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Everything posted by Dizzy
Hello everyone this is an exciting day for me. I ordered my first Panerai from Angus this morning. Its the "fiddy" with Canon pinion fix and super lume mods. I already have my custom vintagized 26mm Panerai strap ready to go! Hopefully I'll have the watch next week... but in the meantime heres a pic of my strap. Its a 26/24 and super vintageized. You never know.. I'll prob end up beating the case up in a cement mixer and sending the dial to The Zigmeister for the heavy water damage look / vintage varnish treatment to match the strap Heres a pic of the strap. I dont know much about Pams... do i need the 26mm tubes for the strap or can you attach the strap without them?
No wrist shot but today its back to the Modded MBW16610 Franken. Modded MBW 16610 case Modded Noob Bracelet Noob Dial Noob Hands Better bezel insert and pearl gen Rolex Triplock crown and tube with modded crown guards Going to The Zigmeister next week for C1 superlume!! woo hoo!! Trying to give it some wrist time before i send it away
thats awesome! haha If you wanna live you wont complain... hilarious
I keep my watches in here. It helps with that Vintage look
HAHA.. uhm Sean...you have 67 posts on THIS forum so I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this statement. I think the biggest problem here is that Joe obviously has unsatisfied customers, and also satisfied customers. Now why would you want to "roll the dice" and not be sure what you're going to receive back? Why not just send your watch to a modder who has an near perfect or perfect customer satisfaction rating. Its not worth the risk sending it to Joe because there are simply WAY TO MANY unhappy customers. I guess some people like what he calls "the shrunken tritium effect". Maybe some of us just expect "more" for a $600 mod job. If you are happy with the job he does then thats great, but i think some of us are a little more picky. If im paying someone to do a job for me, then i expect it to be done BETTER than what i am capable of doing myself Here is a one of Joes own pics right off his section on RWI.. its not even a close up and you can see the POOR lume job. This is a never ending arguement. I think everyone needs to read and search and find our for themselves if they want to use Joe or not.. for me, the bad outweighs the good and i wouldnt use him. We should try to keep this informative and not let it turn into a pissing match. If anyone says Joe does a great job then lets please see some closeup pics please.
LOL puff puff pass.. your fukken up the rotation! haha The term 1:1 is thrown around these days like its nothing. There are obviously reasons as to why they dont actually make them properly. If the vietnamese can make an almost perfect case then why cant any of the other rep manufacturers? There is always at least one glaring flaw., The trick is to buy the rep with the flaws that you can FIX, and have it modded to perfection
This is when a watch becomes gay LOL
If i was to use a modder on RWI i would probably research Vacuum and see what people say about his work. From what i've seen its 10x better than Joes work. ANd its not that Joe is 'expensive' but its the fact that hes severely over charging for work done ($100 for crappy replica crown and tube), hes charging for work he doesnt do (aging the case and removing the sharp lines), and he does POOR work in general, just look at his lume work. Im not saying i can do it any better as i am not a watchmaker, but i know the difference between good work and bad work. If you want your watch modded properly then send it to someone like The Zigmeister. If you have lots of money and want it butchered so it looks like a 7 year old did it...... Any member here with basic knowledge of hand tools and some mechanical ability could mod their watch themself with no experience and get the same results as joe provides. The reason we send our watches to real watchmakers is to get it done properly. @malumouse - I hope you can get your watch and parts back before he starts on it. Sounds like you have an amazing project here with the gen dial and movement, and would hate to see it screwed up. There are many VERY GOOD modders here on RWG. Just do some research so you send it to the right person. Lonnie
WOW look at these bargain prices! $120 for crappy crown guards and lubing the o-rings with NO guarantee of water resistance HAHA nice $45 for a crystal that you can buy from clarks for $15 $100 for that crappy crown and tube? You've got to be kidding me. The Zigmeister used to charge $110 (last yrs prices) and that INCLUDES the gen crown and tube. Joe says the gen parts arnt any better so he uses these parts instead? Thats just plain stupid. There is no way anyone would actually believe this so hes just scamming scamming scamming. $65 to install a different bezel insert? HAHA these are $10 on ebay. And he thinks the correct vintage pearl is the one with the metal ring around it? Why do the guys at RWI praise this guy so much? All i've ever read about him is how his work sucks and he over charges and it takes him a year to complete a watch. And heres just one more example of this. Joe must be paying off certain people at RWI because all they seem to do is defend him and his work. Doesnt make sense. His work sucks incomparison to guys like The Zigmeister who do the work faster AND cheaper and 10x better.
I just posted a link to this topic at RWI... I dont like scammers so everyones got to know about this. We need to protect ourselves as a community from people like him.
