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Everything posted by andreww

  1. Also check out Thumb Watch Accessories over on RWI. I believe he sell lume kits.
  2. Nice Dutch! I'm wearing mine right now and am really digging it on black strap!
  3. I'm pretty sure you will find that it is a genuine. As I said, the all gold Navi hasn't been repped yet.
  4. I love it! Get this baby repped, and don't spare the AR!
  5. I was just at the AD doing a comparison. The gen has a little step down before the bevel begins, which gives the opening more definition. The surprising thing is that I went to a second AD, and all the POs they had, had a window similar to our reps. Only the PO chrono had the 2-step bevel. I wonder if there has been a slight change in design? Looks kind of like this...
  6. I'm pretty sure it would fit the ETA version, and likely the Lite version as well. Lots of members have done dial swaps with the 42mm version without problems, and as both watches use the same movements, I don't see any issue with that. Now, whether the outside diameter is identical to the gen would be more of a concern to me. I haven't seen anyone do this swap, as the gen dial will run about $200+shipping.
  7. LOL, pre-owned, yet still in its plastic!
  8. Actually the bevel around the date window is quite different. The rep has a 45 degree bevel but the gen seems to have a sharper more precise cut to it. rep
  9. I doubt there is much you can do about the logo. In my opinion it is a bad bunch of dials that have the positioning holes drilled wrong, or the pegs on the logo are off. Whatever the case, all the black/white PO's seem to be suffering from this problem lately. If you have one on the way, chances are the logo will be slightly crooked (left side down). I really can not notice on mine without the use of a loupe or camera.
  10. Sporting a sporty black PO today!
  11. Im ending the weekend and beginning the week with this...
  12. I just don't get how you guys like these. I'll give this the BEST REP OF THE UGLIEST WATCH EVER MADE award.
  13. Recessed date is the easy tell on the 3-6-9 version, but we're not sure which navi he's talking about. Welcome back btw Pug! Let me know how your move went.
  14. Yes there are all gold Navis, but I have not seen an all gold rep as of yet, though I have the feeling that we may see them soon. Now you don't specify if this is a 3-6-9 or a 6-9-12 configuration, so its hard to zero in on what flaws to look for. I would look for the flaw that is common to all navi reps. Look at the numbers on the slide rule insert. If its gen, the numbers on the insert will come very close to the crystal. On the rep, the numbers are much further from the glass. Take a look at a couple of pics of bothe rep & gen, and you will soon be able to tell the difference quite easily.
  15. Two points of view. Is the Titanic a mass grave? No, the spot it went down is the grave. We didn't have any problem hauling away the tons of steel that was the world trade center did we? Aside from that, for me the Titanic story that is represented to me is not the mass loss of human life, but the story of man vs nature. The Titanic was deemed unsinkable, certainly a cocky claim indeed. Its just a lifelong reminder that nothing man does is perfect. Its an important life lesson.
  16. Nice HBB Slai. Im wearing the 192 right now.
  17. Well, I have seen coins struck from steel from the world trade center. James Cameron states that the titanic is being eaten by micro-organisms and in the not too distant future, disappear completely. If you want to honor or remember the dead, why not make sure at least a piece of that great ship lives forever. I would buy one in a second if there was a rep of this. I've always loved a watch with a story.
  18. Wear it well! I'm not big on the HBB myself, I never really went for AP's either, but I can certainly see why you guys love em. Its a very complicated design that seems to have been repped to perfection!
  19. Came across this today and thought it would be of interest to you moonwatch owners. Its a gen solid caseback. Not sure if it would fit the rep, but for $100 its a decent price if it does. http://www.watchseller.com/omspeedprofm7.html
  20. @TTK I've gone through my long list of posts and edited your real name out. (excepting a couple that were in locked threads). Sorry for the inconvenience.
  21. Using safari right now, I haven't experienced any "hanging". Try emptying the cache?
  22. The solution is very simple, and I'm sure it is already being worked on. The site host must be changed. But then the way that we conduct ourselves must be changed as well, or we shall find ourselves in the same mess very quickly.
  23. I understand completely, I am just saying that people should not be forced to donate. If a donation is forced it is no longer a donation, its a fee. but please, if you can, donate!
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