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Everything posted by rodwc

  1. Started as a Toolmaker. Now self employed Antique Clock Restorer. (working from home ).
  2. Great gesture Rocket754 and many thanks, would be great to see this project do a Lazuras.
  3. Remember RENE RIVKIN not too long ago. Look where insider trading got him !
  4. Will you keep us up to date with the outcome? Love following a good tale.
  5. That sounds like a good suggestion, maybe something could be worked out between Rocket754 and another person?
  6. OH, bloody, bugger , bum,.......... so your saying we can`t do this every week.
  7. Sounds to me if this is a strap/watch incompatibility. If the spring bar holes are very close to the watch case , it is going to need a fair bit of pressure to push the spring bar end in ( one end allready being inserted ) and with not much clearance between the width of the strap and the lug , this is allways difficult with a strap as opposed to a bracelet. A SMALL bend in the springbar could aid in the insersion of the other end. Have tried to help with what I can, ........... please forgive the following,........... it is not intended to mock or insult. Extreme care should be taken when using THESE tools, or the following result can happen. That ain`t ICE on the crystal guys.
  8. The "snippets" , and company name could be posted here for us all to see just what, if anything transpires on Monday. Then we can all say you should have done this or that, as it is too late now to do anything. ( How wonderful hindsight is.)
  9. The main thing which comes to my mind is, ( this is not a stupid thought ), Are you guys attempting strap/bracelet changes with the correct ( good quality ) tools ? (I don`t mean any old small bloody screwdriver, lying around. ) When I say good quality, I mean a good HARDENED and TEMPERED spring bar removal tool, with good knurling on the handle to prevent slippage, and a SHARP vee in the working end. Anyone who tries removing springbars with elcheapo, $hit tools has got too much time on their hands, and is really going to stuff things up . ( not to mention the frustration and temper ). Since hardly anyone mentions GOOD QUALITY TOOLS, thought I would ask.
  10. I like to see someone with confidence, and the willingness to have a go, especially without experience. A lot more information can be made available if and when you upgrade to "supporter". Welcome and be sure to keep us informed.
  11. You hit the nail on the head yim156. It is indeed in the "members area". ( supporters area ). Conclusion.............. upgrade to supporter, it is well worth it.
  12. Just tried it and it works fine here.
  13. A visit here will show you that this subject has been covered many times. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...l=abbreviations The, " search" button is your friend. ps. a warm welcome.
  14. At $900 for a gen ? with box and papers, that really is interesting.
  15. That`s something all the folks that posted in HOMER`S thread simply don`t know at this stage, as Homer has gone ferral on us all, and gone bloody walkabout.
  16. I would be absolutely guessing at this time of night (and my condition) as to wtf does PMWF mean? But am all with you on the initial concept. I really would like to see this up and running, as a few changes here and there,would make this a more interesting and evolving place.
  17. Admin. and Mods. are aware of this problem. Please bear with them, as it is in hand. NO MORE REPLIES NECESSARY.
  18. Sure do. The "search " button is rooted for a start.
  19. Yes, I like the idea. Why not go further and say, " Gens., for sale/trade/or wanted."?
  20. BUT............. the SEARCH button is BROKEN.
  21. They would need to look like this, and most probably would need to be custom made in SS. to fit the strap. 4 in total would be required. Put it this way, if you decide to go this way, I would make them up for you, but the proviso is I need to get a detailed answer to MY problem here. It`s like , scratch my back and I`ll scratch yours. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=71308&hl=
  22. If that is the only way, fine, but it seems a little defeatist to me, I mean a simple dial change. All I am asking for is a little information, its not like its a multi function, chronograph that I wan`t to pull apart. Maybe because FM crazy hours is not a popular watch here, but out of a membership of over 10,000 I simply thought that at least one person could shed some light here ? The search function is, "down" so I can`t get any info. there, I have searched through Google and nothing there. I would gladly do a pictorial about the whole thing, if I could get started. The Zigmeister, could you possibly help with any info please ? Would really appreciate it.
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