Yeah we've always kinda gone by the rule of thumb... if it lies north of your country to 90N, then it's yours. That's being challenged but not seriously.
That was a funny article talking about the perilous thinning and loss of old sea ice, then they segue to talking about how "cold" it is.
Give me a break... 23C? Minus 25F with the windchill? We send kids out to recess here in Anchorage in those temps. Pfffffffft, that's not even remotely cold. I used to work up there doing neutron backscatter testing of the pipelines, outdoors all day. Coldest I saw with a windchill was off the printed charts so we had to estimate -165F. Now THAT is cold.
It's another "Alaska" show making a buck off the intrepid city folks coming up here for a couple weeks.