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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. We should have done this for Australia on this one.

    Cos south of the border they're all southerners, and red necks to boot!

    There DEFINETLY is a Northern Australia ( The good bit) and a Southern Australia ( The rest)

    Oh and a little chunk of dirt, hanging off the bottom :p:D:p:D


    Ah the old, which is better - "Canada" or "Mexico"? In the ol' US of NSW we don't care - too busy trying to work out where all our GST money went :lol:

    (For the perplexed: this has nothing to do with Canada or Mexico!)

  2. Bugger - the thought was there! ;) Of course, big contracts like that move on....

    But yes, without wanting to sound trite, when you're dealt a hand like that it really gives you no option but to adapt, get on with it and give 'life' a kick back in the balls. And perhaps avoid star jumps.

    [OT I don't know if you've seen The Chaser on the ABC but they had a hilarious spoof on the No Gary No ads on the ABC the other night. It's on the ABC website. Might take the edge off missing the smokes!]


  3. @ hk45ca yeah I read you loud and clear about the same bills, I had to do a quick clean out sale of my company to pay my outstanding bills, but the thing is I can't fold my company altogether or Workcover will cut me off without a cent, so it's a bit of a juggling trick, but as you say life goes on.


    This is probably very stupid in light of not knowing the details, so you have probably considered it - meaning I say it with the best intentions in case you haven't. You can set up a (new) company, with your wife as director (not you) - don't have the registered address or even her member address as anything linked with your home address, existing business or workcover contact details. Obviously you are not in a position to do the work you were doing - but you might be in a position to use your contacts to get business and then supervise and outsource appropriate subcontractors. It could open up some possibilities. I won't wax lyrical on the tax efficiencies - for all I know, you know more about them then me! But there are plenty of them, especially when trying to 'limit' your personal income (you can regulate the flow of personal income, while building a nest egg).

    Just a few ideas on a big bonfire of ideas, no doubt!

    Best of luck - I'm sure you'll bounce back! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. Hey, let me amend and clarify my original statement. Asians do not get drunker and stay drunker longer than others as i might have implied in the first post. The lack of a fully functioning set of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase enzymes prevents them from metabolizing alcohols first breakdown product and its' most toxic. The sickness and vomiting is associated with this toxc accumulation, not with enhanced "spins"! It is not aldehyde that gets you drunk, that is ethanol and ethanol alone but accumulation of aldehyde, and those of us who have overwhelmed our normal capacity to metabolize this compound can attest to this, is what makes you sick when you drink too much. The hangover is another animal having to do with the interaction of dehydration and other breakdown products as well as accumulation of other toxins from alcohol compounds unrelated to ethanol metabolisim.

    Pure class! Good stuff! :notworthy:

    Now - onto cheese! :lol:

  5. They also lack an enzyme that allows them to metabolize alcohol at the normal rate of one ounce per hour so I guess this explains the lack of Chinese Vodka and Bourbon on the market. It does make for interesting happy hours in Bejing and other asian countries. I never saw so much public drunkeness and vomiting as I did in my trips to Tokyo. You can get quite a buzz on a six pack if you lack the proper genetics to metabolize it!


    Alcohol Metabolism in Asian-American Men with Genetic Polymorphisms of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase

    Tamara L. Wall, PhD; Charles M. Peterson, MD; Karen P. Peterson, PhD; Mona L. Johnson, BA; Holly R. Thomasson, MD, PhD; Maury Cole, BA; and Cindy L. Ehlers, PhD

    Scientific references! What a classy forum! :clap3:

    With that in mind, this is totally pedantic - I know it is. I think strictly speaking it is a gene 'mutation' that enables them to metabolize alcohol MORE efficiently. It's metabolizing alcohol that makes you drunk. Their problem is that they metabolize acetaldehyde less efficiently - the getting sober bit. :)

    Gotta love the last train at night in Tokyo....or maybe not!

  6. Whenever someone brags about ANYTHING on the message boards I'll take it with grain of salt. Except Jetmid... I believe his Boeing and Patek were genuine.


    ... or walk into the middle of a sex shop, look dumbfounded... and ask "How do I make love?"

    You're right to be cynical - this isn't even my real pen :D


    As for the sex shop - we were all newbies once, wandering around the Amsterdam sex shop, inflatable sheep in hand.... :lol:

    LOL :D Here's my new toy, a 1/24 diecast rep of a China Motor Bus (Hong Kong) Daimler DMS: :wub::yeah:


    I just saw this in Woolies - is the Alfredo pasta any good?!

  7. From reading between the lines and your thread on travel it sounds like you always have the City of London up your sleeve moneywise (I don't mean to presume)

    The question is always whether the money in London is worth the grief - thus the advantages of being well-paid AND somewhere lush!

    Personally I tend to find that the grass is usually greener on the side I'm not sitting ;) While I lounge around in the swimming pool in December, I'm thinking about the money I could be earning in London. Meanwhile my richer former colleagues in the UK are dreaming of a warm beach in the sun. Who knows.

    The best things in life are free though - or at least substantially reduced (like reps! :lol: )


  8. Yep,bad sunglasses do more damage. In the dark eye's pupil is bigger,in the sun - like point,to prevent eye nerves etc. When sunglasses don't have good UV filter, UV rays scorch eye,damage level depending of sun activity and how dark lenses are.Fake sunglasses,tyres,condoms - bad way to save money... :blink:

    This is a good explanation of the UV issue, cheers. Should add as well that if UV is what you are concerned about the design of the glasses is relevant too - they need to protect the sides.

    I must admit that I tend to use sunglasses to avoid glare more than anything else; have never felt the need to try fake tyres or fake condoms though :lol:

  9. This is the very reason why this forum is so good - the collective knowledge of the folk here helps to stop us getting less than we thought we were buying.

    Cheers @ r11co - your posts on Omegas are always especially useful.

    Of course - when new watches come out there is always the risk that the first to get it will find out the nasty surprises; more so when it is a particularly 'sought after' model.

  10. where in south america is she from? my wife is from peru. there are beautiful women every where you look down there. most of them can have 2 or 3 children and still have a great body. it is very amazing. my wife is 36 and has the body of a 20 year old. it is amazing to me. thats what i call genetics.

    My wife is 36 too - and although I haven't been able to make any in-depth comparisons (!) I understand that she has the 'going rate' look of a 36 year old! :lol: As for me..... :whistling:

    I do actually understand what you're saying though - the genetics can be amazing. One of my in-laws is Japanese and in her mid-forties but nobody would put her a day over thirty.

  11. Just to tack on a point to the sensible safety issue - of course, not everyone lives somewhere very sunny. Some folk wear sunglasses indoors and at night - I don't think they pick Prada for driving or flying a helicopter.

    If you're in Australia, for example, you need polarised sunglasses - especially for driving at certain times of day (a fatwa on silver cars!). You need them less so for an indoor shopping mall.

    They're fashion accessories is what I'm saying - so rep sunglasses can be good from that point of view.

    And, of course, if you're buying a lady glasses to get laid - damaging her eyesight may actually help you :lol:

  12. Gawd I love 'colemanballs'! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I have a book of them that used to make me cry with laughter when I was younger. I found the book at my folks' when I was back in Scotland last year, and I was still laughing my arse off. :lol:

    These are from the Private Eye website today:

    "There is no player alive today, with the exception of Don Bradman, who hasn’t gone through a bad patch."


    Sky Sports

    "It defied gravity and dropped like a stone. "


    Sky Sports

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