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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. On average this topic crops up about every month, it's always interesting to read how one defines and justifies partaking in an illegal hobby. Everyone has their different reasons for doing so, I think the danger is when people buy them to pass them off as gens (not at a point of resale, but in everyday life), I came across someone that did this and it made me question their integrity and what else they might tell little white lies about.

    Buy a rep, wear it as a rep. Have fun with it :)

  2. Looks very accurate this one! Not my cup of tea, but a great replica none the less!

    Totally agree TT. It's like saying a genuine Rolex is a scam because they are priced very highly, where in fact it is the industry standard. Just because a product throughout the whole market is overpriced doesn't make it a scam, it's called marketing, if you don't like the price don't buy it. Simple :)

  3. CBR I am glad it turned out ok for you in the end. I can tell by your posts that you are a relaxed person, and with training behind you, all the better.

    Speaking generally here, what would make me wary of drawing a firearm, or knife in this situation is the unpredicatbility that it can cause in the other person. As a martial artist of many years, I have learnt that it can often be the ones that don't train who can sometimes be the hardest to predict, as they often move in very random and unpredicatble ways (part of the reason why Bruce developed JKD - free plug haha) So after reading my waffle for the last paragraph, what I mean is that as a relaxed and trained person, who had full composure, and control of the situation, it could have gone one of two ways;

    They could have done as they did and surrendered

    They could have pulled a gun and shot at you, possibly harming you.

    The second scenario would have been beyond the control of anyone, and in fact although you were trained and compsosed, in drawing the gun, you have created a less than favourable situation.

    This post is by no means a statement against the actions that you did CBR, and in fact I admire your actions, as it is true that training can help combat theft - with power comes responsibility. My post does however raise the concerns that I have when faced with someone in the street who is adversely affecting my interests. For instance, I would have no problem in defending myself against multiple attackers, yet, if I do, I am playing a game of probabilities that one of them doesn't have a firearm or a knife, because that kind of thing can rapidly change the odds to go against you.

  4. I agree with your thoughts entirely Phoband, and it is definitely nice to see less of a link between the dealers, although to what extent it is, I don't know. I would suspect that there aren't many new factories setting up to make these replica's and I also imagine there haven't been many disagreements, as there can't be that many factories producing these watches - so conflict would see a big loss in income for the 'collectors' here. There could be some kind of agreement behind the scenes, that some collectors will retail certain watches publicly, whilst the others they will list quietly . As an example dealer A and dealer B both have watches x and y. Dealer A markets watch X publicly, and merely lists watch Y, Dealer B quietly lists watch X, and publicly releases watch Y - this is pure speculation on my part though, more of a theory than a view I hold.

    I think the golden age was reached roughly august last year. The new reps that are being produced are still of amazing aesthetical quality, but what has dulled down my enthusiasm for purchasing the newer ones is mainly down to not knowing what movement I will get. I don't want this thread to go off on a tangent and I don't want to spark another movement discussion, as this is not what this thread is about, but for me, that is why I feel the golden age was last year.

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