eddhead Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 TTK said: GUYS....GUYS...GUYS........wrong subject......you don't spell knives....'GUNS'....GET MAH DRIFT.......WRONG SUBJECT....! yep... sorry.
jonthebhoy Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Okay.............I'm getting sucked into this debate much to my chagrin. A knife in the hands of a woodcarver..........or a surgeon...........or a fishgutter..........or a painter......yes a painter has a certain relevance. Anyone else..........fogetaboudit. Unfortunately "anyone else" covers the majority of the user group. They are primarily used in this world as weapons of violence and don't dress the argument up as anything else. I can carve wood with flint or gut fish with my nails and hands or paint with brushes and stones. I'm not against seling these things on the board but honest opinion...........a world without knives is a better world IMHO. JTB
jonthebhoy Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 TwoTone said: PS: If this thread continues to digress with personal attacks we'll have no other choice but to close it, so play nice! Disagree Michael...............let's drag the debate to the bitter end. Kicking and screaming if necessary, for it needs to be had. JTB
Finepics Posted October 21, 2006 Author Report Posted October 21, 2006 This is a bit more like the old RWG - I'm glad I started this now!! Get a bit of gusto back into the sails. @TTK - Ryan built the coffin - Hamilton just banged the nails in.
swdivad Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 slay said: thats why UK's gun control is for the ass. if they dont have guns to shot ppl or to threaten them, they use knifes. ppl are more likely to stab someone else, than to shot him, because shoting makes a lot of noise, stabbing doesnt. with a gun in your hand, you dont even have to shot someone, he'll hand over his jew gold in a heartbeat! ... jew gold... South Park or not, I find that totally offensive... what a tool
jonthebhoy Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 swdivad said: ... jew gold... South Park or not, I find that totally offensive... what a tool Yes and for that he's on a warning. JTB
Estaban Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 slay said: thats why UK's gun control is for the ass. if they dont have guns to shot ppl or to threaten them, they use knifes. ppl are more likely to stab someone else, than to shot him, because shoting makes a lot of noise, stabbing doesnt. with a gun in your hand, you dont even have to shot someone, he'll hand over his jew gold in a heartbeat! Jew gold???? You've crossed the line my friend. As far as I'm concerned, you've just put yourself on the banned list. You are very lucky that there is cyberspace between us because you would be in a world of hurt without it.
jonthebhoy Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Having had a rethink about this and having had a good look at his past history.........slay's account has been suspended for 5 days subject to further discussion amongst the Admin team. We will not tolerate such inflammatory and disgusting remarks on this board. Be warned. JTB
chrono903 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 wow, this post makes me glad i am an AMERICAN. people getting upset over knives? That is so weak. Rachel Ray plays with knives. I have collected knives since i was just a youth and to the chagrin of the anti knife ilk on this board, i have never used them in the commission of a crime. I make no apologies in stating that the anti knife and yes, anti gun folk are mostly pillow biting pansies. sorry if thats a personal attack, it is meant to be generic. it is because of knives and guns, in the right hands, we have a free world! GOD BLESS THE USA! Thom
HauteHippie Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 eddhead said: I beg your pardon but NYC does not have one of the higest murder rates in the US. In fact, it has one of the lowest homicide rates of major cities in the US and has been within the top 10 for several years now. Don't look now, but NYC exceeds the National average for murder, robbery, and assault on a per capita basis.
jonthebhoy Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 chrono903 said: anti gun folk are mostly pillow biting pansies GOD BLESS THE USA! Thom You're what I call a suicide bummer. The only saving grace about what you have to say, for what it's worth.....i.e f'all.......is that you are over there and I'm here which is lucky for you. Take a mandrex and get to bed. JTB
HauteHippie Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 TTK said: Cool knife. But, TTK, when it comes to knives does size matter???
