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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Accio is and idiot, this guy is a thief. accio in his youthful exuberance and foolishness posted his Explorer on a genuine site, got called out and then tried to bluff his way out, which we all know is and impossible task when confronted on a genuine forum. This guy, dmb350 on the other hand is a much more serious matter. He is the polar opposite of the guys/gals on this site. First off he is a lying, conniving deceitful thief. Simple as that. Folks like him are the reason some people on the genuine sites hate reps and all that goes with them. He represents all that those folks think rep owners stand for, that all of us over here are just busy little elves constructing good fake watches to sell to unsuspecting buyers. I hope that the buyer takes the watch to a jeweler and has them open the back, he is going to be one mad fellow when he finds out that at best there is an ETA and at worst a Chinese clone inside. I hope the buyer immediately opens a Pay pal dispute and gets his money back. and then, I hope that every one who bought a Datejust from him as well, has their watch examined to see if it's got a genuine movement inside. I have the utmost contempt for people like this. Taking advantage of folks that don't have the ability to examine the merchandise in advance, to me is a sin. I know that we should all do our due diligence, but sometimes everything looks OK and is still wrong. Banning someone like this guy is fine, he ought to be banned from selling on Ebay as well, and then some of the cheated buyers should find his address and pay him a visit in person. Take the losses on their watches out in hide!!
  2. "P" series, year 2000 has lugholes. What new clasp? the P series had the fliplock, I don't believe they changed the clasp when they eliminated the lugholes. I think the oyster fliplock bracelet remained the same until the 16610 was replaced by the 116610 which has the "glidelock" clasp.
  3. I really like the IWC. i have a genuine IWC Calatrava, which I bought probably 10-12 years ago on Ebay for around 600 USD. 14k Gold ,White dial, very thin and a beautiful dress watch. Here is a bad photo, needed to be cleaned up and polished a bit before the photo session!!
  4. for years, I have said that most of our vintage reps are too "distressed" if you want to see what vintage reps are supposed to look like, go over to the Vintage Rolex forum, and the Vintage Rolex Market. they have lots of photos of watches and watches for sale. I have owned a several Rolex subs and sea dwellers that i wore for years as everyday watches, and I ca nassure you, they were used and abused, and I never had one that looked like some of those here.
  5. Bracelet should be a 9315 or 93150 w/ 580 end links. the old 9315's were pretty flimsy, so most of them have been replaced over time with 93150's. There are some pretty good reps of those bracelets around, with hte 93150, you can find a good rep bracelet and replace the clasp with a genuine and genuine 580 end links. the MBW/MBK 1680's are very moddable, and make great vintage projects. the biggest problem in the past was the old skool MBW 1680,s did not take a genuine or genuine size dial. Don't know about the newer ones.
  6. You are absolutely correct. at a younger age, it's all about "seen and being seen", Everyone is sort of a cross between a peacock and a wolverine, lots of fancy feathers and prancing around, but always on the defensive if someone starts to "one up" them. The older you get, the more you realize, most other folks couldn't give a rats butt about who you are and what you have (Or act like you have). Most folks are content with who they are and what they are, and the need to impress falls off precipitously. I know, because I've been there, played the game, got tired of it and retired. I used to be really into cars, I have had several Mercedes, BMW's and Range Rovers. All were pretty nice in various degrees of niceness, but we live in a small town about 90 miles from the closest dealer that carries those brands. I realized that I was becoming a slave to my cars, every time one needed service or repair, it was a mad dash to the dealer, usually after work, renting a car and then driving back to the dealer either the next day or two days later. around 400 miles total for a service! Crazy!! I told my wife the last time she wanted a new car, here is the deal. You can have anything that can be bought and serviced here, but I'm not buying anything that requires a 100 mile trip to the dealer. She decided she liked the Lincoln SUV and that's what she got. It might not be a sexy as the BMW, Mercedes or Lexus SUV's, but she can drive to the dealership, they loan her a car for running around town or shopping, and she picks up hers later. Same thing with young guys and watches, how much did it cost? and how the hell can that guy afford a Rolex!! Life is too short to spend a lot of time with the idiots who are so self centered and vain. Most of them think that it's OK for them to own a Rolex, but the other guys in the room just don't deserve to have one!
  7. Not sure about the "blacklist" thing, but over here in the USA, it's very easy for Customs to put your name and address in their computer system with a "Red Flag" which means they may scrutinize your packages more thoroughly that normal. Sometimes if you have had a couple of packages seized, it would be better to have it sent to a different address under a different name.
