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Fake watches are for fake people...


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Interesting. There is some truth in this line:

Why? Well, first of all when people need to respect you based on the watch you wear, you must have a horrible personality! People that wear fake watches, say that they don’t wear them for this reason. The funny thing is that the vast majority of the fake watches are the very recognizable models, the type of watches even people who don’t know nothing about watches at all recognize.

What do you think? 

Mark 8)

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Well...these articles are mostly written by very unconcious blokes who are afraid of "loosing" their status due to the fact that their watches are undistingishuable from the "fakes" nowadays. Yes I too wear replicas that are recognizable even by the unknown...I can't afford all these as gen and I don't care what others think...most people don't think at all anyway ;p

Sent from my wooden drums via Tupperware

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It´s more like statistics. You can present a number and interprete whatever You want into it, it may not be fact but it isn´t easily deniable.

Rolex is the best known and most desired brand in the UK - Coca Cola comes second.

The submariner-design is universally the most functional for a  watch - every brand has a copy of it.

There´s no point in buying a fake Seiko 5 or Casio quartz so ppl just by the gen.

The whole FWFFP - concept is just an annoying (albeit effective) marketing gag for the Swiss to try to sell their nowadays way overpriced gadgets (20% value - and these 20% include the precious craftmanship - 80% overhead cost).

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Interesting that this pops up now because I have done some soul searching as to why I buy reps recently. I can see how somebody comes tot he conclusion that fake watches are bought to gain social prestige without being an unconscious bloke. I assume that the majority of reps are bought for exactly that reason. Just look at the fake watch buster posts with kids flashing their canal street reps and brag about the money they allegedly coughed up to buy them.

At the same time I have learned that there are other motivations to buy reps, and I have learned that this is true for most of the members of this forum.

I definitely do not buy reps to gain social prestige or flash them in public as gens. I also buy a lot of micro brands that would only be recognized by some real watch enthusiasts. Plus I own many gens, not in the 5-10000 USD area but the likes of Anonimo or vintage Omega. The net worth of my watch collection could easily buy me a nice Patek. So if I was out for prestige I would buy a Nautilus and end of story.

But what I really enjoy about this hobby is diversity and the process of building a collection. Like to have a watch for every shirt color and every occasion. Having said this there are a lot of smaller and affordable brands out there that are even technically innovative and have better and more reliable movements. I am talking Anonimo, MKII and others. Just yesterday I stumbled over a UK brand that uses Tritium tubes instead of lume. So diversity is no valid reason to buy into reps as well.

 So why don’t we all buy micro brands or sterile homage watches instead?

Obviously the famous watch brands have a lot of appeal. I often read the argument that the genuine brands are overpriced. But the price for something is made by the market and all luxury items are decoupled from the material and manufacturing cost. Why should the brands sell at a price below the market? The brand itself has a value and it was build by real people that earn their living from doing so and pay real taxes. It took decades of work, a lot if ingenuity and billions of dollars to get there. If you feel the brands are overpriced why buy them? It is not like food or medical supplies. Nobody needs a Rolex or a Patek.

Another motivator: The hobby takes over and the obsession to correct the small flaws that still distinguish the reps from their gen counterpart. The hobby itself can be very fulfilling.

So there are lots of reasons other then being fake or gain social prestige.

Ultimately I came to the conclusion that I indulge myself into the thought of owning something I crave for and could not or would not afford otherwise. At the end of the day there IS some hypocrisy involved in this hobby. Face it! 

Probably not the kind of post guys want to read in a rep forum, but at least my "genuine" thoughts.

Edited by gasebah
Formatting for better readability
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42 minutes ago, gasebah said:

Interesting that this pops up now because I have done some soul searching as to why I buy reps recently. I can see how somebody comes tot he conclusion that fake watches are bought to gain social prestige without being an unconscious bloke. I assume that the majority of reps are bought for exactly that reason. Just look at the fake watch buster posts with kids flashing their canal street reps and brag about the money they allegedly coughed up to buy them.

At the same time I have learned that there are other motivations to buy reps, and I have learned that this is true for most of the members of this forum.

