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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. I looked at it last night. not sure the movement is salvagable. If you read the description, the seller found the watches under water at the military base. I suppose they were "decomissioned" and then thrown away. no telling how long they were under water. unless someone has some miraculous machining skills, it looks like this may be the sort of project that 5k and a whole lot of sweat, cussing and more money ends with the whole thing thrown back in the ocean. I wish him luck, because he sure as heck is gonna need it. I'm sure nanug remembers this, but a few years back, a Doxa T-Graph 200T came up on Ebay. It was in really sad shape, lots of parts missing, movement looked like it had a lot of water damage, but that didn't deter some folks, the bidding went crazy and some guy, who sounded like he didn't have clue won the thing. If I remember right, he thought he could send it back to Doxa and they would do a complete restoration sort of like the service Omega offers, NOT!! Well, long story short, a few months later the same one showed back up on Ebay in exactly the same condition, obviously a project that never got off the ground.
  2. Just had the very same thing with mine. Sent the watch over to Mymanmatt, with a genuine 1680 dial. My biggest problem was the DW alignment was way off here is a link to the thread with a lot of photos http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/154637-my-9-day-watch/?hl=%2B1680#entry1187853 Also here are some photos that I sent Matt to illustrate how bad it was. What you see here is the date at 9,11,13,23 and 30. You can see how right justified the numbers are. to see the 1's in the 11,13, you had to actually look under the DW opening to see the 1's Now here is the same watch with the genune dial Now, it's not the dial, because the old MBW dial looked just as good when he tried it. So what was the problem? Well, attribute it to "almost gen-like construction. When he looked at the watch straight on, he noticed that the dial was slightly off center. you could tell by the minute markers. longer on one side, shorter on the other. When he took the watch apart, he found that the grove that the dial sits in was deeper on one side than the other, in fact the center hole had been slightly enlarged to make allow the hole to fit the center of the movement. Now we aren't talking a lot, but all it takes is a tiny amount of off centering to create a problem. He also said that the movement was off center as well, a short clamp was used on one side, a longer one on the other side. He used a dremel to deepen the groove to where it was uniformly deep all around. This centered the dial, but it also increased the diameter just enough that the genuine dial would work. You need to check yours to see if the dial groove is uniformly round and the same depth. If it's OK, and you still want to use a genuine dial, i believe that you will have to cut the groove a little deeper all the way around, enough to allow the genuine dial to fit.
  3. I love them. I've been wearing mine a lot lately. not quite as good as yours, but a lot of the same gen parts. yours is a beauty. i really like the white plots on the dial and hands. That baby looks as freash as a Daisy!! Here is my old DRSD
  4. Totally out of touch with Daytonas, as they just aren't my cup of tea, but I was under the impression from listening to you guys, DW was around 400.00USD for his case set, or was that for a case set plus movement? 4 K sounds pretty out of this world to me.
  5. Rolex is absolutely uncooperative unlesx you are buying a new watch. thereare a million questions, disputes,etc. that Rolex could settle once and for all in 5 minutes with an official answer, but they don't and the won't. My feeling is Rolex SA is a watch seller, period. Once a watch leaves the manufacture', it's gone and instantly forgotten. They only provide service because it's required and good PR, but anything else, forget it. there are lots of nice watch boxes for sale on Ebay and over on the Vintage Rolex Forum. It would be nice to have it in a Rolex box. She won't care if it is the absolute box that the watch came in originally, but ond=e from that period would be nice. Another suggestion would be to get one of the really nice boxes the Rolex Day Dates came in. They were big, all leather, and make a very nice jewelry box as well.
  6. Insert, pearl. hands. movement. crown. DW looks like genuine, although i'm looking at mine (Silver gen) and the 0 on yours looks a tiny bit fatter, but the three is dead on, so I would say gen DW. If the DW is not gen, then that would probably meant the movement /hands are not gen, but I believe they are gen. End links also Some of mine is conjecture, sort of why would someone use a phong case, gen fat font insert, gen trit pearl, crown/tube and not use a 1570 and gen hands? I'm going out on a long thin limb here, but after looking at it, I think this is a lumi service dial and hands. affect desired, a SD that has just returned from a RSC for the full spa treatment.
  7. Better sign up for one of the "snipe" programs. May help, but I've noticed that with genuine Rolex stuff, the prices don't move much at all, and then in the last 30 seconds, the bids go crazy.
