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Everything posted by offshore

  1. My opinion. Richard Brown has been a friend to the rep business for many years. He and I have "talked" on a number of occasions, and I have always found him to be a true gentleman, and very giving of his time and knowledge. You all can find a FAQ in our knowledge base. This is based in the main on Richards work, ( with a few additions of my creation) When this was first composed, I advised Richard that I was " cutting & shutting" his work, and he had no problems. I then gave the revised work to Blade, to be posted on RWG1, but asked Blade to clear it with Richard first. To my embarrasment- Blade just posted it - without even an acknowledgement to Richard. I immediately wrote and apologised, and received a most positive response... because Richard WANTED this sort of info for all replica people to read. When we were in the process of moving here, I again contacted Richard for an OK to use his work- He not only gave it , but assisted with some revisions. I have his book, and it is a valuable part of my library, and I look forward to updates, even though I no longer collect reps! For mine- more power to Richard and his ilk, we can only hope that in our newb breeding grounds, there are more like Richard coming through.... because it will make this and other forums better and happier places to be. Offshore
  2. About as low as shark shit- and thats low. Seriously ethical businessman->NOT Offshore
  3. Hey- great thought! What do you think Gran? offshore
  4. Bill, Many thanks for the timely prod. I have been promising myself to review all my logons/passwords of late- but have never got around to it. Until today. Gee I feel releived to have " sorted out" my affairs! And would you beleive- I WAS logging on to over 10 sites using the same log/pass.... until today. Was a bit of work to change them all- but - well- I feel a heap easier now. Thanks again. offshore PS And I WILL review it all in 30 days!
  5. Make lots of (relevant) posts Or take a BIG chance! offshore
  6. Nah you're both not even close, The patron saint of Australia, is undoubtably Shane Warne! Go Warney.
  7. Gee Slay-Is that the most positive thing you can say?
  8. Hi Don't worry about the tracking number- they sometimes work, some of the time! Out of China, you are looking at a minimum of 10days transit, so when you take in to account- confirmation of order, maybe sourcing of the watch, packing, and getting it into the mail; I wouldn't be too concerned yet. If you hadn't seen anything by maybe mid mext week, you could mail the seller, and ask for an exact post date. I have also experienced up to 14 days delay in customs at this end, no problems, just our super efficient Government at work!! Offshore
  9. Thanks for that one Slay! Just added to our Links section. Offshore
  10. Have a great day, and many more. Offshore
  11. Yep!.. Silly, and how would you be able to wipe your nose
  12. For a non IT brain, can someone please explain in simple English, what this RSS feed stuff is all about? See it popping up all over the place, but unfortunately I lack comprehension on this one. ( And am not game to start pushing buttons- Friend HAL may get pissed) Thanks in advance. Offshore
  13. @ jetsons, I am a total tank fan- Just love that Longines. Just looked it up in Cooksey & Shugart, and put a big circle around it!! Another for the Offshore hit list- Beautiful. Offshore
  14. Not a good look over there right now. DOA? Offshore
  15. Try http://www.avatarist.com/ then go to My controls-> Edit avatar settings. There are a number of Avatar sites around. Just Google them. Or you can take a favourite photo and set it to the right size. Offshore
  16. Good to have you on board watchingu. Offshore
  17. Some points vmena. 1 You comment on "dozens of threads"- ( just 2) Think you mean posts. But lets not be pedantic. If you read the other thread, that I referred to, you will see a number of posters commenting on watches that are not returned, after SIGNIFICANT periods of time. Sure, only one posted that he had been scammed, and that is open to interpretation, but there are a number of people currently seeking answers as to the whereabouts of their property. 2. I sincerely hope you are not referring to me being " not imparcials". I don't beleive I posted anything that reflected a lack of impartiallity; actually I and the admin team would be only too delighted if Joe returned and put everyones mind at rest. I had also said that this thread had gone off topic, for the very thing you are complaining about "the rest here is complaining about Joe just because he charges for his work (much or few dollars is just a matter of self understanding" Yes - Off topic. And finally I see that you also have a watch MIA.... "I'm one of those that have a watch on Joe's hands and since long time a go, but it doesn't means that Joe is a scammer!" And I totally agree- Hope it finds its way home real soon! The reasons this forum has evolved, is to try to protect potential buyers from being ripped off. If we don't use this place to post our concerns and problems, no one would ever know that a problem may exist. Offshore
  18. Thanks Craytonic, I was just about to jump in here as well. This is now going Namor, originally posted, that as a newb, he purchased a watch, from Joe, with a full set of mods. Remember he bought this watch from Joe. He didn't necessarily know how good or bad a quality watch it was, just wanted " the best sub" I beleive Namor has big balls to step up to the plate, and tell us of his problems,..... Yes he could have done it earlier, yes he may not have chosen the best words in his header, but more so, he has the interests of every one of you members out there at heart, he is prepared to stand up and say it as he sees it. Personally I have a lot of unanswered questions, although one thing that truly amazes me is that there is a concurrent thread running, in to which there has been no comment for 12 hours. Do you guys read all the posts, or just jump on the band wagon.?? There are potentially some serious issues, that require explanation, your Admin team is attempting to gather as much intel as we can. Until we have some FACTS, we will not speculate. But please back off this thought process, we are talking about missing watches, and a potentially overpriced "modded' watch, ( which the owner finally accepted as a part of his education) not the cost of modding or whether a watch is worth modding. I truly hope this all resolves favourably- I take no sides, I just hate to see a poster being crucified for telling of his experience. If he didn't - we may never know. Just think, this approach to posters of potential problems, could well scare off the next poster wanting to tell us of a problem- Real or perceived. Offshore See Namor has had to rise to his own defence again. This post was in response to craytonics
  19. Must be the dealer taking bribes! Or backhanders! There's a little something to keep you both going.
  20. olreon, The guys who build these vintage pieces most times colour the markers yellowish, to give that vintage look. Offshore
  21. Slay, This has been beaten to death, both here, on TRC, and at our old home. ( And to some degree at VP) I will not reinflame the debate, by reiterating one point of view. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Offshore
  22. One can always activate the " Ignore user" function, an action I have contemplated in Elliots case! However, I beleive I have a duty of care in my role as a mod here, so will refrain from this action; but I recommend it to any who would prefer to not have to put up with such blatant two faced posting. Some newer members may not be aware of the history of Mr Elliot Lazarus, to them I say , arrive at your own conclusions, after having researched his past deeds. I like Jeff, and a number of other of my fellow members, choose not to deal with him; a given right, considering his past actions. It is a free world, he has the right to post here whilst the rules are obeyed, I have the right to spend my dollars with dealers I respect; and he certainly will not become richer from my actions. "See my siggy" Offshore
  23. 20 questions Neil?? Those are easy! 1. A watch. 2. To tell us the time! No - don't have an answer- bloody nice pics ( again). Let's see if we get some answers from some more.............sober! Offshore
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