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Everything posted by krpster

  1. Awesome! Can't beat the classic speedy. At the top of the list of gens for me.
  2. Same as maxman here. Over 2 years on the modded version (closer sub dials) and no issue. Even my crown is still good. I guess I am just gentle when I screw
  3. That is some precision gluing there freddy.
  4. l gotta stop visiting these threads when I don't have one
  5. Great find. Good on ya for jumping in with both feet and landing a wicked deal. The whole board is jealous
  6. +1 nothing to lose now and experience to be gained.
  7. Really love these Tudors you put together. Very classy. Wish I could pull off a 34mm
  8. You really are omega guy Nice collection. That 2254 is really nice.
  9. Nice work. A very classy looking model indeed. How about some movement shots
  10. Wishing you and your family all the best during this difficult time. Like many others I am willing to help in any way possible.
  11. Awesome. Nothing like manning up and teaching a major appliance who is boss:) Also saving some money along the way is cool too.
  12. Hello members at large I just wanted to shout out to all the Americans on the forum to say thanks for your kindness and hospitality. Three years ago I was approached by my boss with the opportunity to gain valuable "growth experience" within my company. However this meant relocating myself and my very supportive family from our cozy abode in Ontario Canada to the new and strange land of Kentucky USA. A daunting adventure but one we embarked upon all the same. Well the time has just flown by and the new and strange land quickly grew to become our home. We have had many great experiences here, including the birth of our wonderful daughter. It is a beautiful area and we love it dearly. The people here are very friendly and welcoming. Overall it has been a fantastic place to live and raise our family. But alas, our time here has come to an end and we must now return to our home land in the great white north. I sit here writing this post amongst the chaos of all our belongings being sorted and packed into boxes and crates. Lots of fun Anyhow, I just wanted to say thanks. You have a great place here. Take care of her See you soon.
  13. Moving is a pain!

  14. Moving is a pain!

  15. Depends what you are doing when you wear it
  16. Very nice dial inded. +1 on the great texture. Sweet!
  17. Awesome pics! If you can get results like that with just post processing I can't wait to see what you come up with later.
  18. I hate all of you Need me some snowflake
  19. If he hadn't dropped it I would have lifterd the whole watch from the bear
  20. Tudor home plate for me Circa 1972. Speedmaster is a close second.
  21. Ball of inverted duct tape has been successful in opening all of my breits.
  22. Thanks for the kind words dagdag. Glad I was able to influence your decision. Kal, my review is linked below in my sig. However, I have yet to update with the V1.5 and V3 iterations. They are different so depending on where you buy you may get one of the two. Update is forthcoming, just have to get through moving first.
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