Theres a lot of things over at RWI that dont make much sense, so this doesnt really surprise me haha Life is good lol
I totally agree! @Diesel - like i said in a previous post a few min ago, i will see if i can find that crystal for you.. and if you have any questions or need any info please ask or PM one of us and im sure we'll do whatever we can to guide you in the right direction. I can give you some tips on getting the casework a bit better and i think if you bleached the insert for a minute or so and popped out that pearl it would look a lot better and a bit more rugged There is quite a bit you can probably do yourself to improve this a lot Hopefully we arnt jumping the gun here.. after all we dont even have confirmation as to wether the cost of the watch itself is included in that price or not.... Lonnie
Can you imagine what a REAL modder like The Zigmeister or Oli could have done for that much money??? Now im getting [censored] off too because i know what its like to be ripped off, and i never want to see it happen to anyone else. I wonder if theres anyway to get some sort of a refund out of this idiot joe. How did you pay him? Paypal?
wow thats a nice one Freddy. I think ive got about $750 into my MBW DRSD project and that INCLUDES the cost of the watch itself, all the mods, gen crown and tube, gen T39 superdome, the The Zigmeister vintage lumed dial from another member here and the The Zigmeister tear down and rebuild of the movement etc etc etc.
I hope $645 includes the cost of the MBW watch itself????????? WOW thats shocking... if its $645 including the $400 MBW then thats not so bad. For a couple hundred bux you can complete this correctly with some good gen parts (crown, tube, clarks superdome, insert etc). I'll have a look and see if i still have my extra clarks T39 and if so you can have it for free. I'll dig through some parts and PM you and let you know if i can be of any help. I dont see more than a couple hundred $ worth of mods here at most... I personally dont know much about why Joe was banned except that he was ripping people off and taking way to long to complete work. I know members complain about him over on RWI about the same things over and over... I think this is a good reminder for some of the newer members such as myself as to why we should avoid this guy. I understand what Dr.B is saying about letting sleeping dogs lie.. but maybe we need a reminder once in a while. could you post all the details of work done and breakdown of cost? And also what he told you was done and we can tell you if it was done or not. But as docblackrock said... you might not like what you;re gunna hear
not a gen crown.. not even close. Its a replica tube and prob just the MBW one. Do you mind if i ask what he charged you for all these mods? And why did it take him half a year to do 3 days worth of work? I love the watch though.. its very nice.. The 1665 is my favorite watch, it just needs a few more minor mods. I would swap out that bezel insert for one with the proper vintage pearl. Thats an insert from a new style Submariner. The vintage pearl is completely different. The flat crystal isnt completely 'incorrect' but the superdome is SO much nicer and correct for a double red. I dont think the crystal is that bad at all really but I would do a gen crown and tube for sure. Its a great watch the way it is right now. I just hope he didnt charge you much because it doesnt look like he really did all that much work to it. You requested as many gen parts as he could install and the Gen crown would be the most obvious mod and he didnt even do it. This is what a gen crown and tube look like on my DRSD. Notice how thick the tube is. Its almost as thick as the crown itself. It almost looks as though the crown wont screw onto it, but it does
haha thats a good question! And i dont like the slope of the lugs either. Im glad its got lug holes anyways. A sea-dweller without lug holes for me is just 'wrong'. Its the best modern version so far but its not what we were all expecting thats for sure
your lucky.. my sec@6 died in 2 weeks and now its lost in the mail somewhere in China. Very sad because ive always wanted a Daytona and my first experience with the Daytona has been a bad one anyways... today im sportin' the usual... the modded MBW1665 slow-beat franken DRSD. I just cant seem to take it off my wrist.
Yeah i know.. sorry for some reason i thought this was another new offering because i have been getting emails now in the last 10 minutes with pricing and availability from dealers. I love sea-dwellers but im waiting for Angus to release his, if he ever does..
I see the new super/Ultimate sea-dweller is listed on collectors web sites now.. here is the link to Joshs A few collectors have it offered now and i'm getting emails with pricing and promise of delivery by Oct 25th ... crown guards are off.. pearl is wrong.. here we go again. no mention of gen 1570 movement options This one is $278 but doesnt look like anything exceptional to me... Ultimate Sea-dweller 1:1 ????? When are we gunna see the Ultimate one we've been waiting for?? Angus if you're listening, can you give us an update? Lonnie
yeah you dont put an O-ring where the tube meets the case...
funny little story and a very nice watch!!!
very nice but where are the pics of the 1665????????? you must have taken a couple when you were out there?
TTKs famous Noobmariner is the best out of the box unmodded submariner rep and it starts at about $100