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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. I would assume many would. Most nations with capital punishment, don't use throat-slitting as a method to kill the convicted. If it is so humane and supposed to be painless, why isn't it used as a method?

    I would say this is due to policy reasons. People would perceive it as inhumane due to the visual effect of slitting ones throat. I watched a program on the best capital punishment method. They concluded the best way is to provide air with less particles of oxygen in it (less dense). It has the effect of placing the 'victim' into a spaced out mood due to lack of oxygen, and they slowly die, but it causes no pain, and they lose their concious thought and do not care that they will die. Was very interesting, but it could get quite expensive taking cows on Ryanair flights then opening the doors, or puttin them in deoxygenating chambers :)

  2. A - the AR on the SOSF ETA version is very good

    B - have never seen the misaligned bezel issue, could you post a picture? I think this could be luck of the draw rather than Swiss/Asian versions as they use the same case

    C - asian comes with mineral, ETA comes with superthick sapphire. For the money I would just send the mineral crystal off for an AR coating!

    I wouldn't buy the gen as the rep is one of the best reps around in terms of both look and feel. I would plump your money on something else, something theyhavent repped very well, like the SMP. Alternatively go for something like the Colt which is similar, but again hasn't been repped all that well, see UB7's for pictures, it's a beuaty!

  3. You are correct, and I am very guilty of NIMBYISM in relation to this. In the perfect world, I would agree 100% with what you are saying. Humans do not need meat to survive, so why continue to kill animals. If you keep hitting your head against the wall it hurts, so you stop, easy.

    However, I don't think that just because we know that we can survive without meat should prevent us from eating it. Our 'intellgience' has given us options, we can import organic foods from around the world now, so yes vegetarian diets are easily possible. However, if we all resorted to eating green, what affect would this have on the wrold's ecosystem. I am no scientist but I believe that it would cause a severe imbalance in the worlds ecosystem - this is very much a speculation based on nothing more than an educated guess.

    At the moment humans are at the top of the food chain. Killing animals is what we do, and it was we will contine to do, no amount of will power will stop this. I don't think killing animals is anymore inhumane than politicians leading people into thinking we can stop global warming.....ooops lets not go there :)

  4. Humans in certain parts of the world (namely Europe) have always eaten meat from day one because they didn't know how to grow their own food. The British didn't know a lot of basic stuff until the Romans came along and had to teach them these things.

    I fear that what I said was taken too literally. I was merely pointing out tht for a very long time, meat has been a main constituent of our diet, , and that it will continue to be.

    How else is a lion supposed to get its food, it can't sweet talk a gazelle to death, it can't wish it to death, its a natural hunter, and has been equipped with a body suited to hunt, (sharp claws, sharp teeth, powerful muscles).

    Again, wasn't meant to be taken so literally, it was just to demonstrate that in life you will always have one entity above another, one has to be sacrificed for the other. The rich and poor, the prey and the predator, Manchester United and Liverpool (I hate it when Liverpool lose haha)

    And if for whatever reason, one day we as humans are no longer at the top of the food chain, and are instead hunted down AS food by other animals, I take it that you will be OK to accept that?

    Thankfully I will never be in a position to have to accept that. If I were to be subject to that situation, then I would have no choice, it all comes down to natural selection at the end of the day. Humans for the foreseeable future will always be at the top, I'm not quite sure that it is a relevant argument whether I would put up wth per se, because I will never have to. Animals have to put up with it, they are not intelligent enough to be at the top of the food chain. However I don't think that animals sit there in their last seconds pondering on 'what if's', because there power of reasoning is not strong enough, they live, they die.

    It might be interesting to point out that I am totally against the inhumane treatment of animals, and to a large extent agree with your points, however I know full well that I can do nothing about it, and I wouldn't want to, I enjoy meat as part of my diet.

  5. I have joined this quite late and therefore haven't read alot of the posts. However, humans have killed animals for food since day one. Its the food chain. Cows eat grass, we eat the cow. The gazelle grazes, the lion hunts gazelle.

    Of course the killing of animals may not be done in the most humane way, but it is no more barbaric than a lion tearing the throat of the gazelle. It is true that the human doesn't 'need' meat, however humans have always eaten meat. Just because we are in a better position to know the consequences of our actions for me doesn't justify an argument that says we should stop eating animals for food.

  6. Quick question: What is the size of the band? Wondering if my 8" wrist would love an HBB or not.

    I have a 7.5 wrist (roughly) and there is about .5 o an inch left. You could punch a couple more holes too, so should have no problems

    If this were my watch, I would be looking for a way to engrave the rotor....

    I'm on the case at the moment, trying to find a local engraver who could do the work

  7. Ok, first of all I am the first to admit I have never been attracted entirely to the HBB. However, after constant photo's from other memebrs, I came to like the watch, although I can say I would never have thought about buying one.

    That is, untill I saw Repaustria having thie for trade. I at the same time had my gen Aerospace for sale, and offered the trade.

    When it arrived all I could summon my brain to think was 'WOW'. The build of this watch is unbelievable, it is comparable to the Breitling and my SMP in terms of quality.

    It comes with fully serviced Swiss built movement with added jewels for reduced friction, superlumed hands and some othe goodies that I forget without referring to an email I can't find at the moment. It runs very well, keeping similar time to my gen SMP.

    It is the kind of watch that you look at your wrist for the sake of seeing your watcj, not to tell the time. I keep finding myself doing this!

    The pictures;




    Group shot;


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