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Everything posted by Nightwatch

  1. The good old PAM 212 with it´s domed crystal and my beater 5513
  2. Nice story, the rifle just said: "Want to see more action".. and it really must be a remote place for nobody to get there for 135 years.
  3. That ali- Website seems brilliant. Not only are the prices in the $100 range but also they often come with a box and shipping from Sing. is free. I´d try a few even in the $120/$130 range to check if the qual is better than at $88. But continental customs EU won´t allow anything get through, so only if they shipped to Uk first and that´s increasing time-frame and cost by a huge margin again.
  4. Good to hear that Toro helps, some time ago these were totally unavailable.
  5. Fine order and fine prices. Looking forward to some pics of this one
  6. Hi, You will need 1 or 2 Torx T3 drivers (1 to hold in place as the bar turns with the screw 1 to turn the screws on the other end). This is a hollow bar with a thread in the center of it. Cheapest/easiest way is a complete kit of screwdrivers for repairing smartphones & similar. Replace with 24mm lugbars like these: http://www.uhrband24.com/24-mm-c-25_733.html, I think 1.8mm should be fine. In the future it´s easy to change straps as the BP has lugholes. Note: I use these, reinforced in 22mm and they are a solid fit for several months from Cousins.UK: R19294 Rolex Type Spring Bar 22mm PACK*10 1 £1.95
  7. Hi again, from what I read on the other forum they are refunding several CC payments. Imo it´s ok to wait for the time being. If something goes wrong or the full amount is not refunded You always have the option to contact the Boss and he will sort it out. As said above more than a week is considered normal by PT. citation on motives etc.:"we refunded your payment because the payment processor told us the payment was suspicious and they asked us to take our own risk to ship the products. We have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars by credit card scams in the past so we could not take the risk. We lose 7% for refunds, the China CC processor isnt like PP, when you refund and the service charge is also refunded, but the 7% service charge is not refundable (we have to pay them), so refund is the last thing we want to do, we only do what we have to."
  8. King of Frogs, one modern Rolex is a nice watch, but it doesn´t make You a collector by any standards. You were welcomed here, but Your attitude is simply boastful, intolerant and full of prejudice towards people. Bye "Gone fishing" is an English idiom that is used in reference to someone who is completely unaware of all that is going on in his or her immediate surroundings. The person described in this manner has checked out from reality and may be daydreaming of just simply ignorant of the people and things in the vicinity. In other cases, the term can be used to describe someone who has taken an opportunity to get away from the rigors of daily life.
  9. As I´m in continental EU I always need the transhipping, otherwise nothing comes through, so there is no other way yet. From what ppl have got from Aliex.. that I have seen it was between excellent and crap so it ends adding up as well I think. We just pay an extra-premium for the service of picking it up, maybe doing a pre-selection, qc-ing etc. (disregarding the fact I´d like that total different qc-service where the TD goes with a 4x lupe to pick up a good watch right from the start and not just any watch. When I get them it takes 1 minute to notice if generally all is fine or if there is something wrong, in another 4 I know what there is to know about it, that´s faster than taking pics etc.)
  10. Have read about it, usually seems to take a week with them/ their CC processor. Just make an update when it´s there.
  11. As jpz said I can´t stand loud ticking clocks in the bedroom, neither glowing electronic ones and the phone screen is too bright so I like to have a nice, well-lumed automatic to check the time. Sometimes on the wrist, sometimes on the bedside table but always somewhere I can just grab it.
  12. Instead of paying $10.000 for a genuine 1/2 real swiss watch maybe worth some $2.000 without the marketing and mark-up, it´s really better for the average guy to start looking into alternatives. Here are some more suggestions for smaller pockets to look into. Maybe the times when gen watches start reflecting their real value, like that other product called oil (fair market value $35-$42/barrel) are not too far away, so there´s still some hope left to someday get the real deal at a fair price. The Stowa Antea for some Euro 830,- below is "the real thing" already produced by Stowa since 1919 and rightfully they won the lawsuit instated by the almighty Swatch Group regarding the Nomos Tangente which goes for the double.
  13. Totally cool for the price and a lot of watch, even including lume. It´s all about having decent and working choices in the low-price segment and with the new rep-prices the choices available even a half Year ago are just getting too limited/inexistent, even at the double of this (plus expensive shipping). The above is just $75, including shipment to Europe with DHL from Creation Watches, $70 is what some TDs want to charge just for tri-shipping.
  14. Hi, I read a review somewhere about that Ladies AP and the buyer was totally impressed by the quality and good looks compared to the mens 15400 Myota, how it was assembled and everything about it, highly recommended it as one of the best womens reps out there.
  15. On the $3 to $15 usd ones most probably the hands and crown will really fall off and the dial will start to peel after a few days. Totally unlike Rolex. The Parnis actually might work. You could well visit the Jacksontse site, he doesn´t sell reps, only homages and for the price very acceptable ones.
  16. Just assume the "gens" are either well-worn or broken, even if recent. I would suppose in 90% of the cases they are disassembled, parts copied, re-assembled and re-sold. And this is done just by the first, the others copy the rep (including the flaws) as soon as it´s out, maybe improving one or the other thing comparing to pictures. While some of the larger TDs certainly make those numbers, most are still on a much smaller scale. Even that should allow for a yearly income in the mid-fives to the low-sixes but it´s a job that requires a lot of flexibility, constant presence and it´s very time consuming if TDs want to keep at least some standards.
  17. +1000 You Guys rock with style and insight. There are lessons here about how to enjoy life, about what life and friendship really is, what matters and how to make the most of it. Just great how this disconnected thread evolved. Thanks for being part of it.
  18. Great pics of You racing, the V8 engine and the machine. That seventies AM Vantage is a beautiful car by any standards and back than it was crazy fast compared to anything else on the street. And with much less police and traffic, You sometimes could actually have fun on some backroads as well.
  19. Hi and welcome to rwg. You might want to check getat and Jacksontse just for experimenting with parts and training; starting slow/economically.
  20. The (expensive) Blancpain FF has consistently strong lume. From mine the 16570 Explorer does very well too as does the PAM 212 Flyback and the Br Superocean Steelfish. PAMs may be very bright but it also varies a lot in more recent times.
  21. This is sad news indeed. R.I.P Cats My sincere condolences to Your family&loved ones&son
  22. It´s a fun exercise, I would put R. with Mercedes as best described, but Panerai 4me would be the nice and reliable, good old 60´s Beetle.
  23. Think I will never need a smartwatch, but I still remember many people saying they would never buy/own a handy. If future technology and office rules dictates this, it´s good to know there will be alternatives as aftermarket straps with the technology.
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