  8. No reason not to ask that a buyer leave feedback. I buy stuff on genuine forums all the time, and the sellers are always asking that I leave feedback. On the Vintage Rolex Forum, there are some members who won't sell to you under any circumstances if you don't have feedback or someone can vouch for you. i can understand why, when you are selling a watch to someone for big sums of money, losing your watch and money would be pretty devastating.
  9. That's the problem with "post counts". On another rep forum years back, you had to have X number of posts to sell, so what did people do, they posted "nice watch,GLWS", or a smiley face emoticon. When you don't make a contribution by posting something with a degree of substance, it's relly easy to get 50 posts. You could probably do it in a few hours if you really tried. hopefully, by imposing posting thresholds, It would encourage the serious members to post something worthwhile. another thing, If I were buying from from someone and iwent to his profile, and saw 40 emoticons, 25 GLWS's and 35-40 "Nice watch" my alarm bells would be going off full tilt!! I beleieve that posting feedback is a great idea, it's too bad it's not used as much as it should, but sometimes I forget, or get distracted, and the post doesn't get made, but i will guarantee you, if you ask a member for references from past sales,and he lists me, I will PM or email you and let you know how the deal went. i really don't know why more people don't ask for references before they buy. As i said before, If you never sold here, but have on TZ, WUS, Watchnet, or any other legit watch site, that reference is as good as one from here.
  10. Sage advice from a knowing member, do your research! Trusted dealers: read, visit their webpages, look at their feedback, then make a choice. i will give you some advice that you will probably come across in posts around the forum. When you purchase a watch, keep in mind, Your age, your salary, your position. If you are a junior member of a firm, just starting out, I would definitely stay away from watches that you obviously can't afford. From the sound of your post, you are going to be trying to pass your watch of as genuine.also keep in mind that some of those"high profile" clients may very well be knowledgable about watches. It's going to blow your credibility right out the water if one of your clients notices your watch, recognizes that it's a copy of a 100K watch. He may not be sure it's a a copy, but he's sure you can't afford a 100k watch!! Will he believe anything else you say if he knows you are wearing a Fake watch? How do you explain it if he asks probing questions about your watch?If you can pull it off, are of the age and in a position to afford expensive watches, they other guy will never doubt that your watch is real, even if it's not! It's better to wear a low key watch in the price range that you could afford if it were a genuine. A nice Rolex Datejust, Simple Panerai, dress watches from lots of sellers, you canpull those off. A Breguet Tourbillion, probably not.
  11. Postal services world wide are horrible!! i don't think any of them update with any degree of consistency. One package, will show almost day to day progress to the destination, the nexst one will look like it's still stuck at your local PO for 2 weeks and then one day, you get an Email from the buyer, package arrived today!! Give it a few more days to let the tracking catch up. Remember too, you can only count business days, no weekends or holidays. The postal services don't work on weekends or holidays!!
  12. I have been on quite a few forums where you don't have access (to sell) until you get the requisite number of posts. Another possibility, is to use a similar setup like the Vintage Rolex Market. The Vintage Rolex Forum requires you to have a number of contributory posts before you are considered a VRF Member. Until you are a member, your sales posts are moderated, and they do not go up until they are passed by one of the mods. If anything is dodgy, or incomplete, like a return policy, the post isn't allowed until it's fixed.If not they just nuke it!! Not sure how this would work, but it is very useful. maybe not as a requirement, but "strongly suggested" If you need more communication, PM or email the seller and ask for his phone number, or his skype handle. Cal him up and talk about the watch.shipping, payment,return policy, expectations of each other etc. I'm pretty old school, i would rather talk to someone about something rather than sit at my computer and hammer out email after email. Lots of timexs over the phone, folks are a little more "Real" and sometimes a little easier to read.I prettuy much will not buy a higher end watch from a unknown seller without talking about the deal.
  13. looks like it's a pretty simple task to get the Torx screws out from the photos I googled up, but the problem may lie in the strap itself. no telling what type of attachment they use under that upper and lower case. if it just conceals a set of lugs and a conventional type springbar attachment, you are OK, but i would bet that they have some weird attachment setup to attach the strap to the case. So, unless you have another Wyler strap, you may be SOL. It would be interesting to see what is under the case. I have always tried to stay away from watches that use unconventional ways of attaching the strap or bracelet to the watch. Easy to find bands, straps and springbars, but some of the other stuff, not so easy. You can find Torx screwdrivers at any good hardware store. May need to take your watch to make sure you get the correct size. Take it home. unscrew the screws and see what's inside.
