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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Never had one, thank goodness, but i've taken care of a lot of folks who had them. Most folks describe it as the worst pain they have ever had. Women say it's way worse than labor pains, men have nothing to compare them too, except maybe getting kicked in the nuts!! Ken, glad you are doing better. Lithotripsy is a great invention, beats surgical intervention by a mile!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Tony, If they have paperwork, the sales date should be on the card. That should give you a ballpark idea as to when it was built. It may be a year older than the sales date if it came from a small dealer that doesn't have much turnover, but you know it isn't any newer than the sales date. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Tony, I really don't know much about the SubC. However I would try to make sure that he keeps a few general advisories in mind when buying. watches like the 116610 are pretty common. I would suspect that the numbers out there are in the hundreds of thousands as they are approaching 6 years from first introduction. Theoretically they are all the same from outward appearances, however most Rolex enthusiasts know that Rolex makes small changes and upgrades that would go unnoticed except by a real WIS or someone who does a bit of research. First off buy the seller. If it sounds the least bit fishy, run like hell, remember this is a pretty common watch, another one WILL come along! Next, buy the condition, most of these will probably be in pretty nice condition, but be aware of a cracked insert, chipped crystal or dings and dents that may indicate a brief but hard life, and expensive to fix! Third, a watch with all the boxes and papers, receipts, hang tags is worth more than one that has nothing. Easier to sell also if he decides it's not his "cup of tea" Fourth, the early release watches (2010) are approaching the time for a recommended service. Rolex services are not cheap, especially from a RSC that wants to change everything, and charge like crazy. Not uncommon to get a 1k estimate for a complete service. So a watch from the same time period that has a documented service would be a better deal than and unserviced one. Also, buying from an AD or jewelry store that sells a lot of watches will most likely be more expensive, but most all of them will give him some sort of warranty as well as a "trade up" policy should he not like the 116610 and want something else, they will give him his money back on a trade, within reason and time, of course. That's pretty much my advice, along with doing his homework and using common sense. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Both look nice, but I'm a fan of the BOR bracelets ever since I got one on my old Doxa 300t Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Man, I had to go back and look at old emails and old PM's from back in 2010, when I built my 1665. I bought the dial from flex who is a member here, back in 2010. This is a dial that was one of two that Freddie looked at for his 1665 build. according to him it was a really close choice between the dial in his 1665 and this one. I suppose if it was a close second for Freddie, it is indeed a very nice dial. I believe that from and old PM conversation with Flex, this was an NDT dial, but I would have to ask him or Freddie to be sure. According to flex, these dials were "the rarest of the rare". What will seem strange to some, I bought this dial sight unseen, no photos, nothing, based on Freddie and Flex's descriptions!! At any rate the dial and all the rest of the components were sent up to Rob (Zeigmeister) who was the best of the best. Rob put the watch together for me. Sadly Rob left our ranks several years ago, retired and moved to and undisclosed location. He was the best and was and is sadly missed.
  6. BP Fifty Fathoms RG on gen BP Sailcloth
  7. You need to take the bracelet to Matt and have him replace the pin in the link next to the clasp. From the photo, it looks like the link pin is badly worn, and as Ssteel said, it can break and you could lose your watch or damage it if it hits the floor. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. I have had a lot of dealings with Legend over the past year or so, some were watch related a lot were personal conversations that we had. He is one of the most caring compassionate people I have had the privilege of dealing with. He is always ready, willing and able to go the extra mile to make sure that you are getting the best that he is humanly capable of. I can guarantee that if he tells you something, it's going to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you buy one of these beautiful watches from him, he will stand behind it 100%, period. If the scammer guy was upset because the watch was delayed for a couple of weeks, it was not Legends fault, but because of conditions beyond his control. And that brings up another point, where is the patience to wait for a watch that is for all practical purposes a custom watch? Three extra weeks for delivery, ridiculous!! Go to your local mall and buy a Seiko and wear it out the store. I paid a 50% deposit on a watch in January 2012, based on mock ups and line drawings, paid the balance in January of 2016 and expect delivery in April or May. Over four years, but I have patience, and I know the maker will send me something that I will be proud of. You Mr scammer man went ballistic because your watch was going to be delayed for three weeks? Please just go away and leave us, I'm sure Legend will refund your money and close this miserable deal. And guess what some lucky guy is going to get your watch and be a very,very happy man! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Agree. Let the search engine be your best friend. you will remember things a lot better if you have to search them out rather than have folks here just lay it out for you. Good luck and welcome.
  10. Here's a little search help!!! vaclume@gmail.com this is and email from a year or so back, try it, and see. I always found that he checks his emails and responds much faster than to PM's. Not sure how often he visits here or checks his PM box.
