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WTF! Ubi's 7032 going for $50k!


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I'm glad this scam was caught. It's bad enough to have to deal with the normal headaches of watch trading without having to worry about such things.

I have a question though. The collectors that would be willing to pay $40k for such a piece would go thru great lengths to authenticate it before sending that much money to someone off ebay. Realistically, would he be able to sell it at all if wasn't caught? I hope not.

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This is getting interesting...seems that watchestoyou360 (aka Halo) tried to pull the same stunt in the past. Tried to pass of a rep Explorer as gen.


DANG!!!!...this COULD make a good movie!!!! Reminds me of Leo Dicaprio's movie "Catch Me If You Can"!!!

Wow, this is the rep Explorer that I bought from him about a year ago on this site. It saddens me to learn about all this. I thought he was pretty ok at the time.


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This is getting interesting...seems that watchestoyou360 (aka Halo) tried to pull the same stunt in the past. Tried to pass of a rep Explorer as gen.


DANG!!!!...this COULD make a good movie!!!! Reminds me of Leo Dicaprio's movie "Catch Me If You Can"!!!

Haha... rofl!! :rofl:

Once again "hard stuff" he tries to pull with the Explorer!

BEST thing was the comment of a member - i almost felt off my chair:


lol never heard before "Bull$hitometer"


Is this something we can install in RWG??


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The thing which saddens me most about this, is that this is a community based upon trust. It is a living embodiment in the maxim 'honor among thieves' (not that anyone here's a thief, but given the nature of our hobby, well, y'know...) Anyway, this is a community which helps its own, and goes to great lengths to help those in need. I tried to be, if not 'tolerant' of the sale, 'understanding' of the situations which there are in the world, and the desperation it can bring to others. But. There is never a need to be dishonest about such things. People will always be willing to help those in need who put their hand up and ask honestly, but when people start lying, that's when my sympathy and understanding of their circumstances run out. This is a dark day for the community :(

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This is really upsetting on many levels. I was talking to Halo not too long ago because he was looking to buy and restore an old BMW, mentioned his burnt down home too. Only thing I hope is this shameful act just disappears in the annals of history and doesn't come back to Ubi in any way.

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I usually take a jigger of OUZO when it comes

to >80% bovine excrement on Bull$hit-O-Meter :D

And about Halo and his inquiries on other frankens

(as JoJo and others stated) i guess we can be glad

that this got detected before he could pull something off

on ebay or elsewhere... Yes it is sad, i know how people

feel (from first hand) when their house burnt down or even

just their household. However i cant imagine to try something

like that :mellow:

The magical word: Fire insurance, Fire insurance, Fire insurance...

Last time i had a customer with fire loss - we estimated a

damage of 120.000,-

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So he got banned from all rep boards... big $hit!! He'll sign up with a new user name and nobody will ever know.

I think this merits more serious actions. Like posting it on other forums (real watch forums) with the mans location, maybe the guys real name. He may not try to sell the watch through the Internet, but he will definitely try to sell it to someone else.

The collectors that would be willing to pay $40k for such a piece would go thru great lengths to authenticate it before sending that much money to someone off ebay. Realistically, would he be able to sell it at all if wasn't caught?

This is a good question. If you can spare $40k on a watch, and you're naive enough to send that kind of money to someone with 30 transactions (and not even 100% feedback), then you don't deserve to have that kind of money.

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ban the IP range you mean? nothing anyone with google cant get around in 10mins, starts with 'P' and ends with 'roxy'

IP address is no longer the only way to identify/track a person. Also, banning or watching "ranges" is useless (just one piece of the pie), especially if they live in a metro area with many other members. Our Admin team I am sure knows their stuff.

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I understand the worries re that situation, but if the feds see he's bought a watch for, say, $2k and then sold it on as genuine at x times the price, any fed with a brain is going to question the fact he paid so little for it in the first place but is saying it was sold to him as gen, surely??

Well you'd hope... lol

Although whether they would then got nosey round your affairs would be difficult to judge until it happened, but I wouldn't like to bet against it!

Hmmm.... That's one dagerous assumption there Member X. I have yet to meet a fed or the Norwegian counterpart which is a KRIPOS detective with half a brain... The most intelligent KRIPOS detective i ever met had at best a 10th of a brain...

I was once arrested for drug trafficing. I had lent my car to one of my apprentices, and he had taken his girl and a friend and his girlfriend to Amsterdam. The friend had brought with him about 2 lbs of Weed. The friend admitted to the crime, and didn't even know me or my name. I was however arrested because i had given them the money that was used to buy the drugs. I was held in remand for 14 days.

As for the money.. Yes, they came from me. Strange thing that... An employer who pays wages to his employees!!! My apprentice had lent some of his salary and vacation bonus to his friend. According to the KRIPOS that qualified me as the financier of it all. :nono: In short. Never underestimate the stupidity of the police.

As for the case at hand i would just like to say that it is reprehensible to commit fraud, although i can understand the mitigating circumstances that have been mentioned. I guess what it all comes down to is that if i was to spend USD 40 000 on anything, let alone a watch, i would be doing some heavy due diligence before completing the purchase. I would at the same time like to give praise to the staff and Admin for the most professional way they have handled this situation.

With regards,


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Thats a bitch of a story Broker, your lawyer never pushed for unlawful imprisonment?

I know when I was young I and 2 friends went to visit a mate who happened to live next door to a junkie.

When we left we drove around the corner (my car) only to be pulled over by 2 big plain clothes drug squad guys.

It was pouring rain so my mates and I had to stand under someones carport with one cop while the other searched my car.

When he couldn't find anything he came to the carport to talk to us and it was all "Punks" and "arseholes" etc etc and then he said that they could take my car to the station and pull it apart, so I said "fine just make sure you put it back together" and the cop said "No way and after that we will do a cavity search on you!" and he added "What do you say to that?"

Well I said "No I will wait and see what my lawyer says"....and they let us go. :yeah:


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