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Everything posted by krpster

  1. Is that a gen OR too? Very nice uberfranken.
  2. Wow! That is impressive work. Thanks for shedding the light on how you achieved such a fine result.
  3. That's what I was thinking too
  4. Great video. I have been planning the same for my kids as well. Not PP but something along those lines anyway. Unfortunately at the time they were born I could not afford such a thing but I will find each of them something special before the time comes that they are ready. I think it is even cooler if you pass on something you have worn as it adds to the sentimentality of it and the heritage. Thanks for posting.
  5. You could probably sell those to Omega for advertising Amazing pics!
  6. Whoa! That's some serious hardware for keeping you watches wound. Nice but kinda crazy.
  7. Some interesting facts I had not heard before. Thanks.
  8. Very nice. Definitely add that to the favs. Thanks!
  9. Dang! Wish I had known about that deal. I would have picked one up for sure. Good luck with the crystal removal. It will be killer with that done.
  10. Well done sir. I think you captured the essence of that dial perfectly in that build.
  11. There are many applications of the 2836 where the day (sometimes even date) has been removed. The rep submariner is a common one. You do have a 28xx movement but it is impossible to know which one from the back without being able to see the engravings under the balance. The differences between 2824 and 2836 are all on the dial side. Also looking at the balance jewel retainer spring it appears that you have a clone of the 28xx.
  12. I think this would all come down to how you define the parameters of the comparison. I would think it would have to be off the shelf mass produced to be realistic. Then you would have to label them "Vendor A" and "Vendor B" and let the blind "taste test" begin. The first problem of course is the visual differences in quality (materials and manufacture) from gen to rep. However, these are details that I would wager only about 5% of consumers would notice. So it is difficult to say if this would have an effect on estimated value or not. I would think the larger issue would be longevity. We all know you get the odd DOA or DAAFD (Dead After A Few Days) with reps. Here it all comes down to probability of failure. With gen it is possible but very unlikely. With the rep...who knows. Even after failure support and repair is the key. With a rep where do you take it? What to do? The gen has infrastructure, parts supply, etc. so getting support is no problem. So, while on the surface the value of both pieces may look the same, the story after a problem would likely change. I would compare this to buying a Toyota vs. a Yugo. Next is design. Without the gen in the beginning there would be nothing to rep. So one of the two companies has to bear the burden of design and development. This can be costly. How much I suppose depends on the details of the design. But again it adds to the cost of the gen. Some have mentioned modded versions of the reps to help level the playing field but in this case you would have to account for the costs of time and materials of the modder and the mods performed (some of which are gen parts ie: concepta IWC's) Also, this would be on a one to one or singular basis. The idea is that these need to be mass produced. If that were the case just think how many conceptas we would need to keep up with demand!?! Conversely if demand is high and there is only one concepta (which of course we know there IS only one ) his time would become very valuable. So for me this would invalidate any modded reps from the comparison. So in the end there are many aspects that go beyond just the superficial review of appearance that add to the cost of the gen. How much this is worth....hard to say but the market has already spoken
  13. Welcome back! Good on ya for turning around and kicking life back in the a$$.
  14. Looks really good Omega. It's great that you can time in for your hobby, something I am struggling with having two young kids myself.
  15. How about you keep your old one in your sig? I like it too
  16. Wow. I heard of burning CDs and burning DVDs but burning a server...that must take forever Thanks for all the hard work. Looking forward to the story.
  17. Actually not too bad if you ignore the sub dials and the date position. Especially for $58. Man, I was just about to pull the trigger on a gen THC. Now I don't know if I should wait for the 1:1.
  18. Looks great TXC. Love the pics too...very catalog like
  19. Happy New Year from EST!!! Currently visiting with family in Ontario. Heading back to KY in the morning
  20. What are the issues with the chrono module? I have never seen this configuration before and have not heard or read anything on this. Relatively new area for me this type of piece so no suprise that I am in the dark (newbness coming through )
  21. Pretty nice tutorial. Doesn't get much better than that.
  22. That's a good price. In the US they are upwards of $4k. I guess since they are not distributed there is a premium.
  23. That's what I thought too. Argh! My wife will kill me.
  24. OMG! Those are amazing. Look at this crazy movement... Can you imagine servicing that!?! I bet just looking at it would make ten of those spring go flying off
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