  11. I'm and old guy and pretty traditional, so take what I say with the proverbial "grain of salt"! If your wedding is formal, your bride is in a long white wedding dress, you and your groomsmen in Tuxedos, I would definitely opt for one of the above thinner dress watches. If you are getting married in a non formal ceremony, then pretty much what you wear and the location will dictate your choice. If you are wearing a dark suit and tie, probably a dress watch, or a less obtrusive sports watch, something that will fit easily under your cuff. If your getting married in jeans and a Polo shirt, or casual beach wear on a beach at sunset, pretty much anything you want to strap on your wrist is fine. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. You need to find the screw and fish that movement tab out and put everything back where it belongs. If the screw or tab gets jammed in the movement, you could have some damage.Just because it's running now doesn't mean it's fixed!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. quote]Whoever guts a Heuer Watch for a Daytona build should be shot in the kneecap! Absolutely agree. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Another scammer showing up here after being banned everywhere else!! A, you were too polite. This guy needs the hammer really quickly, before he screws over some unsuspecting noob!! Obviously, he didn't realize who he was dealing with when he posted in your thread. Need to send him on his way. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. AFA modding the 1665 MBW, you can take it as far as you and your wallet allow!! Gen insert/Pearl, crown, movement, hands, Crystal and a really good aftermarket dial. Gen springbars,bracelet and end Inks. After all this and some case reshaping, lug hole drilling and a couple of thousand dollars in parts, you have a really,really nice 1665. Nice thing, you can do this in stages over time. You don't feel the pain nearly as much that way. Here is mine, all of the above mods. And around three K total!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Doc, I'm not disagreeing with you that the guy is probably a scumbag that stole your design. No one is disputing that. But the fact is unless you have a copyright and or a patent on a design, it's unprotected. That's why corporations copyright everything before it gets out in the public domain. And to add to that, you are using Audemars Piguet's copyrighted logo, which in a sense makes your design illegal. Now if your bracelets were plain, and had no brand logos, then you could register the design, provided they weren't already taken. Another point, going back to your original threads several months ago, it seems like there was a lot of interest in your designs. If I remember correctly quite a few members asked you about making them a bracelet, and again if my memory serves me, you were very non committal, and in fact said that you were not going to make these to sell, as they were for your personal collection. In fact I was one who was interested, and asked about making them in sterling silver to get the price down where more people could afford them. My final point, it seems like you are painting the forums with a very broad brush, when you say there is no fairness on the forums. You are implicating the forum when in fact this is the work of one individual, who may or may not be a forum member. It could have been someone passing through who saw your thread and liked the bracelets. This is and open forum, we have no control over who visits. Good luck with trying to stop the Chinese from making these. If the price and volume are there, I would suspect that someone will agree to make them. If the Chinese scoff at the copyrights owned by Rolex, AP, Omega and every other major watch maker as well as every luxury goods manufacturer, you don't have much of a chance to stop the manufacturing of your bracelets. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Your first impulse with someone who has caused you grief in the past is to "get even" which is what several members advocated above. Various methods, but all are fraught with possibilities that could come back and bite you in the ass. The best way to handle folks like this is to either ignore them or send them and email simply stating that you are booked up and there is no possibility that you could work on their watch. Then if he emails you again, ignore them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. I would bet that the bracelets this guy on is looking for are not really competition. Yours were constructed of the finest materials, fine grade diamonds, etc. I would bet that these will be gold plated, cubic zirconium, and while superficially similar, on close examination, just not the same. Another point, since you have to this point not offered your bracelets for sale, what this guy does is rather a moot point. He isn't taking sales away from you, because you have no product to sell. Possibly you have or had plans to market your bracelets, but from every indication I got from your previous posts, this was a personal project and you weren't interested in producing them for sale. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Doc, unfortunately if you haven't got patent/ copyright protection, I'm afraid that you really don't have a case. One problem, you may be able to patent the design, but you, yourself are in violation of copyright laws as I'm sure the AP logo is already copyrighted by Audemars. Another thing, while the guy is wrong for blatantly lifting your photo and using it as a base for his project, it resembles lots of bracelets that you might find on EBay and in various jewelry outlets. If he is willing to buy a large quantity of the bracelets, I'm sure he will find a manufacturer in China to build them for him. I realize as well that what he wants will not even be close to what you made both in quality and workmanship, but I believe he is looking for the WalMart version and yours is Cartier!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Your photos look very nice. You are definitely doing OK. Looks like you are shooting inside a light tent? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Your photos look very nice. You are definitely doing OK. Looks like you are shooting inside a light tent? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk My only critique would be to try to center your subjects better, or crop to get them centered. While in general photography, you would try to use the "Rule of thirds" to divide your frame into thirds and try to have your subject somewhat out of dead center. That rule doesn't hold true for product or advertising photography, as you want the product to bet he center of attention with nothing to distract the eye. Other than that your photos are very well done. Here are three of yours and what I would do with them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Custom 1911 built many years years ago. This one stays in the console of my pickup. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. There is a fellow who sells on eBay who sells acrylic inserts that are better than the one that came on your watch. eBay name is watchNY. Go to EBay search Rolex 6263 Bezel insert. Also one from a seller I n Dallas Texas that looks good also. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Marathon TSAR on a Black Perlon strap Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Are they changing the case to accommodate the 9015 , or is it interchangeable with the 2824 movement? If the case won't accommodate an ETA movement, replacing with a Powermatic 80 slow beat will be a problem. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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