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Everything posted by SSTEEL

  1. Ah, my bad, I was starting to wonder wtf was going on for a minute there. Carry on
  2. I did have a look in the trusted dealer section, and I couldn't find him, only Josh Nana.
  3. What email do you have? Perfect Clones are not a trusted TD here iirc.
  4. I take it you want an LN dial? TC may have one.
  5. Damn this sucks guys, I feel for ya.
  6. Three words, "Wifi Digital Camera"
  7. Nice 1 Mike, I still haven't received my tracking number yet, but guessing its any day now.
  8. Nice! Should brush up nicely that mate.
  9. Congrats my friend, great rep, and TD I too am an ex-Diver myself, but for pleasure not work.
  10. Time to invest in a proper camera there mate Its the only way to compliment a subject.
  11. Heard from Thomas last night, he confirmed my order and that he will be shipping out soon, but no actual date mentioned. This is fine
  12. Wait some more, there are extra delays with all shipments these last couple of months, so don't worry. Remember, Christmas is around the corner, which adds a serious heavy load to the system.
  13. Doh, bloody spelling, my previous post was supposed to state Dental, not detal.
  14. If you don't even know what the regulating bars are called, you should not really be anywhere near them my friend. As Freddy states, could be a number of things now. Did you move the correct regulator, or both?
  15. O>M>G! Looking forward to seeing these come together mate.
  16. The exact same as I'm getting, but with cyclops.
  17. As mentioned in email mate, for the asking price, its too cheap, but as you say could be the poor condition. The rear of the pearl looks suspect, maybe its a replacement that has been glued in after the original being lost? The pearl on a gen insert snaps into place, no gluing needed. Just like the insert itself, snaps into the bezel ring, no gluing needed either.
  18. As mentioned, don't try and insert a new stem if there is still a small broken part of the old stem in there. Make sure this broken part is removed before even trying to fit a new stem.
  19. Detal drill just showed up on eGay, maybe worth keeping an eye on.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Emesco-Vintage-175-HP-Extended-Dental-Drill-for-the-collector-or-Watchmaker-NICE-/370918540644?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item565c77c564
  20. Looks like the stem has broken off inside the movement looking at the thread on whats left of it. If you can't extract the broken part out of the movement, by facing the tube down, and gent ally tapping the watch case, you are going to need to strip the keyless down to get the broken part out my friend.
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