I definitely do not buy reps to gain social prestige or flash them in public as gens. I also buy a lot of micro brands that would only be recognized by some real watch enthusiasts. Plus I own many gens, not in the 5-10000 USD area but the likes of Anonimo or vintage Omega. The net worth of my watch collection could easily buy me a nice Patek. So if I was out for prestige I would buy a Nautilus and end of story.

But what I really enjoy about this hobby is diversity and the process of building a collection. Like to have a watch for every shirt color and every occasion. Having said this there are a lot of smaller and affordable brands out there that are even technically innovative and have better and more reliable movements. I am talking Anonimo, MKII and others. Just yesterday I stumbled over a UK brand that uses Tritium tubes instead of lume. So diversity is no valid reason to buy into reps as well.

 So why don’t we all buy micro brands or sterile homage watches instead?

Obviously the famous watch brands have a lot of appeal. I often read the argument that the genuine brands are overpriced. But the price for something is made by the market and all luxury items are decoupled from the material and manufacturing cost. Why should the brands sell at a price below the market? The brand itself has a value and it was build by real people that earn their living from doing so and pay real taxes. It took decades of work, a lot if ingenuity and billions of dollars to get there. If you feel the brands are overpriced why buy them? It is not like food or medical supplies. Nobody needs a Rolex or a Patek.

Another motivator: The hobby takes over and the obsession to correct the small flaws that still distinguish the reps from their gen counterpart. The hobby itself can be very fulfilling.

So there are lots of reasons other then being fake or gain social prestige.

Ultimately I came to the conclusion that I indulge myself into the thought of owning something I crave for and could not or would not afford otherwise. At the end of the day there IS some hypocrisy involved in this hobby. Face it! 

Probably not the kind of post guys want to read in a rep forum, but at least my "genuine" thoughts.

I love your thought process. For me it is the latter from your possible reasons to buy a fake: I am obsessed and intrigued to get a fake as close as possible to the genuine counterpart in regards to reliability (movement, waterproof etc). My wife owns multiple genuines (which I bought her) and does not like wearing reps. She often tells me: "buy an nice gen as your next watch" ... But simply buying a gen does not give me the same feeling and reward as totally pulling apart a rep and servicing it to be on par with a gen. So my watch box consists solely of reps. 


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I learned much more about watches since I found out about rep forums like this.

My learning allows me to appreciate what is exquisite, be it a rep or a gen. My job means I have to go to Geneva once or twice a year, and I enjoy sharing the knowledge I have acquired with other people at the airport watch concessions.

My inner 'value-for-money' gauge and my bank balance prevent me from buying some gens.

I enjoy wearing a good value gen, but would feel guilty as hell if I went out and spent a hideous amount of money on a gen.

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I do not buy fake watches to be someone I am not. I buy fake watches simply because I like a certain model/style and I can't "afford" the real deal.

Ofcourse I can buy a real watch that is cheaper, but what will I get? An overpriced Sevenfriday, which is basically a cheap Miyota? Or should I get a Guess watch that looks like a Hublot that had sex with an AP?


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1 hour ago, markiemark said:

I do not buy fake watches to be someone I am not. I buy fake watches simply because I like a certain model/style and I can't "afford" the real deal.

Ofcourse I can buy a real watch that is cheaper, but what will I get? An overpriced Sevenfriday, which is basically a cheap Miyota? Or should I get a Guess watch that looks like a Hublot that had sex with an AP?


NOW that's Guess/Hublot is a an UGLY BASTARD!  It may be gen, but sure as hell looks fake.

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Are people that drive replica vintage Porsche Speedsters and Shelby Cobras fake too? What about the reproduction paintings of Monet's hanging in millions of homes? Are those people fake?

What about the replica bronze horses outside Saint Marks Basilica in Venice? Is the Catholic Church fake? Hmmm. Maybe the author has a point :)

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Maybe it's more accurate to say "people that try to impress others by the possessions they own are fake people".

It's supposed to be about the content of our character not the content of our bank account.

