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Mike on a bike

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Mike on a bike last won the day on March 13 2024

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About Mike on a bike

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    United States

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    New Jersey
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    Watches! economics, cooking.

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  1. Kernow one of the few on the job, listen gents................
  2. Slay so sorry I am no longer an admin so can not help out. I was cashiered without so much as a thank you or notification in advance after all my years of service.
  3. Yes I am I guess, my point was that even at our height of modding prowess we were a sleepy place/ not fun WTF are we going to do now as we are deficient to other boards in that area.
  4. You are correct Freddy past tense but even with our modders at their height it was so tough to get the place alive /fun as automatico states tough in cheek and I tried everything photo contests, raffles with outrageous amounts of watches to take a chance on for a few bucks, chasing dealers around to post their new stuff here as they did elsewhere and other things but nothing took. Now you tell me more modders on RWI (I do not go there much at all) well that is very bad news. Well I am not in hot seat anymore others are going to try their hand, let us wish them luck.
  5. freddy , We were always the store of knowledge and expertise for modding , movements, vintage whatever for the rep world. i doubt we are deficient in that area, what we lack/lacked was volume of members just to make the place fun to hang out at. I can not tell you how many times guys at RWG bz would call us the knitting circle, I replied " my guys are sitting in ivory towers thinking up builds your guys are buying whatever the latest thing factories try to sell them." That is not our problem even with some older guys no longer able to mod as they do not see so well! Yes this is true................
  6. Alas my friend / partner here is gone...................just a deep dark wound that I am still trying to get my head around. I can see him across from me smiling eating big T-bones steaks with me, I do not sit at that table anymore.
  7. Sorry hornet used to be able to but no more, contact new owner.
  8. Hi Guys! The blood is old here gents......................so much the better.
  9. A real lose in our time, class act all the way. I know a lot in the UK get peeved at the cost of the monarchy but for 70 years of a near perfect figure head for your country worth every shilling & then some.
  10. I see so many here to pay their respects I have not seen it a long time . It strengthens my soul and more importantly it shows the kind of man Bob was, least we forget................
  11. Guys I know most of you for many years , you know what I do and my politics I hope ( Let's go Brandon). But I gotta say this, you got no idea of the death, mayhem , fear and bravery I have seen. Take it from whom it comes this was nightmare of biblical proportions: who had this or that before hand , who fudged the death certificate for the money matters not. I could go into details that would have some brand me as a leftist or a righty depending, I choose not to. Let it be guys the fat lady has not sung for some of this I can attest to.
  12. David my deepest condolences to you and your family we have lost one of the best. I was fortunate enough to have spent time with Bob as his work brought him to New Jersey and we would do dinner. This afforded us the opportunity to deepen our friendship as we worked closely together here for many years. There has been a lot of dramas and joys in Bob's life and mine over the last few years but when chips were really down we took counsel together, I will miss him greatly. RIP my dear friend the world is lesser place without you.
  13. Jorge till you speed 12 hours in the same dirty mask treating COVID patients on the front line I'd advise you leave this alone. (I have) Read the COVID thread in General Discussion and learn........................You want to come play in the COVID ward with me, come on down!
  14. A virus wants to keep their host alive but spread so it's mutations tend to go that route, spread better less deadly. Let us hope this one puts itself on the list of other viruses we can live with.
  15. Guys real good news, the beginning of the end of this plague if these studies hold true world wide.
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