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Everything posted by andreww

  1. I've been slowly modding my V2 ti Chrono Avenger and am very happy with the watch except for the crystal. Not only is it very reflective, but it has an awful distortion when looked at from an angle. Rather than just AR coating the existing glass, I'd love to replace it with an optically correct sapphire. From avery old post, I found that the measurements of the crystal are 33mm (diameter) X 1.33mm (height at the edge) As with all Breits, it is slightly domed. Does anybody hear deal in crystals, or does anybody have a good source? Cheif?
  2. There are a couple of members that have acquired the proper tools to remove these bezels. Can't recall who they are at the moment, but you could ask vlydog, as he managed to remove his Skyland bezel as seen in this thread
  3. Just to be clear, visually there is nothing wrong with the UPO crown. Very hard to tell the difference. The problem is that the rep crown/tube will eventually strip on these watches, so its wise to do the swap while you have the watch apart. That said, the gen crown and tube aren't that great, and epoxying the tube in place isn't the greatest fix either.
  4. Sounds like you messed up the keyless works when you removed the stem. As the movement has been sketchy previously, it'd be a good time for a service. Your alternative would be to find a watchsmith to reset the keyless works for you.
  5. Well, just got back from seeing our friend "boots". For $10 the stem has been perfectly shortened and I have no more worries about cross threading. Had a little discussion with him about Omega crowns and tubes, which he thought were a stupid design and inferior quality. Anyway, I'm happy with it, and the money I saved on gen parts can now go towards some nice Chief AR
  6. Perrin has them, its just getting over there while they are open thats a challenge. Somal in Mississauga can probably get them as well. Im also thinking about just chopping the stem on this one and not worrying about the screw down crown. This one never gets wet anyway.
  7. Hey Toad, thanks for the numbers... CROWN
  8. Hey guys, my SMP Chrono's crown and tube threads finally gave out, so its time to get some gen parts for this one. Does anybody have the part numbers handy for the two parts I need?
  9. Takashi told me he fit a skyland crystal in his v1 chrono avenger. He said it was a straight swap. Now if you can find a dealer who will sell just the crystal, let me know.
  10. Gen dial will fit fine. One thing that sort of bothers me about the OPs watch is that the pearl is too recessed. The steel edge of the pearl should just peak up above the insert. Besides that, its a beautiful piece and very nicely photographed.
  11. Not sure how true to life that video is. If you watch the movement servicing clip you'll notice that the guy begins disassembling the movement without de-casing it. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that would be the first thing you do?
  12. That sucks big time Toad. Hopefully its gonna show up reeeeealy late.
  13. The gen has one sided AR, on the inside of the crystal.
  14. Great video! Somebody really beat the crap out of that Blackbird didn't they
  15. have to disagree with that. Canada is a very multicultural country, there seems to be little or no problems between any of the races. I think people for the most part are very good, and pay little attention to race.
  16. Obviously you are taking a global view of a letter that obviously was addressing an American issue. One would have to be pretty thick to actually believe that all blacks were thieves, thugs, poor, lazy, or any other stereotype. What I found interesting is that all the racial slurs that you listed that pertained to whites were displayed properly, yet the slurs that you listed that focused on non-whites were censored. I think that proves something. As for the use of "you", I think you might be reading a little to much in to that. Forget whether or not whether the author is racist or not, the content is still compelling. Why isn't their a white pride day or a white kids college fund, or a white television network? These are all good points. As for your arguement that their are probably whites in the ghettos as well as blacks. That is probably true, but why are american prisons filled with 60% blacks when they only comprise about 10% of the population? The standard excuse is poverty related, but I'll tell you that in my upper class neighbourhood (mostly white), armed roberies and gun related offenses are committed almost exclusively by blacks. Many of the black youth today seem intent on embracing this gangster image rather than tring to distance themselves from it. They dress like hoods, baggy pants with pockets, perfect for concealing weapons, hats and hoodies worn to hide their faces. The appearance is intimidating, and it's frieghtening when you encounter them on a dark night. Then they complain that they are wathed in stores? What's worse is that whites are portrayed as racist for paying attention to them! Look at their musical idols. They are very talented, but even when these guy make it, they make a concious effort to portray the image of a gangster. As one of the previous posters said, blacks can not expect whites to fix their problems for them. They have to get over their historic hardships and start teaching their youth how to be valuable members of society. Unfortunately, the way things are going, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  17. Thanks for sharing that Chudd. I think you are probably right about using the issue as a crutch. That's what happens when you start giving ethnic groups "perks". In Canada we have problems with poverty and alcoholism among native peoples. We provide them with reserves to live on and give them tax free booze and cigarettes. Then we wonder why they drink all day and never acomplish anything. I imagine it's the same type situation in the ghettos with the welfare programs. Once you are in it's hard to get out.
  18. No offense CS, but it's comments like that frustrate and anger people more than anything. IMO the author has carefully thought out his arguement and supported it with numerous instances of fact. Yet you don't like his phrasing so that automaticly deems the author to be "racist" and "thick" to boot. Whenever I take part in a discussion like this, there invaribly comes a point where someone will say "you are racist". This hurts me because I don't hate anybody, especially based on the color of their skin. I will say that, and point out that I have black friends, as well as freinds of most other ethnic origins as well. The response is invaribly "lol, that is the typical response of most racists". I'm sorry, but to accuse the author for being racist, then imply that the reasons for your arguement are SO obvious that if you can't see them, you are probably racist as well, is just another example of politically correct BS.
  19. I think the biggest visual flaw is the date window/font. The price of the v1 leads me to believe that it is not likely a Swiss eta either.
  20. LOL, she seems great (your fiance, not the Skyland)! but remember, your not married yet
  21. Bravo Dempsy! Who was the genius in this world that decided that we all had to be created equal? There are obviously far more differences than the color of our skin!
  22. Okay, nobody is claiming the blacks haven't suffered. Their ancestors had their roots, their land, and their belongings stolen from them. They were enslaved by whites, and were referred to as "nig_ers" (a derivative of the Portuguese word niger meaning "black". I'm Polish. My grandparents had their property stolen from them when the nazis invaded Poland. They were enslaved in a concentration camps. My father was drafted at 16, leaving his homeland for good. We were called by a supposed racial slur, "pollack" (a derivative of a polish word meaning "Polish man". Do you see the similarities? So why have I put this behind me? If someone calls me a pollack, I laugh. Do I hold a grudge against Germans? Certainly not, unless they happen to be 90 year old ex-nazis of course. I just wonder why I have been able to put this behind me, yet it is still such a touchy subject for the black community? Is it just a matter of the squeaky wheel getting the grease? BTW, kudos to the RWG crowd for being able to see this for what it is, an intellectual conversation. I've seen threads like this get way out of hand on other boards.
  23. see, that's the kind of thing that bothers me. No doubt that Wiggum is a stand up guy, but for some reason he is reluctant to freely state his opinion. To me that is the real issue.
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