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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. mine came with a cracjed bezel. I got another one from my dealer, put it on, not crazy tight or anything then i heard SNAPm it cracked agan - these things are very fragilie if anyone is taking it off to seend for AR or whatnot, I agree with some of the others - sell the plate insert for 150$ youl sell alot of those
  2. the regular ones from dealers did not give me lots of confidence that it woud remain scratch free
  3. you should add some pens last toy your not rockin i know someone who makes some cool ones
  4. THAT IS AWESOME - would be a good one for talk like a pirate day
  5. this model will be out at some time. Gens were bought to create them. But because of the economy, lots of the high end models have been put on hold. Best i'm hoping for is the end of the year. we'd be probably getting them now if sales weren't so bad = i hear sales down 25%
  6. i don't "hang" with the hublot crowd, BUT, for 700's i can understand some complaining I think they are all overpriced. I have an AP with an ok leather band. First one that i have never switched out. but, you have to keep it all in perspective. You can't get too rediculous about these things you can't even buy a invicta for double this price with this type of a movement. Its an awesome watch - wear it in good health
  7. yeah the white dial is the one i have. - 1. its awesome, 2. who give's a [censored] about the rotor, where it, you won't see the rotor. 3. there is almost no rep gator strap worth wearing, so, why would you want a rep one? you buy the SS, buy your own gator strap, keep the ss in pristine color then sell the watch later with the SS. and not your sweaty worn strap for reference
  8. i agree, having had the watch for awhile. i still love it, wore it the other day. great watch to wear when you want something classy, but not something that screams status symbol.
  9. Ken had suggested in the thread where i showed off my pen display box that maybe i could make them for sale. i was talking to my brother in law and we thought out some efficiencies in construction. i will tell you, it won't be 'perfect' but it will look professional. if someone is interested, let me know, i'd have to do some digging to work out pricing. it would easily clear $100. but just not sure this unit that i built is good for sitting on a piece of furniture or even better yet it can hang on a wall. its very light but very solid. the unit is 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide. i have some ideas about changing the design to accommodate mini lights. for reference here is the pen version of the box
  10. Holy out of nowhere i don't debate anymore. at least not online. i'm looking at getting a phd and being a college prof - then i get to make the rules
  11. it was the best birthday i have had since the one where i went to the opening day afternoon show of Terminator 2 and then that eve going toa queensryche concert. this one was better because of my son and it didn't hurt that sarah palin resigned from elected office.
  12. it was fun i also installed blue lights in my pen box. Very subtle, not sure if i can photo it
  13. oh, i put sale in the title. - that turns people off i guess - now lets see if our little psych experiment works i removed the word sale - do i get more well wishers? ok time to start with the late birthday wishes and happy 4th of july!!!
  14. took out the kids to the park, went to the family's for dinner. it was a good day 68 views - i'm really falling in this world huh no one is down with the pho anymore like 1 volunteer to help me plug my pens on amazon good thing i'm not depressed i might take it personal
  15. I'm now closer to 40 than i am to 30. Oooooh And just for shits and giggles, everything is 10% off in the pen shop. the links in my sig don't work i believe here is the shop http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=224 Quick update - still no job, might go back to school for a PHD need a job to I'm recruiting a few folks to help me with my pens on Amazon, i'm going to list a few for sale there, i need some folks to go in and say, hey i have one they are great - if you think you can do that for me - you don't need to buy the pen, just have a review - then, send me a PM and - oh yeah, ITS MY biRTHDAY i'm going out now to have fun with the kid and later with the parents - so - thanks in advance for your birthday wishes
  16. this is what i did when my phone died while i was traveling its what to do.
  17. great write up - my review was just - "Great freaking watch, i love it" 2 quick stories, first i became a big fan of the rubberclad about 6 years ago. Our biggest client, (who turned out to be a crook) work the gold rubberclad it was an awesome looking watch. I never asked to try it on but, spending a lot of time staring at it, it became grailish for me. second story ( i said they were quick) i have posted this before, but 1 time at disney, i saw a guy with a white face rubberclad, i had the black face, we both remarked that we kind of liked the other dial style. This guy's watch was gen. It was seconds at 12, and the rubber was worn in, and the seconds at 12 had only been out for like 3 weeks. anyway, this guy was on a 3 month waiting list to get the black dial. he said to me - "you wanna switch?" of course i said no thanks. but we were holding them side by side and he was ready to swap his for mine - and he wasn't a citizen (buy guessing) i think he was a tourist from Germany. i walked away from an easy 15k quick sale and cash. but who knows, he might have been in the mob and send someone to rub me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps i went and got chieftang AR on it. The gen doesn't have AR, but the crystal is 'clearer" to me when i have tried it on. Anyway i don't care about it not being accurate, its bad ass. do you want to really see the detail of those wafers? get the chief.
  18. i have 2 seconds at 12 ap's they are awesome watches
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