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Real or fake, It's the reason you buy and wear it that tells about the person. Plenty of people both sides of the fence just love watches. Many own both. Some on both side of the real fake fence only wear a watch to try and boost their image. Such people are definitely a little insecure.

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For twenty years I've only had one real rolex 18238 president. Now, I have 4 other replicas. I like being able to change up. Replicas let me do that without breaking the bank. I have several wealthy friends who have several gen watches. They love their gens. I have made them a couple of reps too. They love them. They are not fake people, but they like all their watches, including their reps.

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what is a fake watch???  A watch that functions well and tells the time as it should is too real in my book.  More to the point, I see a lot of fake people starting from Politicians, Shrewd business people and those that call themselves friends only when their lawn mower breaks down and borrow yours,the only time you ever see them.

A quality replica timepiece regardless of if it has Rolex label on the dial or no label at all, gives me as much pleasure as something issued by Rolex or Timex.  Before i got married, I had the privilege/blessing of earning well and indulged in buying a WG Daytona, Datejust 1601, including a Submariner 16080. That was my equivalent that critics may have seen as a bad habit similar to the stigma attached to gambling, drinking and smoking.  The difference was that I still had the items to sell off even at a loss to get something back. The problem came when I had these gems attended to by RSC and the costs were getting beyond what I deemed feasible,, especially if I intended to alternate them between occasions and to prioritise the cost of raising a young family which always comes first at all costs.  Sadly the genuine timepieces had to go when my eldest son was diagnosed with Autism and treatments became first priority.  Reason why I hadn't posted much, but  been on this forum for several years when I first discovered the joys and education of the art behind what some of you guys do and share, This runs circles over those that only own genuine watches and have no clue in what is behind what they own.  Surely there are those that own genuines as well as replicas and appreciate them both, where the replica may be an every day beater and the genuine may be put aside for special occasions!!!! Each to their own..  I purchased some replicas back when they still used eta mvts and I have been more than happy with them no different to when I also owned the genuine pieces. The joys of acquainting my fellow members here and lurking on this forum, is worth more than the price of any genuine timepiece!!!!!

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I own gen Rolexes (4 of them) but I also have a number of reps. Why? Because I like the looks of those wqatches and don't have the funds to buy gen. WHy do I buy reps and not unbranded homages? Because the dialo is a large part of the looks of the watch and if I like the looks, I like the dial. If I don't like the dial I don't buy/wear it. I have a couple of gen Rolexes with aftermarket (rep) dials because I don't like the gen dial they came with.

People buy reps for many reasons and you can't lump all of them in the "fake people" category.

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Old argument this one and to be honest I couldn't give a monkeys what other people think about my reps or my Gens either for that matter, I buy them because they please me and no-one else :inverted:

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8 hours ago, sgtguk said:

Old argument this one and to be honest I couldn't give a monkeys what other people think about my reps or my Gens either for that matter, I buy them because they please me and no-one else :inverted:

And that is exactly the way it should be. :)

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8 hours ago, sgtguk said:

Old argument this one and to be honest I couldn't give a monkeys what other people think about my reps or my Gens either for that matter, I buy them because they please me and no-one else :inverted:

Well said Sir.

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I must confess the most satisfaction I've had recently (which is a bit sad) was walking in to my Rolex dealer in Toulouse wearing the noob V6s DSSD D-Blue. As I switched it on to my other wrist, to put my gen Sub they'd been servicing back on, they couldn't take their eyes off it. So there I was, apparently with 22 grands worth (euros) of Rolex product hanging off me.

The boss walked me to the door and politely opened it for me with a cheery smile, ignoring the other customers who clearly wanted to buy something. I got a strange buzz out of that - which was nice!

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On 28-8-2016 at 10:07 PM, markiemark said:

I do not buy fake watches to be someone I am not. I buy fake watches simply because I like a certain model/style and I can't "afford" the real deal.

Ofcourse I can buy a real watch that is cheaper, but what will I get? An overpriced Sevenfriday, which is basically a cheap Miyota? Or should I get a Guess watch that looks like a Hublot that had sex with an AP?



I've got one of those for sale, interested mate? :p

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