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Everything posted by kernow

  1. Anyway, pain fades, bones heal and chicks dig scars.
  2. I'm Glad both your finger and bike survived. Looks a nice trail too.
  3. Is your wife going to pop up in a M2M deal, as I maybe interested in a trade
  4. Terrible news. I see Cats has not been online for a while. I hope he is still with us and enjoying his remaining time with his son and family. It is humbling when someone makes a post such as his opening one. It puts everything in perspective - whilst we love watches here, they are so insignificant in the greater scheme of things.
  5. Check the trusted dealers on here (TD's). If you can't see what you want on their websites then pick a few TD's and send them a photo of what you want and see if they can get it. If they say it's not available then it's not available. If you do find it on a site which is not a TD when you've been told it's not available as a rep then proceed with extreme caution as its most likely a scam and you'll lose your money if you try and buy it.
  6. Really. Well good for you, now jog on and spam somewhere else. You're not welcome here if you continue to post links to scam sites. You've 2 posts both linking to your suggested site. Where is a mod with the ban hammer?
  7. They all seem to have a big tell - the He escape valve is in the wrong position. They're okay for a cheap rep, as long as you look at it as a cheap rep, but I'd not look to build a high end Franken out of one.
  8. Phewwwwww I've managed to find the light again after drifting towards the dark side. Good work boss man.
  9. Lovely. One reason why I love my classic 2254 Seamaster so much.
  10. Cheaper than a mid priced rep and waterproof to boot. I bought it to actually take diving - and use that depth meter. Here comes 18m of water lol
  11. Dunno....... maybe a cyber attack from the other rep site some of the members were spamming?
  12. +1 Now, Mike, please go and find some gen Seamasters @ 75% off!
  13. I once Aussie kissed a girl - a bit like a French kiss but applied down under. Anyway, back to the strap: I've never liked rubber. I much prefer the PO on stainless.
  14. Not my usual style of watch, but just for a change.
  15. $50! Which is half the cost of the watch but it's still less than £100 delivered.
  16. Well, I finally succumbed to a Deepblue 200m diver. I occasionally do a bit of scuba and when these came up at $100 I thought long and hard - do I really need another watch, do I need a depth gauge and the answer : of course I do So, order placed on Wednesday and delivered on Friday - to the UK! Wow, 2 days from the USA to the UK. It must have flown under the radar through customs as I never heard a peep from those nasty guys! I'm in the far south west of the UK and the postal service here is hit and miss; it can take two days for UK post to be delivered, so this was very unexpected. Now the wait until Christmas begins as it's a Christmas present from my mother.
  17. Look at our list of TD's here and take your pick.
  18. Interesting but not really surprising. If the gen makers want to stamp out rep watches then it must also go that that they don't want their watch faces appearing on smart watches. Although I wonder how long it will be until they okay it, for a price?
  19. Yes, indeed. You may have to sell the BM and buy a Daewoo just to feed the habit! Anyway, welcome and enjoy your stay.
  20. Be very careful when seeking out Trusted Dealers. Do not just google the TD's name and use the first website that Google throws up as there are a lot of scam sites that copy the TDs - yes, even the name. So we have fake TD websites waiting to steal your money. Make sure that you find the 'real' TD's through the pages here.
  21. Great F1 season. Great drive by both Merc drivers but Hamilton edged it. Looking forward to next season now
  22. If everything was out of character then give him a chance to complete the deal. If you've already changed your passwords you've nothing to lose.
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