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Everything posted by tomhorn

  1. Just got my 3717 back from Vac. Have to say while I have always loved this watch, I'm amazed at how much better it is now ... It started off as my very first rep purchase from Bruce79, found here in the sales section. It is a v1, and originally came to him from 'Wolf'. Bruce79 posted some pics here, but unfortunately I can't seem to find the original sales thread. Here it is when upon arrival at my doorstep: My first upgrade was to send it off to Rex for a service and to get ETA date wheels installed. I also ordered a Tourby pilot strap to replace the original rep strap, and it now looked like this: I thought I was pretty happy at that point and wasn't sure I would proceed any further with modding it. I kept missing Chief's AR runs, and Rex stopped working on the 3717's due to fragile hands on the 3717, so I really didn't want to chance a movement upgrade. But as frequently happens with mods, an itch needed to be scratched, and in March exelonman offered up his 3717 for sale, and he had an uninstalled Taka crystal and ETA date wheels as part of the package. When he sold the watch itself alone and offered up the parts, I picked them up (BTW - I still have the ETA date wheels if anyone is looking for a set). So what to do now? Well, as long as I was going to send it somewhere to get the crystal installed, I figured it might as well go to Vac so he could re-lume it at the same time. It just came back today, and quite frankly the lume and crystal really make the watch. I can't believe how much better it looks ... Under a spotlight: On the wrist: Lume shots: Thanks to Bruce79 and exelonman for the parts, and to Rex and Vac for the excellent service! I think its now got a permanent space in my collection.
  2. One of the few remaining on my list of 'must haves' ... enjoy!
  3. Common knowledge in these parts.
  4. Not sure why you would want to do this as the Portu is a chronograph. The Parnis watches are seconds at six and power reserve at 12.
  5. Parnis makes a similar styled watch with the Seagull power reserve movement as in the UN Maxi Marine Diver. Here's a black dialed version on the Bay: http://cgi.ebay.com/PARNIS-BLACK-DIAL-AUTOMATIC-POWER-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ190385658362QQcmdZViewItemQQptZWristwatches?hash=item2c53de99fa White dial with blue hands: http://cgi.ebay.com/PARNIS-PI22-44MM-WATCH-POWER-RESERVE-BLUE-HANDS-WHITE_W0QQitemZ370356186694QQcmdZViewItemQQptZWristwatches?hash=item563af2ee46
  6. Mine is on a Tourby strap. Great quality and a good guy to deal with ...
  7. Actually quite well done on Google's part ... one of the better 'geek' pranks on this April Fool's Day ...
  8. AFAIK, there are no rep dials with truly black indices for an Explorer II. They are all more of a gunmetal color. That's why in all the reviews of the Explorer II it's recommended to buy the black faced version of the watch. You have to find a gen dial if you want true black. You also have to have the 'old' case version of the watch, because the gen dial won't fit the newer noob case. Have seen some gorgeous frankens posted, and I have it on my project list for sometime down the road.
  9. Ebel 1911 Discovery Chronograph today.
  10. 1) Chrono - tie: IWC 3717 and Ebel 1911 Discovery 2) Dressy Hand Wind - IWC Portugieser or FA Jones (same basic watch, two different looks) 3) Sporty automatic - any BK/WM9 Sub (in my case the LV) 4) Quartz for outdoor activity - I don't own any quartz watches, so off pictures and reviews only, the Ebel 1911 BTR Quartz or Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean Chrono 5) MISC FAVE - ANY CATEGORY - PAM 063
  11. I will second By-Tor on the Ebel 1911 although I have the Discovery Chrono, not the BTR (which I also love BTW). Not only is it extremely accurate, but it also just looks and feels like a gen watch should. Fit and finish is great and the bracelet really is well done. Strip the Ebel branding off of it and I'd probably still own one.
  12. That's good news .... at least for me anyway ... I had bought a T21 from thewatchgarage prior to your thread coming out, and was quite disappointed after reading the thread that perhaps I had been taken for a ride too. Was never able to get it to photograph well, but thought I was seeing a beveled edge. Glad to know it's really OK, and now have good instructions on what not to do when fitting it. Thanks for the update!
  13. Lani makes a lot of good points, and I have dropped about 50 lbs in a similar manner. Keeping to a strict regiment while on the road can be tough, so I fall back on three things when on the road. 1) Watch portion size. Obviously I try to pick the right foods also, but at least here in the US the restaurant portions are normally huge. Doing things like eating half of what they bring out, or ordering the smallest cut of meat or fish goes a long way. Most restaurants will oblige you if you ask the server to tell the chef to pick out a small cut, even if there isn't a size option on the menu. Skip the wasted carbs, like bread and ketchup, and avoid the sugary drinks. 2) Make use of the hotel workout facilites. Very few mainstream business hotels are without at least a treadmill or eliptical. Get up 30 minutes early and do a quick cardio work. Or, if the weather is good, run outdoors. Just get in 30 minutes ... it's not that hard to do, even on the road. If you feel the need, you can do basic stuff like situps, crunches and pushups in the room for a little strength and core work. 3) Be careful of the late night dinners. As Lani said, eating late is not good for your weight loss goals. Also be careful about alcohol intake. It's not that you can't have any, just don't over-indulge ... it will be compounded by likely making you want to skip #2.
  14. If you are asking what we think of them, then the diver looks kinda cool, and the other two do nothing for me.
  15. Actually, what I said was the lume is incorrect on the v2, but correct on the v1 and v3. The dial, IMO is best on the v1 mainly due to its texture/finish. As for the color of the dial, lighting and AR can definitely affect what you see in pics. The factories often make some features worse while improving others in subsequent releases, it happens all the time ... you just have to pick your poison, and do mods when necessary ...
  16. Sorry to hear that .... I mean congrats and best wishes!
  17. Very interested to see how this works out ... am growing weary of getting outbid on v72's ....
  18. I've always been a big fan of this rep ... but have always preferred the white dial to the black. Your pix are making me rethink that ...
  19. Sorry Ubi ... wasn't meaning to take a shot at anyone ... Just thought the thread was getting sidetracked talking about Subs when the OP wasn't looking for one.
  20. Is everyone missing where the OP is asking about a Rolex Explorer or SD (other than JKay)? Obviously the best SD will come from WM9/BK in the (hopefully) near future. As for the 'white' Explorer, I am not aware of a white dialed version of the Explorer (although one may exist), and the white version of the Explorer II has been written about many times as not being the preferred model of that watch due to the hour marker surrounds not being the proper color.
  21. The easiest way to tell if it's a v2 is to turn off the lights. The v2 has lume on the hour numbers, which is incorrect to the gen. The v1 and v3 both have the correct lume, which is just on the 3,6,9 and 12 markers.
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