  8. Man , that was the strangest thing. It was running all crazy. I sent it over to Matt in Texas, and when he got it, he wound it, set it and put it on his bench, 24 hours later, it was within 3 seconds !! He kept it for a week, wore it, turned it dial up, dial down, both sides, normal variations. He figured that whatever was stuck, got unstuck from all the moving around, dropping and riding it did on the trip to him. I've had it on for probably the best part of a week, and it's right on time. Glad it wasm't anything major, which is usually my luck!!
  9. I think that there are a great many of us here who are somewhat ambivalent about reps. most of us who are have a mixture of gens and reps. I sort of wax and wane as regards to reps.I enjoy the vintage reps, have pretty much no use for contemporary reps.I have two, a modded GMTIIc which gets a fair amount of wear and a Ulysses Nardin Black Surf, very nice watch keeps good time, but I hardly wear it. I pretty much keep it because it's an "el cheapo" and it's probably not worth the trouble of taking a bunch of photos and posting it on the forum. On the other hand, i have a handful of gens that get very little wrist time either. Probably one of the things that worries folks the most about reps, is being caught up in that dreadful scene when you and your watch are noticed by someone who happens to be knowledgeable about the brand/model that you are wearing. No one wants to suffer the embarrassment of being called out in public. And while I believe the chances of that are almost nil, it still is something that some folks cannot get out of their minds. For folks who are not comfortable with wearing their reps out the house, the only answer is either homage watches or gens. Personally, I have never really worries about what I'm wearing or where I'm wearing it. I have regularly worn my DRSD 1665 into Rolex stores, It's pretty much genuine except for the case, so it would withstand the scrutiny of all but the highest trained vintage Rolex person. What folks need to understand, 999.9% of the time, not only will the folks around you not have a clue as to what your watch is, they don't give a damn! AFA the quality of genuine watches over reps, I believe that is debatable to a point. A good quality ,modded rep with a serviced Swiss ETA movement is going to be as accurate or even more accurate than gens. After all, the motor is what drives the watch, and the ETA is found in probably 95% of the current mid range mechanical watches. Even some of the "house" movements are ETA based with in house embellishments. My rep collection is primarily composed of watches that I cannot afford, or watches that I can afford, but would prefer to invest the money in something else. All of my vintage reps are pretty highly modded and I believe that most of them could stand up to scrutiny, not that I worry about that much. It's pretty evident that while some folks like the concept of reps, they just cannot get into a comfort zone while wearing them. And when you boil it all down I believe that all rhetoric aside, it's a matter of comfort. Do you feel comfortable and confident when you are out in public wearing a rep, or you feeling conspicuous and feel like you need to keep your watch under your sleeve or take your watch off and put it in your pocket? If you are one of those folks who take your watch off and put it in your pocket before you go into a watch store, AD or jewelry store, probably best to stick to gens.
  10. the only problem would be a structual failure (Of the plane!!) and a sudden depressurization, at which time, worryiong about your watch crystal will be the least of your worries
  11. I had quite a few experiences with Joe. up until the last, he did very nice work, although he was inconsistent, probably brought on by having too much work stacked up and hurrying. The last project he did for me was a MBW 1665 I sourced from George, sent it to Joe with a bunch of genuine parts. He kept the watch for 6 months, and when I finally got it back, he had really messed it up, crown/tube not installed correctly, the crystal was way too high, DW didn't line up right. It lloked like sonmething a kid put together using his fathers shop tools. Thank goodness Ziggy was able to get it back right, but Joe charged me around 400.00USD for the work so I had a bunch in the watch by the time it was done. this was a long tine ago, back in the days of the old TRC, before this forum ever got started.
  12. Man, you were incredibly lucky to get out of that alive. looking back, you broke pretty near every rule that a well trained outdoorsman lives by. What is so incredible is how fast things can go to "Hell in a handbasket". One minute you are tooling along enjoying the beautiful scenery, comisserating with nature, and then BAM!!! you are in deep doodoo. Getting lost in those conditions is pretty much universally fatal. Where was your GPS? Where was your cell phone (although it probably wouldn't do you much good, as no one was going to leave the fireside to go rescue your sorry butt!! I'm sure you learned from this, at least to have a dry change of clothes and shoes in your Rover. Even down here in the South , we have a couple of hunters die almost every year from hypothermia. ususally it's Duck hunters hunting down in the marsh in South Louisiana. They go in and the water is deep enough to float their flat bottom skiff or Pirogue, then the weather changes, a cold front blows through,it gets much colder and the North wind drives the water out of the marsh. They are stuck, and if they are smart enough to just stay put, they would probably be OK, but they panic and try to walk out, impossible because the mud is over knee deep, and soon they are just like you, wet to the bone and freezing cold. If someone doesn't come along pretty soon, they become another sad hunting statistic. I'm so glad that you made it out alive. The lip will heal and so will your ego, but the main thing is you are alive and resasonably close to being in one piece, although I'm sure Mrs nanug after she got over being glad that you were safe, took a lot more hide off your A** than you lost from the cold! Please ship me all your watches for safekeeping at least until spring though!!
