shesh Dems.. I guess we gotta look elsewhere for more drama.. :(


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.......I'm gunna vote no


As much as it's disappointing not to get to play, it isn't a good look.

Unless of course it's a raffle for a gen Ingy, in which case screw that for a policy :animal_rooster:

No, seriously. What ever happened to 'Willith'? Anyway?


'dluddy' wins the watch....

I get the feeling dluddy is liking this plan more and more by the minute :lol:

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I'm gonna vote no, not because of any integrity issues as I believe this forum has one of the most interactive and trustable admin team of any forum I've ever visited, but because of pure symbolism.

In my opinion; the raffles are seen as a 'for the community' type of thing. I think it is only natural that the mods should step back and allow the 'community' a reward/opportunity for their participation.

I'll reiterate that; of course it'd be nice to see a mod win something as they work hard selflessly to support RWG and we all know them, but it just doesn't seem 'right'. Things like raffles I think are meant to draw the community into the board more, and when the mod team steps back from participating - its almost like they are 'becoming' the board in its unity and presenting it themselves. To illustrate what I mean; when a gen raffle takes place; I know that I'd be thankful to the whole mod team. I'd be thankful to KB, to Lani, to cornerstone, to offshore etc. Because its these people that deserve the credit for allowing the raffle to go on after all. If they were to participate, it would take away the sense that RWG is trying to bring the community in, and rather that it was an open lotto for anyone.

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The only way it could be done is if the winners were selected in a way that completely removed them from the decision making process. It would be the only way to eliminate any accusations of impropriety. I think lanikai said it best.

as deserving as they are in giving all their time to keep this place safe... they know what they signed on for..
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hmmm, I would say that if a raffle doesn't go well (too many unsold tickets) then why not though!

There's some truth to Stephane's statement.

I can respect why Mods and Admin team wouldn't participate because of optics, but I do believe that as long as they are removed from the operation and selection process, then it shouldn't cause a problem. Like the raffles over at RWI, the selection process is based on lotto numbers from some draw that anybody can watch live so no way that it can be rigged.

In reality, I think every raffle is rigged when I don't win...but I still participate.

I will vote YES.

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I voted yes. Whoever pays the fee, should be allowed to participate. I know that it is common practice to ban employees from participating in company raffles but if I ever thought that the Admin/Mod team would be unfair, selfish and biased, then raffles would be the last thing I'd worry about.

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I voted yes, as I think everyone should be able to benefit from being a member here. But. I can understand that there would probably be someone who would cry foul if a mod was to win, so I can totally understand the mod's choices to not enter into raffles etc to maintain that impartiality.

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No, seriously. What ever happened to 'Willith'? Anyway?


I could ask you to elaborate cs, but I'm having too much fun running scenerios in my head. Wills once threatened to have me banned fom the old RWG. The V.I.P forum in fact. For trolling Clive and having the nerve to term it: 'thread crapping'. As if. Gotta love 'Willith'. Then again, I voted for #43. Twice. :lol:

Well, there is a solution here; organize a raffle wherein the membership donates to a pool and the ticket holders are the Admin team. Whether they like it or not. I mean, the gesture of having them participate in the public raffles is out of appreciation right? I certainly wouldn't expect a two week noob who has yet to aquire a piece and experience the community and the Admin.'s efforts to be predisposed to participate, but from the seasoned members?

Yeah, I want to hang a 111h on By-Tor. :1a:

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There are always a few Trekkie bastards living in their mother's basement who love gossip, negativity and all that. So I'm voting no. If a mod wins a raffle, it will raise unnecessary questions.

It'd be nice to win something nice for cheap, but not really worth it.

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There are always a few Trekkie bastards living in their mother's basement who love gossip, negativity and all that. So I'm voting no. If a mod wins a raffle, it will raise unnecessary questions.

It'd be nice to win something nice for cheap, but not really worth it.

With reasons like this to watch Trek, all I can say, is 'live long, and prosper' :thumbsupsmileyanim:





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RWG has always and will continue .. imo .. to be as "up and up" as any forum could possibly be !!

I doubt that it has ever been an issue cause it has always been without issue .. taken for granted that Mods would not allow "Themselves" to participate in the genuine raffles.. I don't believe it was even asked..but rather a unspoken rule..

the reason for this being to avoid issues of members thinking that the raffle was "rigged" ..

but I throw the topic out to the membership..

you may leave comments if you'd like.. no one will take it personally as I have not asked the Admin Team if I could post this .. So ... being the quality Men that they are.. I'm sure they will not want it to sway one way or another..

I just felt that an open discussion would be as honest as RWG represents it's Forum

Yes .. needs to be answered without prejudice.. meaning no doubt that it is 100% not an issue..



How exactly is the winner the chosen?

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Yes, I would have been eager to participate in a raffle or two here especially one that was not selling well but just the thought of having to make excuses for winning if I did turned me off to that. By the way if you look at the poll you see a fair number of no's. I am hoping the majority of the "no's" is the admin team voting. :lol:

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I haven't participated in a raffle here yet. I assume standard operating procedure is to publish everyone's number for all to view and to use some sort of public method to select the winning number. Have seen video of a random number generator, and also using published lottery numbers on other boards where I have participated.

As long as the numbers are published in advance and the draw of the winning number isn't done in a manner that could be manipulated, then I have no problem with Admins participating. I think the person running the raffle should be excluded, but the rest of the Admins are OK with me.

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Yes, I would have been eager to participate in a raffle or two here especially one that was not selling well but just the thought of having to make excuses for winning if I did turned me off to that. By the way if you look at the poll you see a fair number of no's. I am hoping the majority of the "no's" is the admin team voting. :lol:

I'm almost certain the majority of "NO'S" were done by your team Kruzer :D

To a man everyone is on the same page with these raffles ... what a team !!!!!


Posted Today, 04:12 AM

I haven't participated in a raffle here yet. I assume standard operating procedure is to publish everyone's number for all to view and to use some sort of public method to select the winning number. Have seen video of a random number generator, and also using published lottery numbers on other boards where I have participated.

As long as the numbers are published in advance and the draw of the winning number isn't done in a manner that could be manipulated, then I have no problem with Admins participating. I think the person running the raffle should be excluded, but the rest of the Admins are OK with me.

I pretty much knew how the Admin Team would respond to this thread .. but it was good to post the question ..imo.. especially for questions such as these..by tomhorn..

Admin has created an "automated" software system where the members register.... choose their own numbers, I verify the donation has been made and confirm thier tick .. thus entering their number "into" the system..

and once all the slots are filled (genuine raffles have a set amount of tickets, and once they are filled the software automatically chooses a number at random.. T would have to explain if you care for more detail..

All members are free to view the list and the selected winner..

for the raffles that are not limited (reps) and have a timed limit.. Admin or myself activates the software to choose a winner by a click of the mouse..

I usually have the honour of overseeing these events and in no way do I handle the money nor participate directly nor indirectly through proxy.

posting the list would be a good idea.. just for another form of validity.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:



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