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Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers - UPDATE - MY TWINS ARE HOME !


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(FYI - This is not a watch story)

My wife and I, already having a 9 month old son born last August, were expecting twins (a boy and a girl). She was just under 27 weeks. Our plan C-Section was set for August 8th, but just like my son who came about 7 weeks early during our last pregnancy, we were planning for a late June/early July delivery knowing that twins do come early.

This week, I was out of town for work, as was the case during the last week of April, with my original planned return being this Friday. Every night, as well as throughout the day, I would call my wife to see how she was doing, the pregnancy, our son, our dogs - everything. Everything was going great.

Well, I got a call from my wife at about 3 AM from my wife letting me know that she was experiencing some cramping - every 5 minutes. My heart just dropped. Even though we were both calm, neither of us were expecting this. We always said - lets make it to June. The thought never crossed our minds about making it passed May - never.

After reaching her doctor, she was told to come in for observations. From there, I started to call my Corporate Booking to book an early flight home. (Of course, no direct flights from Montana to Chicago). After reaching the hospital (the great Northwestern Women's Hospital here in Chicago), they started the examinations immediately. They provided her the medications needed to control the contractions. Also, during this time, she went from being dilated at 1cm to 3cm. The meds did work as her contractions were reduced to about every 15-30 minutes compared to every 5 minutes. The doctors told us that the next 24-48 hours were crucial. We wanted to take everything one step at a time - making it past the first 24 hours. Then making it past the next 24 hours and hopefully making it to 28 weeks.

While still in Montana, my new flight would not take off until 2pm to Minnesota. My connection would not leave until 7:35 and get me back to Chicago until 9. With traffic, I could make it to hospital by 9:45. Our flight to Minnesota left on time and got me to Minnesota actually 15 minutes earlier than planned (gotta love when that happens). However, just my luck, my connecting flight to get back home was delayed due to mechanical issues with the plane. After trying to repair, they cancelled the flight and assigned us a new flight - which would take off at 9:35 PM - exactly 2 hours later than my original flight. I, even though i was doing this all day, just began to pray to God asking him to let these little guys stay in my wife's tummy atleast another day.

My first of many miracles. Somehow, Delta was able to get another plane for us. We finally boarded at about an hour later than originally planned, landed in Chicago, and made it to hospital by 10:30 last night. When i got to my wife, we just hugged, cried, prayed, some more crying, and so on. It was just an overwhelming day for the both of us and we were finally relieved that she was no longer feeling any contractions and her cervix remained dilated at 3.

At about 6 AM this morning, my wife went to the washroom and noticed there was blood in her urine. When she came back to the bed, she noticed that there was some blood there as well. We immediately called the nurse who then checked the cervix which was now dilated close to 6cm. We knew that this was not good. As i was calming my wife down, i began to pray to God once again to guide us during this time, to provide us the strength needed and just hope that our twins come out healthy.

While being moved to another floor to get prepped, we were being told what to expect. My wife received some steroids shots for the babies lungs as well as a Magnesium drip to assist in prevent Cerebral Palsy. While receiving the drip, my wife started to vomit - one of the side effects of this drip. While vomiting, her water broke. It was then that we knew these babies were coming. My wife was getting very emotional worrying about the health of the babies and we began to pray once again. As they moved her to delivery to get ready, i was moved to the recovery room to change. I was told that they would get me in about 15 minutes so i could be with my wife during the C-Section.

During this time, alone waiting in the room, which felt like hours, I then became emotional thanking God for allowing the twins to stay inside of my wife another day so i could be here with my wife and most importantly, giving enough time for the doctors to administer the steroid shots and the magnesium drip. I continued to pray asking God for a successful delivery, provide us strength during this time, guide us, support and for the twins to be healthy.

Our miracle from God.

At 9 AM this morning, they brought me in the delivery room with my wife. At 9:13 AM, baby Anthony was born. At 9:14 AM, baby Kayla was born. They were immediately brought into another room where two teams of pediatricians began their examinations, etc. What was critical to the twins at this point was the twins breathing, oxygen and respiration. The doctors told us that each twin did give a little cry during their examination - which was good. They said so far, each twin had great vitals.

Once I heard this, I just wept - wept with emotions of relief, tears of joy, and most importantly, wept knowing that God gave my family a miracle. Who knows what would have happened if my wife gave birth 24 hours earlier? I know that I would have missed it. Who knows if the twins would have received the required medications in time? Many questions could be asked but that was not the case as we were able to get another day. You hear about or even read about miracles. I really do believe that God gave us a miracle.

