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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Lovely. Yes, did you fabricate the cases yourself? CNC'd or old fashioned hammered, filed and polished? :) Also how does a dial get wear on it? I've only ever seen one watch with the same kind of shadow type wear round the numbers and that was my dads. He went blind over a number of years and had a watch where the front crystal could be opened and the user could then feel where the fingers where and tell the time. Richard

  2. Anyone know if any of the TDs sell this?


    I found it here


    (just noticed that the URL is for a completely different watch!)


    I cannot find *any* info on that side apart from one incorrect post in RWI. (says that 12 sites are all fake, all owned by the same person when whois queries show only 4 are owned by the same person)


    I've also hunted for info on the other 4 names for the site, with no joy.


    I don't think it's a watch that Omega officially sell, so it looks like a fantasy rep, made for PVD nuts like moi :)


    Anyone have any info about the above dealer? Also goes by nagwatches.com, roofwatches.com & refinewatches.com. I must admit, it smells a bit fishy!


  3. Anyone know if any of the TDs sell this?


    I found it here


    (just noticed that the URL is for a completely different watch!)


    I cannot find *any* info on that side apart from one incorrect post in RWI. (says that 12 sites are all fake, all owned by the same person when whois queries show only 4 are owned by the same person)


    I've also hunted for info on the other 4 names for the site, with no joy.


    I don't think it's a watch that Omega officially sell, so it looks like a fantasy rep, made for PVD nuts like moi :)


  4. There's been a couple of occasions where I've got back to my car (when it was an older car), saw a new big dent / ding, matched it up to the car next to me and if there's no note & no one there to shout at & get money from, I've repeatedly slammed my door into their car. The middle of a door panel is very easy to dent, the edge is bloody hard to dent. On the flip side my door on another car is one of those with about 3 spring positions where it "rests", and once I had to balance it as there wasn't much room. It slipped off and hit the car next to me which the driver was still in. Instantly got out, apologised and luckily there was no damage done. Richard

  5. Wow really nice both of them neither are color combos I would have went for but they look great! Guess I have to start taking some chances, do not know which I like better. The black and red just punches out sport watch and the Breit just drips masculine dress. PS where did you score the Breit?
    Thanks :) They both came from Perfect Clones. I was going to go for the usual blue & gold dial on the Breit but then I spotted the brown and it just goes with the gold really well. I have been wearing the Rollie all the time as I just love it. Breit is more a special event watch. Richard
  6. Pistonheads is a UK forum for motor heads, mainly cars but also bikes. They have minor sections for other topics, including a watch one. It isn't called 'genuine watches', just 'Watches' so I took it as talking about reps was fair game :) Yes, you're definitely right, some people are so fixed in their ways they can't, and don't want too, see any other point of view. It was interesting seeing people's reactions, and it seems that whilst most rep watch topics are closed very quickly, this one has been going on for ages. I like to think because I made great efforts to be very polite and non confrontational (gave up on that with my last couple of posts a couple of days ago as it was just descending into silly arguments) Richard

  7. Well you now know the right settings... It's time for me to tell you to throw that winder out the window :p No seriously. Having a watch on a winder gives you the pleasure of an always running watch for you to put on whenever you like. But it also means it is under constant strain and wear and tear will increase. It is like having your car running on a Dyno roller 24/7 at 100 mph. If your engine is a piece of sh!t it won't take long for it to break down. If your engine is in top notch condition however it will not matter as long as you give it it's maintenance on time. Where a normal movement needs to be cleaned and oiled every +- 5 years, even if you don't use the movement as oils will dry. A constantly performing movement will need service faster as oils will gumm up. So if you have stock non-serviced A7750s I personally would not recommend a winder.
    How resilient are the mechanisms that alter the time / date though? I would have thought its a toss up between more wear and tear on the watch gears, spring, etc vs. wear and tear on the time setting parts (which from the problems I read about keyless mechs going wrong, don't seem that reliable?) Richard
  8. I started a topic on reps on the Watch forum over there, just asking what people thought of them as I'm curious as to peoples opinion.


    Thankfully the majority (only just) seem to be of a "live and let live" opinion, a few have some and like them, but there are a some with the opinion "All rep owners are Don Johnston wannabes who just care about their (the persons) image, what everyone thinks of them and nothing else" and their minds are that closed I'm amazed they don't burst open when they have to remember it's 2013 this year.


    I could have a decent conversation if that lot buggered off :)


  9. I just bought a 10 watch box from Amazon. they had tons of choices. What i like about Amazon, they ship fast, shipping is reasonable, and they have a great no hassle return policy.

    the one i bought is by Tech Swiss it's a 10 watch Cherry wood finish with a glass display top. Price was 59.00 USD




    I'd forgotten about Amazon, just had a look and they've got loads of 10 and 12 boxes at good prices. A 12 box would be OK for now (after my rep order arrives), 7 watches now and 4 on the way :blush:


    That won't last now I've found a reliable source(s) of reps, so looking at a 20 box.

  10. Photo of my little Citizen




    Kit is Nikon D300S, Nikon R1C1 macro flash kit, Nikon SB600 flash, Tamron 90mm macro, tripod, Camera Control Pro 2 and focussed and triggered via the laptop.