  14. This has been pretty aggravating for me as well. I like the idea of folks having to pay to play. That's certainly not going to keep all the scammers out, because if someone wants to drop in here and fleece a few members to the tune of a thousand dollars or so, then he is going to figure buying a membership is sort of the cost of doing business. It will slow down some of the noobs who don't read, refuse to follow directions and generally bumble around creating confusion and friction. making the sales section paying also doesn't immunize us from the occasional old member who "Goes rogue' on us.It's happened before and I'm sure it will happen again. In fact those are the folks I worry the most about, because they have already established a pretty good reputation, and use that to take advantage of other members.All it takes with the new guy is to use a little common sense. Like Mike said, do a lot of communicating. I wouldn't hesitate to ask him if he has any references on other forums. lots of guys come here from genuine forums, and a good reference on TZ or WUS is as good to me as one here. Again, if the deal looks to good to be true,you're probably going to regret it!! Use your gut feelings about deals, and as I have said before, unless the watch you are buying is super rare, or one of a kind, you can afford to walk away from a deal because another one will come along. If it's super rare or one of a kind, and a noob with 2 posts is selling it, he better have some darn good creds from one of the other forums, or it's definitely NO SALE for me. I believe that as others have said, it would be pretty easy to make a post threshhold of say 10 posts to look, 50 posts to buy and 100 posts to sell, at least until the payment problems are solved. Also having some sort of designation like 2012 VIP or 2012 Platinum added to guys who have recently had their paid membership expire would go a long way toward letting people who recently joined, see at a glance who has been around and is a paying member.
  15. Sounds like a really nice build. Why not spring for a set of genuine lumi hands and complete the build?
  16. That's a perfectly valid option, and for a contemporary watch like the 16610, i would much prefer the lumi hands and dial over the "non glowing" tritium ones. Also if you decidde to upgrade to genuine, the prices of the lumi stuff is cheaper than tritium.
  17. As long as it's disposable income, and your family isn't going hungry, everything is fine. LOL And if you're really lucky, you're single with a great job, and you can afford to indulge your little fantasies to your hearts content. A couple of years ago, I made a rule, no more than 10 watches, if it got to 10 then I had to sell one to get one. Well, that lasted about 6 months. Crazy rule, sort of like New Years resolutions, made to be broken. At last count I have 13 genuine and 6 reps, so I'm 9 over my limit!! Biggest problem I see is sometimes we let our "Accumulation" get out of control. It's not really a collection, because we are buying with no rhyme or reason. That's where I was a couple of years ago. I had watches that were stuck back in watch boxes in my safe that hadn't seen the light of day for several years. I decided that if a watch wasn't at least in an occasional rotation, it had to go, and a few went. My genuine collection is fairly diverse, but they are all wearers.My main love is vintage Rolex/Tudor, so there are a a couple of vintage genuines, plus a 2000 model 16610(which will be vintage in a few years!!) My rep collection is confined to vintage Rolex and Tudors. My problem is everytime I think I 'm done, I see something else that I just gotta have. I'm a sucker for projects as well. i can't stand to have one that I feel like can be made better, and I do nothing. I have 4 of my 19 with modders right now attempting to make them better reps. Good luck, this is a terrible addiction!!
  18. Interesting, I searched his name on Repgeek and RWI, didn't come up with a match. What's going on. Were you on these other forums under a different name? it's going to be imperative that you make sure that folks over here get the facts, and some background if you expect the admins here to clear you for sales.
  19. You bet brother, If you engrave it and give it to your wife, you'll be gone before that watch leaves!!
  20. WOW, Katrina your day today!! You rescued two "pearlless people" and one of them is a fellow Canuk. Good for you.
  21. You are correct. Never saw a metal ringed pearl on a 1665 or 1680 Tritium, but this is a lumi insert, I looked at several lumi inserts on VRF, the one's I saw did not have the pearl outside the triangle like this one. Looks more like a 16610 Insert. Second their price is crazy. they are asking what a really nice fat font w/ creamy tritium pearl would sell for. on the VRM, the correct lumi inseerts for a 1680/1665 are all less than 250.00 USD. I am pretty skeptical of this seller, i bought a crown/tube from them a while back. supposedly for early GMT (6542). It would not screw onto the genuine tube that was already in the case. Crown threads didn't match.
  22. My preference would be the Rolex. I have toyed with Omegas over the years, There are none in my collection now. In the past 15 years, I have had a Seamaster 300 /date,Seamaster 300 non date, X-33 and a older Speedy Pro. Never really were the watches that "sang " to me. My wife has a SS Seamaster 120 which she almost never wears, so there must nbe something about Omegas at our house!!
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