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Everything posted by andreww

  1. Saw those yesterday. It appears that they have simply fixed the Omega logo on the dial. No other differences.
  2. you know, as good as reps are, I was able to determine this was gen very quickly. The quality of the Pearl was the big giveaway on this one, although I was really hoping that it was a very good version from the V2 maker. Congrats on a beautiful watch with a very lucky number!
  3. Mines been pretty consistent over the years, pretty self explanatory as well
  4. That is an outstanding photo freddy! Beautiful composition.
  5. The key word there was "might"! You've got a MBP Red, you'll be fine. Wish I could afford one, as you said, it would make a great couch computer!
  6. Finger gestures work with all apple touchpads. That said, some browsers don't support all gestures. Safari does, Chrome seems to, Opera doesn't, and I'm not sure about Firefox. Any of the current mac laptops will be more than enough machine for the Microsoft Office suite.
  7. @ Ronin, nobody said the ipad even compares with the Air or any real laptop. What I'm saying is that a lot of people use computers for nothing but surfing and the occasional email. IMO doing those things are more enjoyable on an ipad. Using a touchscreen is a far more satisfying experience.
  8. @Red, I don't put much stock in benchmark scores, with a device like this the results can be very misleading. For instance, because of it's flash memory, the Air will garner point for startup speeds, but I haven't rebooted my mbp more than a half dozen times in a year. Bottom line, a 1.4 core duo isn't going to outperform a 2.4 core duo ever! Screen resolution may be better, but size becomes a factor at some point. I'd guess that the iPhone has a similar or better resolution than the ipad, and I'd choose to work on an ipad every time. Don't get me wrong, the Air looks like a great toy. I just hate to see people who should be thinking mb or mbp swooning over the air because of it's size. Like I said before, if you are covered in the laptop department, the Air would make a nice casual computer. Just can't endorse it as a primary machine.
  9. I found myself back at the Applestore today and was wondering how hot the air would get under a serious load. So I surf to youtube figuring I'd run a few simultaneous flash videos, but to my surprise I found that there was NO FLASH INSTALLED, and I couldn't run any youtube video. So I surf to Apple's Trailer siteand start several vids in seperate windows. All but impossible to keep more than one playing at once, and with for windows open, the Air froze up and QT crashed.
  10. If you already have a real laptop, and have the money to throw around, why not? IMO however, the way you plan to use it might better be suited to a iPad.
  11. Nothing wrong with the C2D. works great in my MBP 13". If it ever starts to feel slow I can max out the ram to 8gigs and throw in a SSD. Nothing you can do to speed up the already slower Air.
  12. Hate to spoil the party but I think the Airs are overpriced and underpowered. For about the same price you can get a 2.4 ghz with 4gb of ram, macbook pro from the refurb store. Its a far better machine by a country mile, and if you are worried about the extra weight, don't. I carry mine back and forth to work every day, including 30 min of walking, and don't feel the slightest bit taxed. I had a chance to play with the 11" air and find the screen to be too small to use for any length of time. Having no built in DVD would probably end up being a major pain. How would you even play a game when most of them require you to have the DVD in the drive to play? The base model has 64GB of flash storage. Do you even know how much disk space Snow Leopard takes? forget about storing music and movies, you wont have room. You probably won't have room for your applications either.
  13. Or there is a loose screw in their that isn't jamming the movement while its sitting on his dresser
  14. If you take away the obviously higher labour rate and account for ETA's markup, the actual cost to produce would be the same. After all, the watches to go through the same basic processes. We all know the chinese cut corners however, and that our rep movements rarely come oiled or clean. That all costs money. These are luxury items though, and you are not paying for the watch as much as you are paying for the brand and all the air racing teams, movie stars, athletes, etc. that they pay millions upon millions of dollars to endorse their products. Setting a watch price has very little to do with actual value, but much more to do with targeting an audience that has the money to pay for a perceived exclusivity. And life has been treating me well Teej, just been a little to busy with life lately
  15. RWG has really suffered over the past few years by losing some of its biggest posters. Lump together all the posts amassed by the likes of Lani, Pugwash, VBarrett, and TTK, and you have a pretty substantial portion of the overall total posts here. And its not just the quantity of posts either, these people al had a knack of getting other members to contribute as well. If Lani made 10,000 posts, I dare say that they evoked at least 30,000 responses. He certainly is missed, as are all the others, and I hope they are all happy and healthy.
  16. In terms of what it actually "costs" to build these watches, i'd guess our reps cost about half of what they are sold for. Meaning a $300 watch costs about $150 to build. Now so long as we are talking about non-inhouse movement watches like Breits, Tags, Omega, etc., I would expect their actual value to be 3 to 4 times that of the rep, meaning if the rep was produced for $150, the gen would likely cost no more than $600. The thing that would be the biggest difference in the two would obviously be the movement, as the ETA (7750) would cost at the very least $200, while the Asian version would be well under $100. Costs to produce the other parts would be similar however. So bottom line is movement costs and labor are more expensive on the gen.
  17. Another thing to look for on these reps is loose retaining clips or screws getting caught in the mechanism and jamming it up. I had virtually the same problem as you when I got my first rep, a tricompax navi coincidentally. When I removed the caseback, I found the rotor screw had come llos and was jamming the hairspring.
  18. I stay clear of wearing chronos on the course, as the first time I did, it moved one of the subdial hands. I then switched to an ill running canal street Bentley that was loosing 10 minutes a day, but was still accurate enough for a few hours of golf. Funny thing is that after a few rounds of golf, the loosing time issue miraculously cured itself. The Bentley was way too big however, and I found my wrist was starting to ache, so I started wearing an UPO on rubber. Again, I found it to be two big, and the crown was digging in to my wrist. In fact after about 12 holes I would always find that the screw down crown had worked its way loose fron constantly contacting my wrist. I have finally settled on using a vintage Rolex Milgauss on a brown crock strap. I can understand why Phil Michelson (one of the only pro golfers I actually see wearing a watch during play) wears a similar sized rolex. Very comfortable, and since I made the switch my game has actually improved greatly!
  19. Looks like they did a good job with it. I'm not a real fan of the Ocean Racer strap, but I do like the buckle. What did is cost if you don't mind me asking?
  20. Navi bracelets are quite valuable. If I remember correctly, they retail at about $1500, but don't quote me on that. Problem is that no matter what its worth, you have to find someone willing to pay that stupid amount. That could take quite a while. Now if you were to offer it at a 50% discount, you could probably move it fairly quickly.
  21. Very unlikely that it would fit. On all gen breits, the bezel is secured by those screws on the side. On a rep the screws are fake and the bezel is press fitted on to the case. Bottom line is that the bezel looks the same from on top but completely different underneath.
  22. Yeah, the current 42mm model (4th generation) is a great base for mods, but certainly far from ultimate out of the box.
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