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Where's Waldo...and Victoria for that matter?


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Bro, will tell you all this in my last topic before the Admin erases my profile in a few days.

Im still waiting for pm's to collect some emails addresses that i need...

M8 stay strong and help this place to get back on track again! They need guys like you and scoobs here so stay cool and strong (but dont take s*hit from anyone)!!!


Robi ? wtf is going on ? i hope your joking :)

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Guy's realy it is with tears in my eyes when i read what your write!!!

You are real gent's and i feel the old rwg again!!!

But c'mon guys there will always be another Robi (crazy f*ck) that will come in my place, i have to pass my vrb (vodka redbull) drink to someone right? hahahaha... Now im going to miss all thse laughs we hade, you realy make me happy and im proud to know you guys, makes me worm inside and out...

THX for all the emails friends, and again YES i will miss all of you...

I have every info i need now, so im going to ask Thomas to close my profile and erase all my posts at 12.00 cet...

From me TO you guy's... :wub::drunk::wub: ...


Ok, well I will have some drinks and get pi ssed tonight then :angry:

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why are members leaving? I've obviously missed something here...

I honestly have no idea.

However, people come and people go. Communities work like that, especially online communities where there are no physical ties.

Euno just stopped posting one day, but he came back eventually. Gran hasn't been seen since 2007, around the same time as Thor. JTB hasn't been seen since March. One day, I'll stop posting or By-Tor, V or FXR will not be seen for a while, and we'll reminisce for a while and move on.

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I honestly have no idea.

However, people come and people go. Communities work like that, especially online communities where there are no physical ties.

Euno just stopped posting one day, but he came back eventually. Gran hasn't been seen since 2007, around the same time as Thor. JTB hasn't been seen since March. One day, I'll stop posting or By-Tor, V or FXR will not be seen for a while, and we'll reminisce for a while and move on.

thats true.. i guess things change and people move on. Always sad to see them leave regardless.


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I honestly have no idea.

However, people come and people go. Communities work like that, especially online communities where there are no physical ties.

Euno just stopped posting one day, but he came back eventually. Gran hasn't been seen since 2007, around the same time as Thor. JTB hasn't been seen since March. One day, I'll stop posting or By-Tor, V or FXR will not be seen for a while, and we'll reminisce for a while and move on.

True. Same for Ubi. Roeod4 on RWI too..

Repaustria ? what happened to him?

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Well, Carl is putting a bit of mourning on tonight, and it is for some of our departed members. One in particular.

Actually, it's a bit of Virgin Islands Rum, which doesn't make one too weepy or sentimental, but does focus one sharply on what might be lost.

As for Miss Victoria, I can only say that I have known people just like her and I think that she was one of the most honest and genuine personalities to appear on this board. And there are many honest and genuine personalities on this board. She was exactly who she said she was. I never had any doubt about that.

Recently, my feeling is that the board has become less civil and more confrontational. I cannot understand this. We have the same moderating team which has been expert at navigating us through hell and high water.

Are the best times really over?

I hope not.


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Recently, my feeling is that the board has become less civil and more confrontational. I cannot understand this. We have the same moderating team which has been expert at navigating us through hell and high water.

Are the best times really over?

I hope not.


How the board has become "more confrontional"? I must have missed this.

I think it's other way around... we had a LOT more controversial threads before, especially in the old RWG. Of course there are always a few drama queens in every community who create some hassle, but I wouldn't say we have a real problem with this. I've been on the Internet since 1994, and this is probably the most civil and "easy going" community I've ever been part of.

About people leaving... I haven't noticed this, either. Who has left permanently because "things have gotten worse"? I'm at a loss here... how things have gotten worse? I'm curious to know, honestly.

We all should always think how we could improve things. It's our forum, everyone's forum.

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Recently, my feeling is that the board has become less civil and more confrontational. I cannot understand this. We have the same moderating team which has been expert at navigating us through hell and high water.

Are the best times really over?

I don't think the best times are really over. Although I will miss the members who left or decided to (temporarily) stop posting, I enjoy the postings of newcomers like Unclejay, Petergunny and many other. It's just the dynamics of a internet forum. Older members leave, new members come.

Heavy discussions - some a bit more confrontational - have been from all ages.

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I don't think the best times are really over. Although I will miss the members who left or decided to (temporarily) stop posting,...It's just the dynamics of a internet forum. Older members leave, new members come.

Yup. With the net...you can come and go and not feel bad that you're going to bump into that neighbour at the grocery store you stopped talking to...or the evil ex at the restaurant you used to hang out at.

People come and go and crowds change in all social circles...gyms, cafes, bars, etc. Great members leave...but fantastic arrivals show up as well...so it's all give and take.

I know I'm posting a lot less as my buying has slowed down. When design changes happen and my buying picks up...I know I'll start posting more again.

So there are ebbs and flows, ups and downs not only in members leaving and going, but active members posting and not posting as well.

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I know I'm posting a lot less as my buying has slowed down. When design changes happen and my buying picks up...I know I'll start posting more again.

Exactly the same for me. I've noticed that my interest in new reps has decreased (untill the BP finally has been released ;)) . So my posting here has shifted into a more social oriented content.

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You know its kind of just the nature of this hobby. It is very difficult to remain as enthusiastic over a long period of time. The more watches you buy, the less of a high you get by receiving them. When I first started buying reps I would wear them for months on end without taking the off my wrist. Now, I'm lucky if a new watch lasts the weekend. Its very easy to go broke when you get to that level. Quite simply, I've had to tell myself that there is no need to own everything. I still love the forums, and will even review watches that I don't own. By-Tor choses to use Photography to keep him interested.

Victoria is no stranger to forums. Google her forum name and you will see what I mean. She is also no stranger to forum politics, and could hold herself quite well. I do not think that this had anything to do with her departure. I believe that her planned vacation was simply enough to break her addiction and make her realize that she could be focusing her energy elsewhere. Perhaps on some other web forum? Perhaps something has happened in her life that has refocussed her priorities? Perhaps she was killed or injured in an accident of some sort? That is the drawback of forum life, no matter how well or how long we have known each other, we really don't know each other at all. And, tomorrow it may be you or I that simply vanishes forever. (OK, more likely to be you cause I'm always here :p)

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I believe that her planned vacation was simply enough to break her addiction and make her realize that she could be focusing her energy elsewhere. Perhaps on some other web forum? Perhaps something has happened in her life that has refocussed her priorities?

I think that's a likely scenario. And best wishes to her.

Now the rest of us hardcore addicts can get to planning a real vacation....at our world GTG... :Jumpy:

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I don't think the boards have become uncivil, I think it's a combination of the natural evolution of forums (people come, people go), and the fact that to date, 2008 hasn't really generated as much buzz as we had last year with some of the reps. There were a flurry of super reps that everybody seemed to be talking about last year and it got everybody excited and posting. This year has been a little quieter, and hopefully we'll get the buzz going again in the second half of the year (If only they'd release that darned UN Maxi Marine Diver, I'd be posting like crazy right now!!!)

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How the board has become "more confrontational"? I must have missed this.

It's just my own take being a regular reader here on the forum. Some have been here longer than I have, and I respect that.

My view of engagement might just be someone else's view of confrontation. I truly do not remember any specific examples; it's just my impression.

But the Virgin Islands Rum notice was posted right up front as a fair warning to all for what might follow!

It was that kind of a night for some of us on that particular thread.

My comment about the moderating on this forum was a compliment to you personally and all of the other moderators on this board, and I hold you all in high esteem for the amazing job that you continue to do for all of us here. You have always had my full, publicly stated support.

And you misspelled "confrontational" in your post.


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