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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. i think it's awesome that you posted this in the RWG support centre fyi, the RWG support centre is typically for site-related issues/matters (ie. slow server, functionality not working properly, etc). i think you're mostly right -- the thing that will really make a watch look funny is if the lugs (ie. where the strap meets the case) extend far beyond the side of your wrist (which would relate to the 34mm measurement in your example). every wrist is different though, which is why a 47mm pam might look OK on one person's 7 inch wrist (ie. someone who has wide, thin wrists), and ridiculous on another person with 7 inch wrists (ie. someone with round wrists). hope this helps! oh, and by the way, welcome to RWG deltatahoe
  2. this thread is hilarious. i particularly like willis' comment about bigfoot and the titanium case 194
  3. this is what i like to hear -- i've got the same combo in the works (just received the gen black rubber strap, black dial swiss version on the way) deltatahoe
  4. i just saw your thread....i think a more specific title would probably help get more viewers / answers for your questions..... i'll try to answer as many of your questions as i can.... there are generally two types of people with regard to pam knowledge: i) no knowledge at all, ii) LOTS of knowledge (borderline obsessed -- this includes paneristi and rep hounds like us). whenever i show my friends my reps (who fall into camp #1), they are always amazed at the display caseback of the pams -- they wouldn't know a dagger swan neck from a rotor (all of my display caseback pams have standard 6497 asian movements w/ cortes du' whatever bridges). however, show the back of your watch to anyone who knows a lot about watches or pams (ie. paneristi), and they will immediately be able to tell that it isn't a genuine pam given the fit and finish of the movement, regardless of whether or not it has a swan neck. i've never had any trouble with my asian 6497 handwind models; for pams, i've always chosen to spend my dollars on straps instead of swiss movements (you can read here for more about my experiences in collecting reps). some people feel better having a swiss movement, and that's understandable....everyone has different thoughts on rep collecting. i believe there has been a relatively elaborate discussion about your "are the swiss movements in pams really swiss?" question -- to be honest, given my philosophy of buying asian movements in pam reps and spending the difference on straps, i've pretty much totally ignored these discussions, so i can't help much there (if you're really curious and want to know, i'd try some creative searches in the panerai section to try to find these threads). unfortunately, if you don't want to to send your watch to be relumed, davidsen is really your only option. lots of people take issue with davidsen's fonts (they are generally not as accurate as standard reps from josh/trusty, etc) -- look at the pictures and see if it bothers you. you should also know that some of davidsen's watches have different cases compared to other reps -- i'm not sure whether this is the case on the 177h, etc. once again, i don't claim to be an expert on swiss movements in pam reps, but i am pretty sure there are versions of the swan neck regulator that do have a functional screw that will "regulate" the movement. you should be able to confirm this in old threads as well. i hope this helps; i think you'll find the membership here to be helpful -- you clearly have done some meaningful research to pose the questions in your thread. good luck with your decision; feel free to respond with any other questions you may have.... deltatahoe
  5. i may get lynched for saying this, but my guess is that they weren't moving the asian movement versions (despite the already material difference in price for the swiss) and therefore dropped the price and sold them in bulk to a discount dealer like ruby. just a guess. deltatahoe
  6. hello all, i apologize for the delay in contacting everyone re: the group buy (i intended to do this at the end of last week) -- i had to unexpectedly head home for a funeral for a close family friend, on top of being absolutely buried at work. i will try to gather together all of the information and send a PM to everyone here in the US tonight with details about the pre-order. regards, deltatahoe
  7. thanks for taking pictures with this strap rolli -- i like the look of the tan strap i can't wait to get my 232 deltatahoe
  8. very interesting. do you know what kind of movement it has inside? i'm guessing there are quite a few people here who would be interested in where you got it as well.... btw, welcome to RWG as you can probably see we're all pretty watch crazed here deltatahoe
  9. looking good hang onto your wallet -- as you may suspect it's in for quite a ride deltatahoe
  10. her old site (link provided in her sales section here) still works for me.... deltatahoe
  11. best of luck jfreeman even though i just gamble occasionally, i've definintely begun thinking about gambling winnings in terms of watches since i've started collecting reps (ie. if i am ever up $340, i will stop and treat myself to a breitling steelfish superocean ) when will the madness stop? deltatahoe
  12. glad to hear you're happy with it -- in the end that's all that matters wear it well deltatahoe
  13. cheers to flavor flav he's a great resource to this board glad to hear you got your problem worked out deltatahoe
  14. i have never heard that there are multiple "generations" of this watch -- i'm guessing they are all from the same factory...EL had access to these first (i believe it was a limited 100 piece run), and other got access to the watch later.... are there really versions available now with the OLD (21.6k bph) asian movement?? i have this watch from EL; it has awesome presence on the wrist, and looks great on the ss bracelet. deltatahoe
  15. did someone say substitute pimp? anyone recognize where this picture was taken (look closely)?
  16. i was about to say the same thing. WOW. really stunning. deltatahoe
  17. umm i'm going to have to read this when i have time to actually pay attention. looks really interesting though. deltatahoe
  18. it is definitely a funny hobby -- watches you never thought you would have liked end up growing on you as you see more pictures of them here, etc. ....and before you know it you have 8 pams deltatahoe btw, i highly recommend the iwc pilot's watch (3717) -- it's an awesome rep with lots of presence (hard to appreciate until you get it on your wrist).
  19. looking good laz!! there is nothing more fun than strategically building your collection. what's next? maybe an IWC, or an omega uPO? deltatahoe
  20. not sure about others, but i've been having a blast with my $300-400 reps of $5-10k watches when the rep has a quality ETA movement and is barely discernable from the real thing, i just can't reasonably make myself spend an extra $1,000 just so i can rest easy knowing its a genuine breitling. in my mind, what is there really to worry about? we get better (and cheaper) aftermarket service from our collectors than lots of ADs. just my $0.02, deltatahoe
  21. looking good some close up pics of the pearl would be great if you can manage to take them. where did you get the aftermarket insert with a good pearl? deltatahoe
  22. thanks for the clarification pugwash the whole "thumb" thing and archibald's comment kind of threw me for a loop. deltatahoe
  23. interesting observation archibald....however, from the OP's description i was under the impression that this was a "dealer," not an individual selling one-off modded pieces... any RWI folks know the background on this? deltatahoe
  24. the lugs protrude out from the case a little too much on the rep (ie. they should wrap closer to the case). you can read more about the mod from rolli in this thread here.... deltatahoe
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