That is actually very cool. I am tempted to back it not just because of the product but also to support the company. They look like they have really put some effort in and some thought in the product. It looks really good.
Very nice of you to offer to the community. Just be careful you are not buying too much to often, might raise some eye brows at work. Wouldn't want to loose your job for sharing your discount.
Great review of a great watch and company. They really do a great job making a quality watch. and they have a nice line up too. I currently have an LZ1 and love it ( a bit of a beast though ). Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
triplehd is correct. A while ago someone was selling one of each of the colours (either her or RG...can't remember and can't find the post either ). In any case is was 21j based, the fonts were wrong and the general quality was average. All in all not what we would expect from a "high grade" rep but worthy of a test run piece to see if you liked it. Hopefully a better one is in the works.
Looks like you have quite a few projects on the go. Cool stuff. That one hunk of rubber looks like tire tread. Should make a cool strap.
Thanks for sharing
I agree that it is nice if ones avatar is identifiable as unique to the member. Not sure if they really need to have any deep meaning though.
As for mine...I just liked it. I guess I am a fan of the Matrix movies so in that respect I suppose it has some meaning. It actually isn't my original either. It used to be this
But then I noticed KDX had the same one (with his name of course) so I found the one I am using now and have stuck with it. That's it.
Very nice versions of a classy watch. I prefer the first one with the matched subdials. Looks like you are ready for anything with your dial collection A little more involved than a strap change though