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Everything posted by P4GTR

  1. I was trying to play cool.. The wink was a signal that all is good!
  2. Oh yeah, VERY nice sir. C5. Z06? Supercharged, intercooled, wet N2O setup, aftermarket throttle body, carbon fiber everything.. Lets see more! Its my thread, I say its ok!
  3. There is a glitch in the site. When I connect to RWG, I get the homepage and see "188 new posts" for example. No matter what I click on next, the new posts link resets to zero. I've tried a variety of work-arounds. I am going to try phaedo's suggestion and see how it go's.
  4. didnt get my secondary follow up confirmation emails since placing an order today. With the site changeover, i'm concerned. Anyone been in contact/ordered recently? Usually that stuff is bing bang boom.
  5. >< My eyes!! Is that cryptonite or a watch TWP?? For me today-
  6. Thanks to all of you for contributing to the thread. It is a bit defeating to enjoy something so much, experience the excitement of a new watch/mod/strap, and have no one to share it with in my everyday life. Even worse, have people mildly disgusted with you because "its all you ever talk about". I assure you it is not. Thats why this forum is so important, and enjoyable for its members. We are a very specific breed here. I told my girlfriend today, if she got away from the TV and started her photography again, I would LOVE to delve into that with her. You cannot knock a hobby when you have none yourself. She seemed to like taking pictures of the watches with me, so thats a start. She is a lovely woman really (see avitar ), but a woman none the less. @ Rocket- nice kit, has the lines of the F430. I saw one in person the other day, pretty serious! Enjoy the Skyline sir. Saving up for the GTR swap when the GTR is introduced I hope. @VB- oi.. Where does one even start with you. @ Stephanie- Great post my friend. Poetic.
  7. I live with my girlfriend in a nice apartment in the suburbs. We work hard and receive no spoiled handout's from our families. I drive and pay for my '04 (bought brand new) Nissan SE-R SpecV. I've got a couple thousand dollars in NISMO upgrades (I/H/E/MM etc..). I love cars but its too expensive for me to build what I want right now. I downgraded to a less costly hobby!
  8. I have its clone stuffed in a drawer somewhere. The crown snapped off and the dial is rotting now as well. Too funny, Verbal! I did step it up to this fine rep below. Quartz. Metal. Not all that damn bad. Collectors take note of that off center pearl! And after wearing replica TAG's for 10 years.... My gen- Before a polishing job wristshot
  9. Thats why everyone hates me spending money on reps I guess.
  10. I never would've expected to get such a negative response from family and friends over this hobby. My bills are paid, I am generally a very responsible person. There are so many other things I could waste a few hundred dollars on in the course of a weekend, and have nothing to show for it come Monday morning besides a nose-bleed or a sunburn and a hangover. I don't spend a fortune on clothing, I drive a moderately priced car. Does it not seem like for every desire, there is double the reason to begrudge yourself of it? I just don't get the negativity towards this hobby. The watches are not replacing meals on the table or the electricity bill. I've never spent much money on myself, and up until recently, it felt really nice to be able to do so. Do any of you go through this as well? I can't believe you all have significant others that LOVE seeing you unwrap one heavily taped package after another. Maybe I am in wealthy company here, and it's just not that much of an issue to you all.
  11. Everyday when I get to this site, going from the homepage to the forum clears the "view new posts", which is what I use to browse active threads. Anyone else experiencing this? Figured out a way to stop it? Thanks
  12. I'm wearing this while cheffing up this- bacon wrapped jumbo shrimp and steamed asparagus with a fresh creame sauce. Another hobby.
  13. P4GTR


    Congratulations, wear it in good health. I cannot see the crooked indices, hopefully that is because they aren't too bad. Thanks for sharing the pics, very interesting to see its size next to the submariner!
  14. You have to wonder if the high cost of this particular rep drew additional attention as well. The days of $5 cheap fakes are out. We are now in the age of the $800 replica. Good ones at that. One can see why eyes are starting to widen. I better get that SFSO i've been hawking while I can.
  15. The UK has been the utmost supportive. We should be, and are greatful. I misspoke. Please allow me a quick chance to explain what I meant. The whole "we own firearms to protect ourselves because we don't expect others to do it for us" comment was aimed towards us as citizens, not as a country in whole. The whole "world police" was not my target point. Where I was going with that was, a lot of people expect their government or police to protect them in a time of imminent danger. I think that is foolish; owning a gun increases the chance of being able to defend yourself, period. I should've stayed away from politics. I come here to share a hobby, and escape lifes drama, not start it. It scares me how many people are willing to give up their right to own a gun, because they think someone else is going to protect them, if and when sh!t hits the fan.
  16. I don't want us to be over there anymore then any other American, save for the bush family. How'd you like that 6' gator popping out of the pythons belly though!
  17. Tell us how you really feel then mate. Have you seen the one where the python try's to eat the 6ft alligator in the everglades? We even have our own panther, not that anyone ever see's the damn thing. The last one probably got hit by an SUV some time ago. Anywho, I think this thread started with .45's and Pams so, back to it then. We own firearms to protect ourselves from enemys both foreign and domestic. Unlike other countries, we do not expect someone else to do it for us.
  18. Enjoy fella's. Don't be too hard on me.
  19. its the caseback opener that never graduated college, yet landed an important job just by doing it so damn well. I just woke up.
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