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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. Look, I know he can be a right pain at times but I don't think you guys have studied your rep history. As far as I can tell this hobby ows Klink a lot. His understanding of and, in the early days, participation in the industry helped give us the dealer system we have now

    Appart from that the man is ill, next week it could be you. Where I came from we treat sick old friends better. Even if they do turn into gruimpy ole' beggers. You don't have to like him but having no sympthy for a man with cancer is bad, Mmkay?



  2. Mate I still don't know whayt to say. What hurts me the most is talking Klink out of banning the lot of them. I didn't feel it was right (or looked right) to ban most of the rep worlds senior mods in one fell swoop. Also, you killed a Forum.

    I can forgive ya bro but I suspect there's a lot who won't be able to.

    PM me your email again before they bann your ass. : ) :


  3. As much as I hate to admit it, I kinda like it. Bright and cheerfull it shurly is. Cheap it ain't. Wonder how much Man U make from each sale?

    The red and black along with the yellow contrast rather nicely IMO. Then again the only BB I realy love is the carbon and gold one, same reason. The design of this watch lends itself to stark contrast of colour rather well.


  4. Glad that's setteled without a big dust up. One point you didn't make to Luthier is that personaly I wouldn't even have posted his name. You will find that most of us do not even know that as JB was a private sorta guy. He talked about tennis and I'm shure you could deduce his name from there with a bit of sluthing but you never heard it from him. People who take such a stance especialy when he held together a forum he had little more intrest in than Blade deserve to have their privacy respected. I;m afraid it's Dave I would be berateing. Sorry mate but that should have gone by PM "No real names". I know the real names of a few peeps here who never use them in open forum and i would NEVER repeat them in the open.

    I think if you think about it Dave, you just may agree.



  5. Yep,

    The Time has come, JohnG said

    To speak of finer things

    Of data bases and ip traces

    "We need a new home! " he sings.

    And he's right. If it were coming baxk we would have heard from JB by now. Besides the walls here are geting a little closer every day. I agree first step is to find JB or Blade and beg for the domain and DB.

    There's too much history in that DB for it to be lost. I don't think money will be a problem. If we all throw in a bit it won't take much. Tidying up the DB is gunna be the big one. All up to Dems now as he onviously knows more about WTF is going on than we do.

    Un moderated, yes but it may be handy to actualy HAVE some moderaters this time round so there's somone to sweep up the pieces after a particualy big fight. And for those days where the front page is all viagra adds. A dozen at once is anoying after everyone has had their fun it would be good to be able to bin them.

    Right behind you on this one John. The forum may well belong to Blade technicly but in fact it belongs to all of us. Especialy those who were there allmost from the start. Such people put a lot of effort into makeing one of the first rep watch forums the success it was and it is doing them a disservice by removing all their efforts from the face of the earth

    That's the problem with the internet. Nothing is solid, it ain't paper and all it takes is for one person to throw one switch and you have lost years of accumulated experiance and wisdom. Admitedly in the case of RWG1 mixed in with a whole lot of unintelligible rubbish but, hey! It worked!


    It's time, men. Syncronise your Collaboration One's, chk your packs and webbing, lock and load and


    And the RWG1 re-establishment task force marches away in perfect formation to the tune of "Burning Bridges"


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