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Everything posted by kernow

  1. No idea personally. However, don't throw it away as it's perfect for you to start honing your watchmakers skills on. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube. Good luck.
  2. Bit late, but taken yesterday. Seamaster Chrono right at home.
  3. Noooooooooooo........ How can I survive without RWG for even a few minutes. Okay, just be quick and good luck
  4. Out of 50 or so reps that I've had, I can't think of one where there was any noticeable dust under the crystal.
  5. As long as you're happy with the watch then all is good. People here are too harsh on the mentally retarded
  6. Where too mate? We could have a mini GTG!!!
  7. If you're happy with the price and quality that you can get in Turkey then this site is not for you. Go to Turkey and spend your money - good luck and farewell.
  8. Check his total of three posts Mike and you'll see that he did.
  9. I don't have any siblings so I have most of my bikes hanging in my garage and my mum knew better than to dispose of them. My wife however would sell them in a heartbeat for a new pair of shoes. I've explained to her that if she did the money would be used to buy her a nice plot in the ground. In fact I've recently started to get fit again and have fitted a set of flat 'bars to my old training bike. I'm only riding 50 - 70 miles a week, but it's a start.
  10. Have you bought one? If yes then post a pic. If not shut up and stop posting likely scam sites. I suggest that the mods ban you.
  11. Here it is for those who want it. http://www.pf-818.com/
  12. DO NOT use Google to try and find the Perfect Clones website - there are too many scam sites that pretend to be some of the trusted dealers we have here. It's ironic really - fake sites copying sites selling fake watches. You should use the links on RWG - go and look at our trusted dealers.
  13. It's unnerving at first, but you get used to them very quickly and you won't go back. The shoes twist to release and after a couple of rides it becomes second nature.
  14. There are guys in Europe who work on reps by post if that helps. Some are on the rep forums.
  15. Interesting. Thanks for the link.
  16. I've used Look since the 1980's with good results. Look do different styles cleats, some that allow for some sideways twist in the knee which helps prevent damage if the cleats aren't set perfectly. You should have the ball of your foot over the axial of the pedal - this is for general road use, if you want to develop more power then move your foot back a little on the pedal - max 5-8mm. This gives more leverage but is more fatiguing. There are plenty of good clipless set-ups out there; I use Shimano off road and they also work very well.
  17. Yeah, I love cycling. I don't ride as much these days though. Most of my bikes are classics like me I'm in the UK and rode through 8 countries in Europe when I was 12 years old cycle touring along with my father. I then did it again at age 16 and started racing when I was 17. I mostly rode time trials and managed 22'06" for a club 10. I did a few mountain bike races but then joined the Royal Navy and represented the RN in both cycling and running. As my bikes are all quite old they're mostly steel, although I do have 3 Aluminium mountain bikes - Marin full suss, Cannondale hardtail and an old hack that I built up for my father. My road bikes are a Peugeot 753 hill climb bike, Basso SLX race bike, Basso SL low profile TT bike and a Pinarello training bike that I've just fitted flat bars to so I can relax in a head up stance and enjoy the world.
  18. Calm down. Firstly, it's s rep so don't expect perfection. Why are you even bothered about 'Omega' being engraved on the rotor? The date not working is a bit poor though, have you tried advancing it using the pusher in the HEV? Maybe getting it serviced locally will resolve this?
  19. Well done. Apparently, quite a few watches become affected in this way.
  20. Gen Hublot and Pam parts are going to be expensive, just buy the best out of the box Pam from a TD and be happy with it; it will look very close to gen anyway, so why try and spend a load of cash when it's already there!
  21. The longer you spend here the more you realise that you can easily send your rep to one of the watchsmiths on the forum. That way you know that the Watchsmith is happy (and understands) to work on reps. Don't let not having a local guy put you off
  22. Mine has the quickset date pusher in the HEV so I'd say mine is the 7753 version.
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