    Just got the camera Control Pro 2 software and it's fun playing about with live view, manual focus, etc :)


    (and I can't believe how scratched that minute hand is! It's never been opened that watch, so came like that from the factory)


  11. Is there a particular forum for these kinds of accessories? I couldn't find one, so thought I'd ask in here.


    Are these watch boxes any good?











    Also like the idea of one of these for overnight stays




    Also are these winders any good?





    or is this style better?





    Apols for all the questions :)


  12. fraggle , was hit by a train in a 79  Datsun 280 ZX back in 82, I feel your pain! All good, fathered three kids but my back is shot, OH well should be dead anyway.


    Seriously, major ouch! Blimey. What speed was the train doing?


    Coming out of that with a shot back is a lot better than any number of outcomes that could have been a lot worse.


    I guess you'll be like me then, a life of pain killers, arguing with the doctors at the drug review as they're always trying to cut them down, not believing anyone is actually in pain nowadays!

  13. I have found over 35 years of Anesthesia, and dealing with lots and lots of surgeons along the way, they fall into two rough categories, the first and absolutely the best are the ones that try to involve the patient in every phase of the process, carefully explaining, charts, photos, diagrams, models, whatever it takes to get the idea across. Most of these guys are very candid about results. If they feel like you have a 30% chance of getting complete relief of your problem, and a 70% chance of partial but significant relief, they will tell you. the other ones which tend to be more of the "Old School" physicians are the ones that think that they know everything, the patient really doesn't know or understand what they are talking about, so their attitude is, "I know best, don't question my judgment or ability". Believe me, those are the hardest to work with because they all have varying degrees of the "God Syndrome". There is not much place in todays medicine for those guys/gals, but there are still a fair number of them around. I'm not sure how much freedom of choice you have in picking another orthopedic surgeon, but if you have a choice, i would at some point seek another opinion.

    Couldn't agree more. The consultant who saved my leg was the former, as was the guy who put the artificial knee in.


    The one who I "talked" to about the wrist was definitely the latter, just expected me to completely trust his decisions on everything as he knew best. I wouldn't let one of them work on me under any circumstances!


    If you get a second opinion, I would ask "what are the consequences of a wrist fusion, how will it affect my mobility, use of my hand, etc." Basically if your wrist is fused, you will not have any motion in your wrist. your arm will be straight, but for all practical purposes, your wrist will be frozen. you may have rotational movement, but probably no up and down. Not knowing anything more, I don't know how much motion you have now. Fusing may decrease the pain, and you can wear you watch on the correct arm!!

    I currently have quite good motion, upward flex is about 45 degrees, downward is about 60 degrees, left and right about half my good wrist. Carrying weights or pushing weights inflames it quickly. My job is a software engineer so desk bound typing most of the day, which I can do no problems.


    One of the big things putting me off getting it fuzed is I wouldn't be able to ride a bike anymore. Even just turning the bars left or right when you're doing slow manouvres or paddling the bike around in the car park would be damn difficult. Sports bikes where the wrist needs to be bent most of the time would be completely out. Of course on a sports bike, braking hard puts a lot of weight through your arms and wrists and that hurts a lot too, as I found out last year on a holiday round France, Spain and Italy. Had to slow down a lot and let my mates vanish off at their normal pace. Still enjoyed it though!


    One of the things I remember reading about is a partial wrist fuze, where they only fuze the first row of wrist bones. Depending on the injury, it gives you the benefits and still allows some wrist movement, but I've no idea how much.


    by the way, I used to ride. i had a BMW GS 1150 about 8-9 years ago. Rode the heck out of it, but I got to the point I was getting scared, not of my ability, but the other driver. We have way too many "Soccer Moms" around here. they drive, text, talk on their cell, apply makeup, eat a burger, all the while totally oblivious to their surroundings. Those are the ones that will kill you!! "Officer, I never saw that motorcycle when I turned left, until the guy came through my passenger side window. How am I going to get all that blood off my leather upholstery"!!

    Heh, true. There's a lot of blind people driving cars / 4x4s. Developing a spidey sense for idiots about to do something takes a while but is a life saver :)

  14. Sounds like whoever set your wrist didn't do a very good job. that as described is a "Colle" fracture" lots of these with folks who fall and land on their hand with their palm down and extended. See it in kids who land on their hands in playground accidents. Maybe you need to see another orthopedic surgeon. It may take an operation to fix, but you should end up with a straight wrist.
    From what I can remember it snapped a large lump off the end of the radius bone with the break going almost vertically along the bone, so there's only half the face of the joint there. They put a plate to try to pin the fragment back into place bit it healed in the wrong place, dropped back and down. Whilst it was healing I had a more pressing matter, trying not to lose my leg (it took 4.5 years and 7 ops to get it to heal-ish), so it was forgotten about really for 5 years. I have been offered an op to fuze the wrist but the consultants don't like explaining exactly what is meant by that (I now know of course, but the fact they are reluctant to explain it doesn't fill me with confidence about the op!!) Haven't looked into trying to get it rebroken and reset correctly, I imagine it'll still have arthritis problems and occasional pain if that was done, but better than it is now I'm guessing? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  15. I wear mine on my right hand and I love it! Try it for a week and you will thank me! I also ride, totaled a cruiser in 05 and banged my knee up bad. Just bought my Diavel in Sep Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
    Nice bike. I've still got three, ZX10R, Tenere and a KTM 400 EXC. Don't get used much nowadays though. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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