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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. i think everyone's first gen will always hold a special place in their heart; looks like this one will be no exception nice choice; wear it well deltatahoe
  2. thanks after some serious thought about my watch wearing habits (ie, what do i find myself actually wearing most, not what do i like best in theory), these were the three that i think i could make due with in the long run. this would throw a real kink in my three. pugwash is right -- the three watch world is tough after some thought, my revised three with a chronograph would be as follows: i) iwc big pilot 5004 ii) pam 112 iii) rolex daytona 116520 (picture courtesy of gioarmani) it's definitely hard to see the 1675 go, but i think i could make due with the daytona deltatahoe ps, given i NEVER use my chronographs, i think i'd still prefer to stick with my original three
  3. this is definitely a tough one....i'd probably go with the following: i) iwc big pilot 5004 ii) pam 112 (i'm assuming i can keep my strap collection ) iii) rolex 1675 (i'm banking on the fact that i can have both an all-black and pepsi bezel insert to change things up ) reasons why i chose what i did: i) the big pilot is an iconic watch and my favorite iwc ii) i think the base 112 pam epitomizes the brand; it is such a simple, classic design and versatile with a whole host of straps iii) the 1675 is one of the most comfortable watches i've ever worn (it's actually very thin), and there's nothing like the warmth of a vintage rolex oh and just in case you didn't notice, i went for big, medium and small deltatahoe
  4. the rep does come with a black (rep) gator strap with white stitching; he replaced it with a strapluxe black alligator strap with matching stitching deltatahoe
  5. good stuff keep reporting back -- it's fun to read about people's off-board encounters with other watch freaks deltatahoe
  6. that article was referring to the watch he wears in real life deltatahoe
  7. i'll cast my vote for this one deltatahoe
  8. thanks for a good laugh nanuq -- still smiling just thinking about how that must have played out deltatahoe
  9. great pictures. i hate to be a party pooper, but you do realize pretty much everything about the dial is wrong, right? deltatahoe
  10. fantastic pictures chief thanks for all the nice comments -- i'm a lucky guy it's a good thing chief and i live close by -- hopefully this thing will arrive on wednesday deltatahoe
  11. @pugwash, i honestly didn't see your reply before writing mine -- great minds think alike deltatahoe
  12. too funny -- perfect analogy seriously, great story. welcome to RWG deltatahoe
  13. as others have said, members like toad that are willing to take the time to put together posts like this are what make RWG great i wish this was around when i was a noob. i probably wouldn't have slept for days reading all this info, but man what a treasure trove deltatahoe
  14. i'm glad you posted about this -- i checked in your section looking for something recently and wondered if i was losing my mind i was thinking, i know ziggy wrote a review about this... i don't think the average joe has any clue how much hard work goes into writing reviews of this quality (not to mention taking good pictures, uploading them to image shack, linking to them in the review, getting them in the right order, etc etc). thanks again for all you do for us here at RWG deltatahoe
  15. was thinking the exact same thing deltatahoe
  16. wow nanuq -- she is a beauty. and just like you like 'em -- well worn congrats deltatahoe
  17. that's the problem for me...just not my thing deltatahoe
  18. thanks everyone -- i think the vintage strap really makes this watch special @FGD, i think the davidsen dial is probably the best. there was a guy on ebay based out of in florida that had some cali dials with a white chapter ring, but i don't think he's around anymore... deltatahoe
  19. first off, welcome to RWG click here for a list of common abbreviations deltatahoe ps, keep reading seriously, it will serve you well when you actually go to start buying some watches
  20. based on his feedback, looks like he's sold several watches before with satisfied buyers; i think you probably got yourself a good deal keep us posted *crosses fingers* deltatahoe
  21. the cali dials are sneaky that way -- once you get the bug, they are hard to ignore this one has a high domed crystal as well; i should probably take a profile shot to demonstrate how high the crystal sits.... deltatahoe
  22. so it's been a while since i've posted any of my new watches (i've finally decided to clean up my watchbox a bit given the recent additions); here is one watch that is getting a lot of wrist time these days -- an unbranded california dial radiomir. this watch was inspired by V (he has a similar watch); he also made me a custom vintage strap for the watch, which i think sets the dial off perfectly. the dial and hands were also relumed by the master ziggy; his special touch is clearly present in the final product. ok, enough talk about the watch -- here are some pics i took this weekend: many thanks to V and ziggy for their help in bringing this one together deltatahoe
  23. wow -- what a find congrats deltatahoe
  24. totally agreed re: the v1 5002 -- it is pretty much spot on to the genuine mine is off getting a double AR treatment from chieftang; i paired it with a strapluxe strap and think it looks almost as good as my 5004 and for anyone who is curious, this is what the lume should look like on the 5002 big pilot deltatahoe
  25. don't even get me started about all the errors on the 5004 v3 version for this watch at this price, the v1 5002 version with the non-working PR hand is a complete no-brainer... deltatahoe
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