chrono903 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 jonthebhoy said: You're what I call a suicide bummer. The only saving grace about what you have to say, for what it's worth.....i.e f'all.......is that you are over there and I'm here which is lucky for you. Take a mandrex and get to bed. JTB first off suicide is for whimps who can't make it in life, very un AMERICAN. I am not sure what mandrex is, but if it's a drug and that's how you deal with reality, I understand why you would not relate to my post. Thom
andreww Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 I've read this thread and am a little confused. Can't you buy a knife (not as nice as Neil's, but every bit as dangerous) at your local Wal-Mart, sporting goods store, hardware store, or just about any store on the planet? If I wanted to stab someone, there's probably a dozen good tools in my very own kitchen. I remember getting steak knives from my gas station with every fill-up. As Neil pointed out, knives are designed with the intention of being used for useful purposes, while guns are designed for the sole purpose of killing. Someone told me the other day that Business Depot has stopped selling box cutters because of 911. This seems to be just as stupid.
jonthebhoy Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 chrono903 said: first off suicide is for whimps who can't make it in life, very un AMERICAN. I am not sure what mandrex is, but if it's a drug and that's how you deal with reality, I understand why you would not relate to my post. Thom Your post my friend was second only to slay's as the biggest piece of crap I've read in a long time..........and two in the one day as well. We've got a right bunch today! For the record..........mandrex is a sleeping pill............take some............you'll feel much better in the next life. GOD BLESS HUMANITY JTB
andreww Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 chrono903 said: first off suicide is for whimps who can't make it in life, very un AMERICAN. My brother recently killed himself. I find your comments thoughtless and rude. Very American.
chrono903 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 jonthebhoy said: Your post my friend was second only to slay's as the biggest piece of crap I've read in a long time..........and two in the one day as well. We've got a right bunch today! For the record..........mandrex is a sleeping pill............take some............you'll feel much better in the next life. GOD BLESS HUMANITY JTB sorry dude, drugs are for losers. so you deride the owners of knives then recommend drug use? perhaps you should get off the mandrex and reconsider what is more dangerous. GOD BLESS HUMANITY(USA)
kkor Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 I don't understand how knives can be offensive. Yes you can kill people with them, but you can kill people with a lot of other things. A baseball bat makes a much more effective weapon then a knife. Without knives I couldn't prepare my own food, and a good meat slicing knife makes a better weapon then most sports knives. If you ever do any kind of outdoor activities such as camping or hiking then you need a knife for cutting rope and various other practical purposes. A knife can also save your life in a car crash. You can get caught by your seat belt and need a knife to cut it off. I understand opposition to guns since they are designed primarily as a weapon. But knives are primarily a tool.
chrono903 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 andreww said: My brother recently killed himself. I find your comments thoughtless and rude. Very American. I am sorry to hear of your brothers tragedy, I too have had someone close to me take their own life, it doesn't change my opinion of the selfish act.
cib0rgman Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 I can believed that this threads has gone so far, is incredible how people gets upset for something so stupid like selling knife here, actually people do not even have to be member of this forum to buy knives they can go anywhere and buy a knife if they want to stab someone. As someone mention before is the person who does the killing not the knife itself. If someone here does not agree with selling of knives well, don't even read the thread then. I believe that this is a free forum and anybody is welcome to as it pleased as long as they follow the forum rule. Just my opinion, personally I do not own any weapons at all and I do not like guns, I have a little pocket knife. and even that can kill someone so chill out
slay Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Gunnar Gran said: What the hell is "jew gold"? THIS is jew gold: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FodDhZGCuv0
By-Tor Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 chrono903 said: it is because of knives and guns, in the right hands, we have a free world! GOD BLESS THE USA! Thom REDNECK ALERT!
elwopo Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Estaban said: Jew gold???? You've crossed the line my friend. As far as I'm concerned, you've just put yourself on the banned list. You are very lucky that there is cyberspace between us because you would be in a world of hurt without it. Oh for God's sake.....take the time to read the entire thread. This aspect has been covered ad nauseum. It was a reference to a simple cartoon. I may be relatively new here...but all I've seen from you is jumping into threads and trying to stir [censored] up. Provide something positive to any discussion....then you can avoid merely becoming a cyber c*nt.
jonthebhoy Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 elwopo said: Provide something positive to any discussion....then you can avoid merely becoming a cyber c*nt. ..........and your use of the vernacular my friend has just got you a warning! JTB
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