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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. Is there an AR coating on the crystal (like the gen)? Minor issue, but no one seems to be advertising it.

    My gen SMP pro chrono didn't have AR coat on the crystal... Same as my regular SMP pro...

    Don't know why, and maybe it does have *some* kind of coat, but it's not the blue/purple we are used to with other brands.

    I love this watch, will be my next purchase (as soon as I recover from the last two :lol:

  2. It doesnt always have to be your fault! if someone takes your priority and hits your, YOU are the one who's [censored]ed and not the hummer driver!

    :blink: If this is a new revelation for you, you should have been staying inside... Whether your riding a motorcycle, a car, or just plain waliknig :blink:

    Sorry to hear about your friend, but it sounds to me like he had it coming :black_eye: Wreckless motorcycle riders do nothing but [censored] me off. Friggin idiots. :yu:

  3. I do this with most of the S/S watches I've bot... both with the bottom edge of the case and inside edge of the bracelets... even the mbw's come feeling sharp...

    Buy a dremel or black&decker wizard (smaller version of dremel) and use a buffing wheel and polishing compound. Just to be clear, if you go to your local hardware store, they will probably carry both rubbing compound and polishing compound. The rubbing compound is a heavier grit and useful if you need to buff out deep scratches or shape the outside of the CG's after filing. The polishing compound works well for taking off sharp edges. If you have any brushed surfaces that are near the areas you are polishing, I'd also recommend protecting them with blue masking tape. After you have buffed the sharp edge down, you'll need to use an old toothbrush and liquid handsoap to clean off the compound.

    IF you want a complete dremel attachment kit which is cheap, check out the various kits from this seller:


    Well... the dremel worked out great :Jumpy: Got one with 55 attachments and the flexi extension. The watch now has nary a sharp edge and looks/feels like a genuins sharp edge, not round to the eye, but not able to be used as a razor :lol: This watch could easily pass for genuine, maybe some superlume for the final touch.

    Thanks for your help.... I'm starting to like this watch much better :thumbsupsmileyanim::wub:

    As for the steam roller :g: We'll leave that approach to Gran and Nanuq :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. ...this is the beginning of a whole new life of making microscopic adjustments to things around the house. once you have a dremel, you will see the world in an entirely new high-def granularity... formerly unnoticeable flaws and rough spots will become painfully evident... blemishes which you had previously taken for granted--that knick on the coffee pot, that tiny scuff on the the stairway railing, will now REQUIRE careful dremelling. swdivad... i present to you... the new universe... all there for you... and all requiring a thorough dremelling... but just start with the inge.

    LOL.... Maybe I should start on the coffee pot, hate to ruin a perfectly good watch just cause I can shave with it :lol:

  5. I do this with most of the S/S watches I've bot... both with the bottom edge of the case and inside edge of the bracelets... even the mbw's come feeling sharp...

    Buy a dremel or black&decker wizard (smaller version of dremel) and use a buffing wheel and polishing compound. Just to be clear, if you go to your local hardware store, they will probably carry both rubbing compound and polishing compound. The rubbing compound is a heavier grit and useful if you need to buff out deep scratches or shape the outside of the CG's after filing. The polishing compound works well for taking off sharp edges. If you have any brushed surfaces that are near the areas you are polishing, I'd also recommend protecting them with blue masking tape. After you have buffed the sharp edge down, you'll need to use an old toothbrush and liquid handsoap to clean off the compound.

    IF you want a complete dremel attachment kit which is cheap, check out the various kits from this seller:


    Thanks for that WW.... I guess it's off to Bunnings tomorrow to get a Dremel... Cool, never had one of those before :blink::Jumpy: This is gonna be fun :lol::bounce:

  6. So I just got this beautiful Inge from Eddie, as said in a previous post, the watch is of great quality overall.

    Only problem is that the bottom edges of the case are razor sharp, I'd like to round them off slightly, maybe to match the top edges.

    My question is what method/tools do you use to do this? Is it best to go buy a dremel and some wheels, or should I get some files and do it by hand?

  7. Just got mine today as well... My wife says it looks like a Seiko :Jumpy::blink:

    My thoughts are that this is an excellent quality reop that will last for years and years, Not sure what the differences are between rep and gen on the design features are, except for reading in another post about the date font and AR coat... No problem there.

    The bracelet is excellent and works just like the real deal :thumbsupsmileyanim: If only other brands' bracelets used this mechanism for adding and removing links!!!

    The only thing that upset me with this watch is that the bottom edges of the case are razor sharp... and I'm NOT exaggerating... They are dangerous sharp and must be smoothed down :thumbdown: I can't believe that they did such a fine job all around and forgot these edges :blink:

    Besides that, this is a great piece, a little bit of a sleeper, but I'll be wearing it for a few days anyway to get into it.

    Wear it well M :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim:

  8. SMP Pro Chrono. Listed it for 2 months on RWG, no one wanted it until krustybrand scooped it up. I can easily get one with full box and papers now for $1300 or so, like new. A Ti Chrono one now goes on TZ about $1300 average.

    I honestly don't remember that Admin, wish I saw that now having a little more dispoasable income... Guess it's over to Timezone :whistling:

  9. Relume, pearl to fix and genuine 7750, would put you at something like $700 when completely done, and you still have a rep in the end. I sold my genuine for $1000 a few months ago. No matter what you do to it, it's still a rep in the end, the quality just isn't up there with the genuine, and a $300 difference is a no-brainer.

    Was that a SMP pro chrono, or just an SMP pro... If it was the chrono, I wish I saw that one going!!

    Never ever seen one go for $1k, that's what the standard smp pros are going for second hand these days.

    I paid about $US3000 for my titanium version of the same watch about 7-8 years ago.

  10. paint on the subdial hands might be a little rough.. otherwise indistinguishable.

    my next purchase 100%.

    Ditto that...

    I got EL's IWC Ingenier coming and Joshua's Tag chrono... and now this pops up. A week ago, my watch box was pure Panerai, next week will be a good start to diversity. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Ths is definately the best year so far for reps, and the worst for my wallet :Jumpy:

  11. I had this model in titanium with the blue wave pattern, what a beautiful watch! At the time, it was too big for me and I never wore it :blink: ... If I could only see into the future :rolleyes:


    Back to the PO chrono... Saw this at the AD the other day and it is a stunning watch, more so I feel than the plain PO.

    Neil's watch pictured above does it great justice, and with a great price to boot...

    By Thor is right on the money in regards to subdial spacing... It will never be right to the Omega co-axial escapement movement, it just won't happen, but right up there is surely an excellent facsimile of the closest you can get.

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