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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. The more I look, the better I like. Will it be repped? No, because it's from a tiny watch company that is not widely known outside of Italy and to serious watch enthusiasts that are in to Panerai and Panerai like watches. There is and Ennebi forum, but it's in Italian. Google only turned up a handful of hits, mostly in Italian. I believe the rep manufacturers are mostly interested in watches that have a lot of name recognition and thus sell well all over the world. Unfortunately this watch and Ennebi don't enjoy that reputation. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. First off where are you located? That will determine who may be recommended for service. In every instance in my experience, an ETA 7750 is a more reliable movement, but the configuration for Daytonas, the 7753 is pretty expensive. The seconds @9 a7750's are not bad if properly serviced. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. AP White Themes on SMP Chocolate Croc Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Guys!! Cool it!! Nothing is going to be gained by each of you sitting at your computer and hurling insults and accusations at each other. Let Mike handle this. You are not going to solve it this way. Malik, did you see the postal person put the metered postage stamp on your package? If there is a thief at your Post Office, they could have taken the watch and then applied the metered stamp. Probably pretty unlikely, but possible. At any rate, 83grams does not a watch and package make. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. I don't think this will affect your business in the least. He owns the site, so he gets to make the rules. So were you suspended, pending sending him what he wants or was it an out and out ban? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. When I sent watches to Ziggy, he wanted . "Broken horological device for repair and return to sender" on the customs declaration,always worked to Canada. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Incredible!!! !5-20 years ago. you couldn't give one like this away!!
  8. Very sorry to hear that my friend. It looks like there are either Postal thieves or a forum thief at work here. Hopefully someone will weigh in very soon with and accurate weight. I just did a quick conversion 83 gms. is equivalent to 2.9 ounces, which is probably the weight of and empty box with a little packing material. I had to do some searching, but I found a gen AP Safari with the same strap clasp combo, weight was 148.5 gms. So the even if the rep weighs more or les, it's not going to be much, but the box plus watch is going to be a lot more than 83 gms. 83+ 148.5 = 231.5 gms or 8.17 ounces or a little over half a pound. So it looks like your traded shipped you and empty box. If the weight was stamped on the postage, there is no way that he can deny the posted weight. My advice would be to get in touch with and adm. preferably Mike on a bike send him a photo of the postage showing the 83 gm weight, explain the situation ,and I would get in touch with the guy you traded with and tell him he needs to send you the watch!! I am assuming that the guy is a member here?
  9. I'm not sure that they are changing the rules, or just becoming more draconian in their enforcement. In one respect I can see where they are coming from, preventing "fly by night" con artists coming on the forum offering services or back door deals and then disappearing with a pile of members cash and/ or watches. Now we all know that Matt, jmb and StoneP are good guys and they all are well known here. In one respect, being more forceful would have prevented the MD2020 debacle over here, as he was never a "trusted vendor" with his own page. I believe that what they are trying to do is force everyone to be a supporting vendor,pay a fee and be in a section where they can watch you! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Glad to have you come over for a visit.. Hang around, there are a lot of great folks here and a wealth of knowledge. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I can't speak for the RO, but I have a RG Diver as well as a RG ROO, both are holding up fine, although they are definitely not everyday users, they both get worn fairly frequently. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sunny Beach Sunday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Ml are great and much underrated watches. I have had several of them, my favorite was the Revil Globe multi time zone GMT with alarm. Sold it years ago. Now my only one is the Calendre Retrograde. Pretty nice watch!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. I would try the sticky tape/socket head first then the superglued nut. My question, if you don't have any tools and you don't know what opener to use on a Rolex caseback, what are you going to do when you get the caseback off? :If I were you, and you weren't prepared to fix what's come loose, I would take or send it to someone who can fix the problem once the caseback is removed. Best case scenario, you get it off easily, worse,case scenario, you bugger up your caseback and still don't have the problem solved.
  15. If you like it, Then that's all that's important. I have my 6542 on and old Jubilee and as has been said, it's very comfortable.
  16. I wish you would quit posting all these gen watches in this rep forum!! Like Legend all wishful, lustful, hateful comments and evil thoughts aside, these are WOW!! nice. Could you please send me the exact GPS coordinates to your house, the combination to your safe and what sort of treats your guard dogs like, OH! and when are you going on vacation? Please leave the watches, they are safe. Take your Timex, there are thieves and pickpockets about.
  17. Honestly, you probably won't see a decline. there are a lot of guys there who will stay around for a long time. As long as they don't incur the wrath of the admin's. there is no reason to believe that anything will happen to them. I do go over there, as their AP section is by far the most active of the rep forums. They also have a very active sales section. However they do have a fair number of guys who are not so knowledgeable. The sales threads are sometimes almost amusing. When you list a Rolex 16610 as a Super Franken", which consists of a "genuine" ETA movement, gen insert and maybe a gen crown, that's oversell at it's max.