  13. It never ceases to amaze me why folks would try something like that. While the genuine forums are rift with guys who have limited knowledge, but in their own mind are Rolex experts, there are some who are really, really knowledgeable and will see subtle variations that most of us would never see in a million years ! Here is the thing, post your watch here as a genuine Rolex, post the same photos you would if you were posting on The Rolex Forum, Vintage Rolex Forum, etc. If your thread gets past the first 5-8 posts, then you might get by with it on a genuine site. Unfortunately for you, you are going to get called out here, pretty fast, and the guys here will tell you why it's not a genuine.Good thing here, you might get ridiculed a little, but you aren't going to get banned. Over there you will.
  14. Thanks very much Sneed. Matt is going to send me one. I really appreciate the offer.
  15. thanks a lot for all of you who answered. Here is what I'm doing. I have a MKII Kingston which is a homage to the 6538. a few guys on the MKII forum are wanting to put a cyclops on their Kingstons. What i was going to do was just put one on, not attach it, take some photos just so they could see what it would look like. i am not going to glue it on, as first off the watch that this was homaged from is a non date, and thus nio cyclops, but the Kingstons did have a date dial option, and some of the owners are wanting to see what a cyclops would look like. Matt, If you could throw one in the mail, I would really appreciate it. I would have called, but the Doxa was in transit before this came up. BTW it arrived today, got the notice in my mailbox, I'll pick it up tomorrow.
  16. Would anyone Happen to have a spare Rolex cyclops lying around? Maybe one that was removed to replace with and AR one. Want this to experiment with a watch that doesn't come with a cyclops. Thanks
  17. You're correct that is a really amateurish lume attempt. It's a poor dial at best, and sure not worth 600 USD. I've seen better dials than this for 60 Dollars. looking at the lume again, I have never seen a genuine lume that is within the white gold surrounds that has that "muffin top" rounded look. Very common and correct in older dials before the surrounds were used. All the WG surround dials that I have seen have lume that is flat on top, like the lume was poured in and settled out level. Keep looking , if you have 600 dollars to spend, you should be able to get a lot better dial than this.
  18. Entrance exam sounds like a great idea. I have been on some forums that require you to post a minimum number (Say 50-100) posts in other threads before you have permission to start a thread, or sell in the sales forum. it just seems like we have had a really large number of folks with 1-50 posts posting and starting threads both in the General Discussion and Rolex forums. From reading their posts it's pretty evident that a fair number of them haven't done any research at all. I suspect that it's getting close to Christmas, and a lot of noobs are here shopping for Christmas watches!!
  19. Dan, the crown position is not too far off,could be a dial variation .Here is another tell, look at the minute markers.On both of the genuine dials (photos from theRolex Forum) the hour markers do not touch the surrounds, on the Ebay dial they do. Plus the TRF dials are crisper and the SWISS T <25 is better positioned below the 6 indices. I believe that this is a redial on a genuine blank. Another thing look at the date window in relation to the 2 and 4 surrounds. If you drop a straight line from the middle of the 2 to the middle of the 4, it bisects the date windowslightly to the right of the center of the Datewheel.On the Ebay dial the bisecting line is further to the right. Having said all thia, this could be a dial variation that is different than the two I have pictured, but it just appears to be too fuzzy and lacks the crispness that Rolex dials are noted for.
  20. Just out of curiosity and completely off the subject, why does that bear have all the hair rubbed off over the shoulders and the side of his head? Has he been rubbing on something, or is that some sort of skin problem? Sort of looks like mange in dogs. Never saw that in bear photos before.that's a great photo, Did you take that with your Iphone!!
  21. those surrounds look awfully thick for a genuine. Rolex white gold is thinner and more refined, i would say it's not genuine, at least the hour indices aren't. Also there's something wonky about the SWISS T<25 ?
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