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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. So why screw your buyer? I meamn take the watch back and give the refund or you are just passing the screw job along right? I mean is that any better than what the original dealer did to you?

    This was quite a while ago... and I was trusting the word of my dealer... He and his supplier are still insistant that this is an ETA movement.

    In regards to screwing my buyer... No I don't think so.. It IS a beautiful watch and it has been modded with gen super luminova as well (more big money out of my pocket). I didn't sell it because of movement issues, I sold it because I can not wear a Fiddy, it was my third attempt trying.

    I bring this up because all this is starting to confirm suspicions.

  2. I wasn't bringing it up as a new issue. I went to a few websites, in particular, those that were touting this watch and those which usually have excellent photo documentation of their products, to see if there was any prior indication of a problem. I was surprised to find no pictures of the inside of this watch, in particular, on websites where photographs of the "works" are the norm in the advertisements. I find it hard to believe this was an oversight, and I find it equally hard to believe the better and more respected dealers here could ever hope to put this over on us, or risk the embarrasment of a public flogging such as this. They very openly worked with this particular community on this very watch. Someone was bound to open up this new and irresistable toy....and then howl bloody murder finding a worm in the apple. I don't know how they could have been ignorant of it...and yet I can't imagine tham risking this by covering it up. Very strange.

    21 pages sure takes a long time to go through :whistling:

    This is all starting to make sense... My experience with the ethics in question involves not the standard movements that are generally being discussed here, but the manual wind ETA/Unitas 6497, as well as the sapphire crystal issue. Two dealers, many questions and headaches abound.

    I purchased my second Fiddy (the first time it was too big, I wanted to try again and see if I could pull it off) from a trusted dealer on these forums.

    It was supposed to have a sapphire crystal. The water and temperature tests failed miserably, and the concensus here was that the crystal was not sapphire, but mineral... Too bad, but the dealer made good and a refund was given. What did sting was the shipping cost to get it to some other unknown customer who probably wouldn't know a sapphire crystal if it smacked him in the face. So far, I'm out $20 or so bucks and my wrist is bare :thumbdown:

    Anyhoo... I thought I'd try it again, with another dealer that has the same spec watch WITH sapphire, WITH SWISS ETA movement, WITH swan neck and a supposedly much more accurate true to gen case that allows the movement to come out through the front instead of the back (I don't understand the benefit of this design (I surely would design it to come out the back :bangin: ), but it is toted to be the ultimate).

    The second Fiddy arrived, I was bursting with anticipation.

    It was very nice, case of high quality, front crystal testing (water, temp) as sapphire, back crystal not coming back as positive, but I was willing to let that go to both trusting the dealer's word and lack of definitive proof not having a diamond tester close at hand.

    The movement lookd good too, aftermarket bridgework true engraving instead of stickers, swan neck regulator... the friggin works. I was pretty happy.

    I then got out my trusty loupe to look closer at the movement... amazing piece of equipment, these loupes... they turn beauty into ugliness real quick. Looking at the main gearing close to the mainspring, I noticed the gear teeth had some pretty massive burrs on them... Again, I put this aside due to my trust in the dealer and the extreme magnification of the loupe, but I did think it strange. I was still pretty happy knowing that I now have a sapphire crystal AND a Swiss movement with a swan neck regulator and engraved bridges... What else more could I ask for? Well... Super Luminova, of course!

    So... I brought the watch to my watchmaker for a refill. I slowly pulled it out of my pocket bursting with anticipation oin his reaction to this perfect rep... He takes it from me quickly dropping his permanently attached loupe to his eye. Looks good, he's inspecting every corner...

    He comes back with "Really great quality overall, shame about the copy movement". I should trust my instincts.

    No big deal really (well it is if I've been duped), it's keeping great time and all I want is Superlume so this sucker can glow...

    Got the watch a few hours later, on my wrist, can't keep my eyes off it... It is beautiful, but surely STILL way too big for me. Unfortunately, not even the most perfect fiddy rep will make me feel comfortable... Glad I didn't buy a gen!

    Anyhoo 2... I get back home and right on the email machine... The dealer got back to his supplier and they both came back adamant that it is what it is... Fine, despite the heavy burr, my watchmaker's words, I will trut my dealer to the end...

    I wore this watch but a couple of times and just couldn't find the love for it... I'm funny lookin', but I ain't no cartoon! LOL

    So I put the watch up for sale... $300 which is $110 less than I paid for it in the first place, hardly worn, special case, yadda yadda, sapphire crystal, swiss swan neck etc etc et all

    The watch sold after a while of being on the boards. It didn't go too far, just across the creak to New Zealand...

    THEN I get this message from the buyer saying that the movement is NOT swiss and that it has been reviewed by The Zigmeister etc etc...

    My heart started racing, my head started spinning... NO NO NO... not this friggin watch again!!! The flurry of emails started between me, the buyer, me, my dealer, my dealer his supplier, back again to me and around and around.

