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Everything posted by kbh

  1. Here's a general formula. This doesn't include variables such as current atmospheric pressure, salt vs fresh water, etc. This also assumes pressure is applied at one atmosphere. Pressure = (depth X 15)/33 Example: 40lbs pressure = (depth) x 15)/33 40 x 33/15 = 88' depth ************************** 1 atm pressure = approx 15 psi 1 atm pressure = approx 33 feet
  2. EDIT: I didn't notice you were asking about the bezel and not the insert. Sorry but I cn't help you there. I have a WM9 v3 case that I built into a silver serti dial and used a WO insert that is supposed to fit the gen case and it popped right in so my guess is the gen would probably fit the same way. These pictures are with no modifications or sanding on the insert:
  3. I do remember reading that on the gen engraving the "E"s had a shorter line on the middle parallel line than the 2 outer ones. At least that appears to be correct. Other than that, I have no idea. I like the lugholes though. Zero feedback doesn't help with the confidence level though.
  4. The best 42mm PO currently available that I'm aware of is from Narikaa. He's also in the EU. I have no idea if he's a trusted dealer on this forum, though.
  5. Good one!
  6. The LimeWire lawsuit was first brought in 2006 on behalf of the major record labels by the Recording Industry Association of America. The Association says the court will conduct a trial in January to determine damages. I wonder who they'll collect damages from?
  7. Generally those are pin and tube, not swaged. They're pressure fit and difficult, but not impossible to take apart.
  8. Here's a complete list: http://www.rwgforum.com/topic/70468-clark-super-dome-or-genuine-flat-top-t-39/page__p__429682__hl__%2Brolex+%2B15000__fromsearch__1#entry429682
  9. I think your best shot is to try and find somebody that's got a dead Daytona laying around that will sell it cheap.
  10. If you didn't loose any parts, why can't you put it back together? I looks like you still have the little click button and spring in the hole. The only other part is the wire that holds it in place which can be re-bent to fit properly. Take off the bezel insert and then snap the bezel back in place. You'll be able to see the wire spring and how it fits. Then just glue the insert back onto the bezel.
  11. The never ending quest! Who has the best Sub? Wouldn't it be nice if every question was that easy to answer?
  12. Why not just put a sapphire crystal in it? Looks nice though.
  13. It was up to $1625 when I looked last night. Myself, and I'm sure others, reported it and it's gone this morning.
  14. OK I wasn't including my porn collection. And, there are a couple of dozen all time favorites that I've watched several times. But it's still just as easy to burn a DVD copy and then delete it. I guess my point is I don't understand people that have $$thousands$$ worth of DVDs, shelf after shelf full. I'd much driver buy more reps.
  15. I never could understand wanting to do that. After watching a movie why would you need to see it again. I've got about 40 movies on my hard-drive and never watched any of them more than once.
  16. I get all my pirated movies off of Pirate Bay!
  17. You are correct. Bk uses the JO insert with the WM pearl and charges extra for it. WIS = watch idiot savant
  18. Pretty much what I thought. The more I looked the less I liked them.
  19. What's the deal with these "refinished" dials? Fake or Yuki maybe? http://shop.ebay.com/mman304/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340
  20. I've got a gen Eta 2836-2 apart on my desk right now that doesn't have jeweled reverser gears. In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen one on any of my watches of which most are 25j Swiss Eta.
  21. Actually Cousins UK does have the jeweled and non jeweled on their web site. I just ordered several of the non-jeweled and remember seeing them. They were something like 3x the cost of the non-jeweled ones. But I'm too lazy to go look them up again.
  22. Great idea. Hope you don't mind me copying it.
  23. It was a nice tight fit for me but mine may not be the same case as yours. There was no gasket on my watch, with either the original or Clark crystal. To be honest I can't remember exactly how it went together but I do remember the retaining ring had to be pressed all the way down and tight on the case or the bezel would be too loose on the case. Having the retaining ring on correctly was very important. What I can't remember is whether or not the retaining ring went on and the bezel snapped over it, or whether the whole three piece assembly went on and then the bezel insert was put in to cover it.
  24. Looks like it might be used as a manual watch winder???
  25. It was a perfect fit around the outside of the rehaut and the retaining ring held it in place perfectly. A very tight fit. If I remember correctly the retaining ring was metal, though. This was his first model before the slow beat 2846 model came out. I wish I had taken pictures of the parts. I don't know if this will help the current problem but I post it anyway. Clark is on the left.
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