The twins are in the NICU, like all preemies, being monitored 24x7. Our first son being about 7 weeks early was only in the NICU for 2 weeks. However, with the twins being this early, we know that they will be here atleast 6 weeks if not more. I have already visited my two little miracles atleast 5 times already and will go down for another visit soon. So far, the twins oxygen, respiration and heart rates are excellent. Hopefully, that's a good sign of more good things to come. We know that babies born this early can develop some disabilities but have read and was told of many stories of babies this young developing very healthy.

The road for my family and I will be a long one. Im sure that there will be some setbacks/bumps in the road, but I know with all my might and my faith in God that we will pull through.

During this time, I will be taking some time off from work to spend time with my wife, my 9 month old son and my new twins. Even though i love this hobby and all you crazy watch nuts, i will be offline. I hope when i come back online, i can provide some great news to share with all of you.

I would ask that you keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. I know that we are not out of the woods just yet, but I will continue to pray throughout each and everyday.

Bye for now and hope to talk to everyone soon.

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Wow! Well, first of all - congratulations! Secondly - that is an amazing story. I had to slow myself down just to make sure I didn't skip ahead. I was literally on the edge of my seat, a tear in my eye, hoping that the end of the story brought some joyous news! My fiancee and I have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

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Triplehd, thanks for sharing that extremely difficult time with us. Man it feels good to get it out there, doesn't it? And it feels good for us on this end to hear the good news.

First, congratulations on the new ones! Wow, you're a blessed man to have that kind of faith and to see the hand of God in your life. It means he is intimately involved in what's happening, and that is a powerful statement in itself. You are blessed.

Everything looks good now, and it's easy to give thanks. But if sickness arises or if one of them or your wife takes a downturn, remember... he is intimately involved in your life and he has shown you already. Even if, or especially if, it looks bad... remember this. Faith is made strong in the valleys, not on the mountain tops. It will not always be easy. But you can always know that he is, and that he intimately cares about you.

My son was born 2 months premature in 1987. At that time it was almost unheard of for a preemie to survive that. It nearly killed my wife, and we had an extremely hard time getting him out of NICU and home, and surviving the first year. Today my wife is healthy, and strong ... fully empowered to be a strong capable woman. She is a dynamo. And my preemie son? He is 6'4" and strong as an ox ... and an Eagle Scout. You would never know he had any trouble at all.

It will not be easy, but it will be a story for the ages. One you can tell your grandchildren a couple of decades from now. :tu:

Hang in there. God is with you.

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Well that brought a few tears to my eyes.

Of all the worlds miracles the miracle of birth is the most special.

More prayers from Aus and wishing you and your wife strength in the coming weeks.

God Bless


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Congrats to you and your wife, and I'm sure with that kind of love and support going on there, things must go well. I'm sure we'll be seeing some triple-baby wristies from you in no time. My hopes and prayers will be with you and your newborns.


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i enjoyed your post and writing skills. i hope the next few weeks go smoothly for you and we look forward to hearing more good news soon! please be sure to give your first born son all the attention he deserves. remember, he's the first miracle out of three. best wishes to your whole family from the bahamas.

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Our prayers are with you and hope the Miracle Continues! Congratulations on those two wonderful bundles of Joy! I hope and pray that they survive the early stage of there lives as premies! and I hope and Pray that you and you're wife will have the stamina and fortitude to get over this ordeal!

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first off, thanks for sharing -- what a story. just said a quick prayer for you and your family; as nanuq said, may you continue to give thanks and trust in the Lord in times both good and bad :victory:

keep us updated (when possible) ;)


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The tears are still flowing. Prayer does amazing things, including bringing miracles. Keep praying and reaping these one day miracles. They can add up to an amazing healty family.

And years of life.

I was never blessed with children. Especially in this crisis you are blessed.

My prayers and blessings are with you and your family during this difficult time.

I am sure the whole RWG community is pulling for you.

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My twins are officially 1 day old - woooooo hoooooo. Both twins did have a minor setup back with their oxygen level (increased from 21% to 40%) but they were administered a shot to bring the levels back down - which they're currently back at 21%.

I was told by both nurses that they will begin to ween both twins off the ventilators very soon. Hopefully, they will then begin to breathe on their own and if they do - it means they are developing just fine (for now).

Im sure we will experience some setbacks which is expected given the age each of them were born. My wife and I are in great spirits and continue to think positive and most importantly, pray. I always said that with the human spirit, love and power of prayer - anything is possible. We already had experienced one miracle and just know that there are many more to come.

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, just want to thank each of your heart felt words and prayers.

Hope to talk to every soon.

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My friend, I just caught this post, and rest assured you'll be in my thoughts now and for a while. Let me just say that I am involved with March Of Dimes; I donate my time and money every year. And so I can tell you that there are more success stories that were born out of situations just like yours (and ones more dire as well) than you might imagine.

Stay strong.

All the best,


PS, if you want to call for a chat, I'm always available.

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