    My buyer wanted a partial refund for the incorrect movement, I was asking for SOMETHING solid from my dealer on this movement, the supplier was still adamant it was swiss... Watchonpo just purchased 100 of these movements... They must be swiss. Back and forth around and around :g:

    My dealer offered a refund of $35 saying that this small matter shouldn't get in the way of our friendship etc etc... And I agree and decline to take the refund as this is all getting way too difficult for a watch I can not wear and especially one that I do not have any longer.

    I also refuse to take the watch back or give a refund to my buyer... I've lost way too much on this experiment to start giving refunds or even spending any more time on this friggin watch.

    Now this thread comes up rife with tales of woe (including mine) about fraud and outright deception....

    I want to trust my dealer, but putting all this together and seeing that movement in the B&R is quite disheartening... :thumbdown:

    I'm only gonna buy just a few more reps... then it's gens only for me from then on. :lol:

    Now seriously... You dealers (you know who you are) who are trying to pull the wool over OUR eyes.. Cut the [censored]in' [censored]... We're smarter than that and we're not gonna take it any more


  3. Joe is asking how this watch would look in black bead blasted PVD and gold... It would be very quick to set these materials to the watch in C4D...

    I have used this software a bit and it is excellent for rendering and animation

    I use SolidWorks to do the 3d model and then import to C4D for the rendering. Is there a chance to get the model from you?

  4. I'd say go for it.

    MPs are just about the best you can get, and the MP11 is one of the nicer ones IMO. The price is not bad as these go new for $US199+shipping all day long.

    Just check the condition and the shipping cost, but from the photos, it's in fine condition.

  5. as i have also said before with regards to the use of the term "swiss" these guys also sell to people that are not us. They have to keep the terms on their site competative to the other crap thats out there in the ether.

    This term swiss is thrown around quite often, and I am also getting pretty annoyed with it.... It is either ETA or not, and it should be advertised to us wether it is or asian movement... There is no room for error here.

    I think there should definatly be some accountability that the boards hold to the dealers - i think there should be no wiggle room at ALL with the movements - that is what were paying the extra money for - some of the other 1:1 - or "perfect" thats just sales "puffying" and remember, these guys are out to make a living - not run a charity service. ;)
    Here here!

    I believe there should be more details and transparency on what 'we on the boards' are going to get when we put our money down... We are here not to get ripped off, and I think we should be protected from that.

    you have to keep in mind the big picture - we get a great product that is generally truthful - i got awatch for another friend who had bad experiences with canal street - i said don't worry this won't be a dud, these dealers will stand behind the watches. - at first he thought his new one was a dud - he wanted to "return" it, - i said you can't, this isn't Macy's but if its broken we can get it fixed.

    Yes we do get a great product from some great dealers... And it is true that they are 'generally' truthful... The dealer that I have purchased from most even steers me away from watches that he knows I wouldn't be happy with the quality... But I have received a few pieces (from several of our dealers) that have 'questionable' inards and even more questionable quality on the outside as well :(

    I don't know if it's because the volume of deals is increasing... increasing the risk of getting a dud... or some pieces are just slipping through the cracks with problems, but I think we should be getting treated a little better than the 'masses' that just want a watch that's 'OK enough'

    :) -- The "perfect" rep is the one that brings enjoyment - :bicycle:

    I love that line... Perfect! :)

  6. I think it looks pretty unique. If you like a watch, buy it! Thats what collections are for. Diversity is a good thing.

    Just to reitterate my sentiments... I bought a Nautica chrono quartz maybe 5 years ago because it looked good, and it did.

    2 weeks later it was back in the shop for repair because the chrono was faulty.

    2 or more months later it was returned 'fixed'.

    2 weeks after that, the chrono was faulty again.

    What a waste of $250 and time.... What a waste of a 'good looking' watch. :black_eye:

    Please don't buy this brand :thumbdown::thumbdown:

    I hate to say it, but you'd be better off with an Invicta :whistling:

  7. Great watch!!!! I think I might get me one of these :)

    Instead of creating a big hassle for yourself, Eddie, and the manufacturer, it may be good to just get a new dial and replace it yourself... See if he will pay for the dial swap by your own watchmaker.

  8. You must be the first person I've ever heard calling UNIX too simplified. :D

    By simplified, I mean the standard UI, not the stuff (BSD) underneath... I understand that you can basically do anything you want with it like any unix box, but that's not it.

    I find the interface difficult to get around and the FS to be confusing to me (maybe because I am too used to what I've been mainly using for the last 20 years...

    Even if it come to the choice of a mac and a linux box, I'd even go for the linux box running gnome (or even better, enlightenment RIP), I find it easier than a mac, except of course, when you have to install off the wall drivers and apps :whistling:

    I guess it comes down to what you're used to :D

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