  18. Problem is if you buy and sell a fair number of watches, it's pretty darn difficult to remember all the little nuances of every sale. It's nice to be able to go back and review the thread later. Another factor, it's a useful research tool for folks who are looking for a particular model. looking back gives you a feel for the price range, what mods are popular and what they add pricewise to the watch. I realize that if you use free photo hosting services sometimes they delete photos after a time, or possibly people delete them to save on photo hosting costs. Personally, I don't like sites like Photobucket, I only use them on sites that won't allow direct downloads from my computer, like RWI. I believe that one problem is they compress the photos too much and there is a lot of image degradation. I'm very happy that this forum allows you to download directly from your photo files. I'm also very comfortable with leaving photos up on the website. Lastly, It's sometimes a good selling tool, I have had folks email me 2-3 years out asking if I still have a dial, strap, crystal or sometimes a watch. In most cases it's long gone, but I may have something similar that they could use. None of this is possible if you take down the sales thread as soon as the watch is sold. So now we are heading off on tangent, away from the original thread. Mickey, Very sorry about you being banned over there. Their loss Our gain!! Probably one of the big differences between private forums and public are the attitudes of the folks in charge. While I am certainly not and advocate of a "no holds barred, wild, wild west" atmosphere, a certain degree of latitude is always appreciated. Of course all of this is determined by the moderators. If you appoint someone as a moderator and they are the type who get's their energy from "power trips" in your face moderation and a very caustic demeanor, over time they will run off more people than they gain, and usually the folks that leave are the ones with the most knowledge and the biggest contributors. After all, it stands to reason if you never post, you are never going to be banned!!
  19. What they said!! biggest problem with these older models, are they gen like construction? IF you can't put a gen bezel, dial crystal on them, they aren't worth much. The ETA movement is a nice plus though. But to sell, you need to upgrade to VIP, take a tagged photo and put it up for sale. What did the infamous RBJ do in the way of modding the watch, you never said ?
  20. I'm happy that you guys are going to work this out in a gentlemanly manner (and I don't mean pistols at 20 paces!!) i did go back and read the original sales thread and looked at the photos. Here is my take on this in retrospect, and might help someone else in the future not get involved with a dispute like this. First off, i don't think the seller did a very good job with the photos, especially selling a very expensive watch. Second, I don't really think the buyer did his due diligence. I have been buying and selling genuine Rolex watches in a very small way for about 40 years. mostly selling something to buy something else. During that time, I have boughrt a lot of used watches, many were before the internet made transactions so easy or in some cases so difficult. I always asked the seller for good clear photos, including a photo of the lug ends so that I could see the engraving and serial number. If the watch is selling w/o papers, the serial is only important to date the watch, but also to make sure the serial # is pertinent to the years of production. Had the buyer asked to see the lug ends with the serial # as well as the other side with the model number, this whole thread would have never happened. Also had the seller posted good quality photos of the lug ends, this "He said, He said" about the buyer doing further work on the serial side would all be moot. Everyone could see what the watch looked like before it was sold.Because with genuine Rolex watches an intact serial number is so important, it is a must see before buying, period. Serial numbers are obliterated for several reasons, none of which are aboveboard. Grey market watches often have serial numbers removed, however these are OK watches,just can't be sent back to a RSC. The second reason amd far more serious are stolen watches.Problem is if they are removed, it's impossible to really tell if the watch was sold "grey market" or stolen. No serial also renders the papers worthless, the punched paper could be from any watch of that model ever produced. The serials are removed, just as serials #'s are removed on firearms, to eliminate tracability. In both of these cases, RSC will not under any circumstances work on these watches. Because of this as folks stated above, the market for a watch with destroyed serial numbers sells at a terribly steep discount, even if you can find a buyer.Also, delinberately removed serial numbers are not like serial numbers that wear off due to age. this is a watch made in 1995, it's 20 years old. the serial numbers would still be easily readible unless removed for a reason. So Guys lesson well learned, better photos of everything, and if they don't meet your requirements as a buyer, PM or email the seller and ask for more or cleared.
  21. Man, I don't know, if you are talking about sales (watches, straps, parts, etc) it's still here. Trading Zone. Did you log into the site first?
  22. I believe that they are cracking down, because thye want everyone who sells or repairs to be a "supporting Vendor" At a "Small cost". I hate to see what they are doing happen, but their loss is definitely our gain!! I have known Matt for several years, and everything he has ever done for me has been better than expected. He and I have a lot in common, because we are about the same age, but that aside, he is very competent and a great guy to work with. In fact i have a watch all boxed up and in my truck, ready to drop at the PO, going to Matt.He has worked on genuine Rolex watches of mine, and that's something that i certainly wouldn't trust to just anyone.
  23. I totally agree Freddy, it is a terrible disease, that takes everyone, irregardless of race, color, creed, station in life, etc. it is a cruel and relentless killer. In my almost 40 years of anesthesia, I cannot count how many times I have looked at the total devastation., and the hope that often turns to despair as the disease slowly destroys the body. While there are a few glimmers of hope, they are few and far between. It is a very close adversary to me. I lost my wife of 38 years to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, and I am a 5 year survivor of Prostate cancer, so it hits very close to home for me. I hate it with a passion. It's really sad that our and other governments fritter away billions of dollars on BS projects, that could well be directed toward finding cures for a lot of different cancers. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Jerry, You have to remember you posted in the middle of the night in the USA, so give everyone a little time to get their first cup of coffee and read their morning paper. I would love to help, but I know nothing about contemporary subs. My interest in them stopped with the last open lug hole 16610.
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