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Posts posted by slay

  1. My experience so far was that girls are more interested into PAMs than any other watches. Because they look different than a regular watch and are somehow stylish in their eyes. They would probably not notice an Omega, but definetly a PAM! Almost all the compliments/questions about watches I got from girls were about pams!

  2. It's not a watch, its a packages from the US, shiped via global priority I think. Or EMS, I dunno!

    It says:

    Your item cleared customs at 2:39 pm on October 04, 2006. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

    Thats like 3 days ago. I have never had this happening, usualy if any items clears customs, it here the next day. If not, the day after that, but never later!

    Let's assume the tracking information is correct, where could the package be? I know patience and all that, it's just that I check all the time and today when the doorbell rang, I got up from bed and was all exited and stuff and the stupid mailmen gave me a freakin book I get every month from a publishing company that only sells their books to members. It's not like customs could snag the package, its only clothes, but still GNAAHHH!!!!!!

  3. the french are just known not to put up with [censored]! if the government doesnt do stuff for them, they will rebell against it. thats why I love french ppl. they would never say "hey, I vote for that president, because he's against gay marriage! the heck with poltics, who cares about them?"

    they stand up and fight!

    oh and btw. chieftang without them french, your country wouldnt be independent! you'd be the [censored] of the crown. I'm pretty thankfull for most of the things the french did in the past! modern democracy was born in france and not in america.

    almost forgot to mention, I will be in france (paris) next weekend lol

  4. I got some cape cod's in the mail today and I thought about polishing the bridges of one of my G-Series movements so it gets a shiny look like the gen.

    The Rep movements are not polished to a mirror finish, they have little brushmarks on them. How should I best do it? I tried to rub the cloth on the bridge for a few minutes (I used a LOT of pressure, I even used a Screwdriver with cape cod around its top) but it still doesnt have the mirror finish I want it to have. I always thought those cape cods are like some sort of magical stuff that makes everything shiny as a mirror?

    I then put some of the cloth around the dremel and tryed that, but it still doesnt have that mirror finish I want it to have. Whats the magic trick? How should I do it to get the finish I want? It looks a little bit better than before, but I really want it to look like a mirror!

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