I do get these kinds of questions often since everyone I work with and around knows of my watch addiction and while my initial internal response to the Fossils and Nixons and whatever else they have is similar to some of those posted above I try to step down off the horological horse a bit and put myself in their shoes.
Along the lines of jpz comment, a "nice" watch is a subjective measure and is relative to the perspective of the observer. What is not a nice watch to me may very well be to someone else. Similarly, how nice a watch is really is dependent on what it is compared to. For example; a $200 Fossil is a much nicer watch then say a $40 Walmart no-name or a $10 flea market digital. So for me the fact that someone likes what they have and are proud to show it to me in acknowldgement of my interests I think is very nice so I return comments in kind. Not everyone is a WIS so why would I expect them to be?