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Everything posted by kernow

  1. Great watches, I do like the reversed date wheel.
  2. About time you get hit with the ban hammer isn't it?
  3. I think they are all hit or miss. Some of mine are going strong without a service whilst the others ......
  4. Try Toro, he ships from Spain so you maybe able to get one although with a gen Swiss movement I'm not so sure. Good luck .
  5. I think that most of our TD's would be the same. These are counterfeit items bought off the internet from someone you don't know 1000's of miles away. The TD's are out to make money, they are not your friend. As long as you managed to get the problems resolved then it's more or less acceptable. If not then contact a moderator here. Sorry OP, but with my limited knowledge it sounds like the crown spring. I have a similar issue with a UN Maxi Diver. I can just about get around it by pulling the stem out to time setting and pushing it quickly and firmly home. I've been told that it should wear in a bit and get easier.
  6. Looks good, you should accept it. Understand it's a rep: if you want perfection buy a gen.
  7. You need to post this in M2M, but you need VIP status to post there. Otherwise have you tried any of the TD's?
  8. The insert can be realigned once you have the watch. It's hit and miss how they arrive from the factory.
  9. +1 Toro is a great dealer. Patience is the key as these are not items you pick up from a local store that come with a warrantee.
  10. 1 day M2M and around 4 months when I ordered a TC (but it was worth the wait).
  11. Yes it may work, but I'd not place a watch in hot water as the heat could damage the watch/grease/oils.
  12. Indeed. Check here ..... http://watchguy.co.uk
  13. Popped this on today to decide whether to keep or sell. Probably a keeper for the minute.
  14. There's no way I'm posting a picture of my 'tool'. Ooooops wrong forum.
  15. An oldie today, bought 24 years ago and was my daily wearer for around 20 of those.
  16. +1 The guy is snowed under and can't cope with the workload. He has done some ok work on a few of my reps and still has one. Personally, I'd put his services on hold and look to SSteel or the like.
  17. It's unlikely that the TD will help after that amount of time. You're better off tracking down a local watchsmith who'll work on reps. Failing that there are a few watchsmiths on here who'll most likely be able to help.
  18. Ha! That's the watch that I'm in the process of collecting parts for. I'm using a closed factory case, a 2230 dial (like the 2254 but with applied markers rather than painted on - so like a PO), 2230 hour and minute hand with a PO second hand and (naturally) a PO bezel.
  19. I would send/take it to a watchsmith who is happy to work on reps. The Seamaster Chrono is a lovely rep (I have a few!) and worth getting fixed. Post your location and you may get help from fellow members who can advise a local (to you) watchsmith.
  20. PM me - I'm in the UK.
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