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Sneaky bugger thought it would sneak through undetected.

Not to be my friend!

To the one person who is the heart beat of this place.

Happy Birthday mate :thumbsupsmileyanim:

A lot of members here, would be unaware, that if it wasn't for KB's relentless drive a few years back, then, this place would not exist.

And that drive and passion has continued unchecked, and unparalleled for these latter years.

So lets all celebrate the 50th birthday of a great forum personality, and dedicated admin team member.

Thanks for all you bring to our community.



Thanks guys, things are gearing up here for a boozy weekend but my sneaky wife still wont tell me what we are doing :D



Gratulerer med dagen, KB!! TwoTone and I hoisted a frothy one tonight in a quaint little restaurant in Eagle River, we'll say it was in your honor!

You're a gentleman and a scholar, and I couldn't be more proud that I can say "hey I know that guy!!"



Well.. happy b-day young man !!

another year.. younger.. :whistling:

have a special day KB



Well.. happy b-day young man !!

another year.. younger.. :whistling:

have a special day KB




Cheers Ken! It were you I thought of first and contacted when I joined ranks on the new RWG as 'Demsey'. For good reason.

Many happy returns.

Don't forget; an ounce, or more correctly, 32 ounces, of spring water as prevention the night of, is worth more than a pound of coffee and acetaminophen as cure the morning after. Werd. Hoist a Vicky for me.

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